I am interested in codeine compared to 100 mg. tramadol. 50mg. tramadol is too light for me. 100 mg. works good but it is hard on my kidneys. 100 mg. tramadol seems similar to the low dose oxycodone I get from a doctor. ,5-325mg. as to pain relief. The 325 must be for the acetamin. I am not sure what the 5 stands for since one of the posters had usage as high as 120mg. codeine. I asked a pharmacist as to how the strength comparing 60 mg. codeine to the standard oxycodone and he said the oxycodone would be stronger. Has anyone tried 60mg. codeine and 100 mg. tramadol?Thing is, I'm used to codeine, never tried tramadol, but the tramadol is much cheaper, which is handy for me right now.
Are they equivalent in dosage/potency?
Hey, so what does gabapentin do exactly? Is it solely to ease the effects of withdrawal from opiates? Or is it potentially addictive itself?I have dozens of bottles of 300 mgs ganapentin,spouse rarely takes these. I read how a person should take any opiate FIRST,then take the gabapentin. Also, if taking gaba(just to abbreviate), they should take with a cola, wait an hour,take another etc etc..have you experience with this? I've kept them in case I have opioid withdrawl, along with saved clonidine. They sure help!!
They potentiate, if you take the o piod FIRST then take the gabapentin. If you take G first, you potentiate the gabapentin. Ive read this on other websies we vant cite those. Fur ther, i g et a buzz from them if i do empt stomach, c arbknated bev, and stagger the dosing. Search this out... Als o, do help with withdrswlHey, so what does gabapentin do exactly? Is it solely to ease the effects of withdrawal from opiates? Or is it potentially addictive itself?
Hi, I know this thread goes back a bit, but I just read the second to last sentence in your post. So....your pharmacist stated that a 5mg oxccceee was STRONGER than a 60 mg Cohdeene? I disagree, IMHO definitely the 60 Coh. is stronger but the feeling is qualitatively different. Disclaimer though - I definitely prefer HydeRow over Ocksee, but even aside from that - Coh just feels "different." Still warm and fuzzy, and I would say definitely MORE pain relief than a 5mg Ocks, but less energy/feeling of mental well-being. If I were having a surgery or injury I would take 60 mg Cohd any time over 5mg Oks OR Hyde for pain relief. But even after years of intermittent usage, I would want at least something in my stomach prior to the 60....due to a bit of nausea (not stomach "pain", but just nausea). Now, if we were talking about a 30mg Code, I would deny and say a 5 Ocks is better - but a 60 Code wins IMHO....I am interested in codeine compared to 100 mg. tramadol. 50mg. tramadol is too light for me. 100 mg. works good but it is hard on my kidneys. 100 mg. tramadol seems similar to the low dose oxycodone I get from a doctor. ,5-325mg. as to pain relief. The 325 must be for the acetamin. I am not sure what the 5 stands for since one of the posters had usage as high as 120mg. codeine. I asked a pharmacist as to how the strength comparing 60 mg. codeine to the standard oxycodone and he said the oxycodone would be stronger. Has anyone tried 60mg. codeine and 100 mg. tramadol?