C Diff, Lyme's Disease, Norovirus, et el


Oct 5, 2015
Hi, been meaning to ask the community for advice and help earlier but it has taken me literally everything I have to keep up with my limited work schedule and take care of the new one. I kick myself in the head because there is a plethora of knowledge on here that would have helped me out so much because the physical ailments have taken a toll but the psychological effects have been even harder and I have a hard time asking for help at times. Just last weekend my wife went away for the weekend so I could rest since I have an active c diff infection and rest along with vanco are pretty much all I can do at the moment (already tried flagyl). Then around noon on Friday I started to experience severe stomach flu symptoms which my wife and son already got so to say it was a tough weekend is an understatement. The only thing I could do was sleep on the couch, go to the bathroom and drink adult electrolytes that I had pre-made in the fridge. Luckily it was time to make them bc I wouldn't have had the energy to make them when I got full blown sick. And this week I found it it wasn't a simple stomach virus; it was the Norovirus that was going around daycare and my GI specialist said that if I was an avid runner and kept myself hydrated that there would have been a good possibility I might not be here to recount this (my wife made me call my doctor Sunday when she saw me bc she was about to take me to the ER). But I have already gotten ahead of myself so I am going to start from the beginning.

My wife gave birth to a wonderful boy earlier this year and my running pace was never the same since. I just figured it was fatigue associated with the late night feedings and working 60-70 hours per week and still keeping my exercise schedule. I suffer from anxiety so I overdue the exercise and tend to hurt myself in the process but other then that I have been relatively healthy. Then in mid June my wife and I came down from Strep that we got from our son and the smarter one took us to urgent care and I got prescribed amoxicillin and something else for pink eye. To be honest, this was the first antibiotic I remember taking in 20 years. 5 days later my wife was back to normal but I got worse. She dragged me to my PCP in the beginning of July and they ran a full blood panel. I got diagnosed with Lyme's Disease and c diff so they put me on some heavy antibiotics for both (I got c diff from the amoxy). I am used to sleeping 4-5 hours per night and now I couldn't even get out of bed. I was physically paralyzed and it took me everything I had to do simple things like take the dog out and change diapers, bathe the little one etc. We are not wealthy and I was terrified of losing my job so I asked my doctor to give me a note saying that I could work 20 hours per week if capable. I am fortunate to have great benefits and I can work from home but during this time period I had no idea what short term disability was and it was quarter close which is the busiest time for me. I was terrified of losing my job not knowing I was protected under STD and they took forever to approve STD. HR just kept saying relax and rest but my manager wanted everything as usual. Looking back I have no idea how I made it through these days. My boss was clueless bc he would keep me on the phone and I told him I was getting sick and had to go to the bathroom for the 10th time that day and he would just wait. The fatigue was/is the hardest thing to deal with but I have finally been able to cope. In my 20s I was an alcoholic and drug addict and quit cold turkey and the shakes, the sweats, the sleepless nights and hallucinations didn't even compare to what I have been going through. I have been taking too much x@nax and v@lium recently but I can always cut that back once I start exercising in full again. Right now I am on a 8 week taper for vancomycin and I am simply hoping this will do the trick. It was supposed to be a 6 week taper but last weekend threw that out the window. I have a colonoscopy lined up for next week so hopefully my GI do will be able to rule other things out as well. In short I am kicking myself for not asking for support earlier because this has been BRUTAL psychologically.  Coming close to dying last weekend was pretty tough and I know there are many people that have chronic and terminal diseases that make what I am going through look like a picnic. I have a total new appreciation for health issues and my outlook on life has matured by a couple of decades. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read and hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!! I might have missed a summer but I am looking forward to an incredible fall. And I would love to hear back from anyone that has experienced anything similar and would like to share. much love, pb&j

I had c diff from ciprofloxacin antibiotics and the ER doctors didn't believe I had it! Even looking at my stool!! It was clear as day. I dealt with the pain for 2 months until I went to a new physician and told him what I thought I had, did stool sample and put on flagyl to fix it.

The pain that comes with c diff I don' wish on anyone ever! It was so painful :(

I had c diff last February from 2 antibiotics for 2 infections at the same time. It was pure hell. I was so sick and weak. I had just gotten a new puppy the week before. I also had a horrific parasitic infection 9 years ago that nearly killed me, so I can really relate. Have been tested twice for Lyme, but both were negative.

Be really careful you don’t get dehydrated and clean everything with bleach. I lived on sports drinks and chicken broth. The bleach is really important- not just a bleach cleaner but bleach.

i feel for you- I really hope you start feeling better. The vanco is so awful. When it’s finished you will feel better. Mine hasn’t relapsed - Knock wood- and I’m on antibiotics now. Hiociamine (so) helped too! Good luck, and feel free to message me. 

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  1. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Snowbank!
  2. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Where do snowmen put their money?
  3. R @ rasetreydir: @ Telp: Same to you! New Year's Blessings upon the whole DBG forum; without exception. Especially among those that suffer here in silence.
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: man it's been like a week since i've seen a rockychoc certified pun in here i think i'm gonna have a mental breakdown
  5. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Lol wtf
  6. Telp @ Telp: @rasetreydir Have a blessed new year friend!
  7. D @ d-stealth_us: Happy New YEAR 🎊
  8. R @ rasetreydir: Lord Almighty, thank you as you have blessed us with a new year that will be full of opportunity to continue to spread the good news and redeem us sinners who will know love through your son Jesus Christ. For he shall console the sorrowful, heal the sick, love the sinner and counsel the doubtful. Amen.
  9. M @ Mammasboi123: Happy new year fam!!
  10. B @ BenjaminButn: happy new years everyone. here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2025!
  11. K @ knofflebon: Happy New Year! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!
  12. CnC5 @ CnC5: HAPPY NEW YEARS 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
  13. R @ reddevil: Happy new year's everyone
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: Happy New Years to you as well @Layne_Cobain btw bro i absolutely love your user name! 🖤
  15. Jason @ Jason: Happy New Year
  16. L @ Layne_Cobain: Happy new years y’all enjoy your mags be safe and If venturing out take a Fkn Uber; it ain’t worth it!! 🚗 👮‍♀️ 🚨 🔒
  17. G @ GABAtastic: Happy New Year to my DBG fam and friends. Wish my mags were here before New Years lol but it’ll be great!
  18. Vino @ Vino: Both you guys compete AND it's wonderful to see such camaraderie!! Happy New Year to ALL
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: You as well @CnC5 and everyone else on here!
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone here at DBG i hope everyone has a great & prosperous NEW YEAR!!!s