Blistered p@ck

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Why are b1istered p@cks preferable to tabs? I am concluding they are preferred because they are pricier. I've always wondered this but never bothered to ask, as the choice between them is not often present with the supplies/vends I use.

I assume it is because bl1stering increases likelihood the contents are legit? But even trusted vendors prices go >> for bl1stered. Is that because even they can receive bunk stuff?

Or is it something else

That was a poorly worded second sentence. I meant to say that I'm basing my statement that BP are preferred on the fact that if you had 100  XYZ tabs, 100 tabs of XYZ bl1stered would cost more. Why?

It's almost allways a delivery thing as loose oils don't rattle like blistered ones and you can pack more loosely.

Hope that helps you out @HeirCroc1 



I don't buy BP, see them as apples bought in wrappers which are no different to apples bought loose!  See the note re my comment content being approved!  Nothing suspect about me, or my comments, unless you count seldom posting!  Pleased to be back on website posting!

@Bunty    Wha? :)

I feel like there is general feeling with all meds that  blister pack ensures some level of legitimacy or safety. I cannot attest to the veracity of this claim. I have no different experience with BP or loose items. One is generally cheaper than the other, but for the vendors with whom I communicate, there is no difference in quality.  

Glad I read this,  I didn't know most have a preference  over the BP or tabs. 

Blistered packs may have a little less breakage, but in my book they're not worth the extra money. Reputable vendors sell both, but hosp. Packaging is as good or better.

Yes, For the buyer it's about making sure they are legit and fresh (exp date), when blistered and boxed, also for hygene and presentation purposes if re selling.

On the shipper side, you can fit way more loose tabs into a package than blistered, also, no ratteling of blister packs.

In my experience, it depends on which vendor. I’ve gotten some meds that were listed as blister package but it was the worst packaging I’ve ever seen. It was obvious to me they did it themselves as well as pressed the meds too. I’ve gotten loose items from a different vendor and were glorious. I used to be drawn to blister packaging exclusively, until I experienced both. 

More than a decade ago, when forums like this were rare or not supported/existing for my part of the world, you weren't able to just read a review about a vendor and then be sure if it's a yay or nay. 

So if you were lucky enough to find someone after hours and days of searching, you just had to trust what that people were telling you. And if you decided to do so and actually placed an order for a generic supplement you've never heard the name of, from a (mostly :lol: )sketchy dude from a foreign country, you never knew what you'll get in the end of the day(or if you even get something at all). 

I've had a lot loose vitamins which then came out to be just pressed milk-sugar.. or supps with no imprint, bad shape/pressing or they were just plain,white and round(my favorite... :D ) without ANY kind of identification mark. So if this was the case, for me, the risk was too high and the products went straight down the toilet. People can put any kind of shit in p1lls and tell you that those "are the best around" just to make $$. But if you can't be sure about the actual ingredients, you generally better leave it(at least that's my philosophy on safer use)...

And that's why I preferred bl1s3red packaging. Even if a supplement has no imprint or other identification mark, you could take the info from the bl1ster, search it up and at least compare the original vitamins and packaging with the product that you received. Also there are batch no. and manufacturing/exp dates on them.

So if the products you received had the exact same measurements, color, shape, bl1ster design(and so on) as the original ones you looked up on the manufacturers site, it got you a big step closer to be sure that you received the real deal and didn't get scammed...

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Main reason for going with blistered other than scam potential is simply this: Flying with your meds is actually now possible 😁

Instead of having to place a whole new order and attempt to time the shipping and receiving correctly, you can take your meds with you on the plane when traveling. If you had to mail them to yourself I would think mailing blistered to yourself could possibly be legal also. However, why bother when u can simply just put it in your bags this way? Very convient and important to remember not to try traveling with your meds loose.

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