It’s been many years since I’ve talked to a lot of family members over my abuse of drugs. I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of, and honestly was ashamed to even speak to many of these people. I have finally contacted many of them and apologized and tried to make things right. These are people I assumed I’d never talk to again. If anyone here is in the same boat, I would say it’s worth a try to reach out and try and reconnect. Many accepted my apologies with tears of happiness. very few are still bitter and unwilling to accept an apology. The worst case scenario is they are unwilling to accept a genuine apology. I am very glad I have decided to do this, even though I was very reluctant to do so. The worst case scenario is that you hear an earful (which is likely fair). I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest, and I feel like this may benefit many members here. Best of luck to all of you.