Cabergoline Male Sex Enhancer


Apr 27, 2012
Anyone use this with good results for:

A) awesome sexual side effects

/default_cool.png reduction of prolactin in m

Input wanted. Thanks :)

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Dostinex/cabergoline lowers prolactin.

It's commonly used by bodybuilders on 19-nor compunds that cause progesterone related effetcs, like erectile dysfunction and prolaction induced gyno.

I'm not sure how it effects women, but in men who aren't using steroids, it results in a reduced refractory period during sex, increased libido, increased quality of sleep, and increased testosterone levels.  

There are three prolactin reducing drugs I'm aware of, Bromo, Prami, and caber.  Caber is supposedly the best and negative side effect free, but is also the most expensive, and needs to be purchased in rx form.  

If I had $$$$$$$$$$ to BURN I would be on this year round.

Just don't buy it off a RC site or in liquid form.  It's not stable when suspended in liquid.  RX tabs only.

As for where to get them, there is a certain email vendor that can get them if you ask, but they aren't on his list.

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I tried it once during a Tren cycle...i dont know if it was a bogus brand or not, but it did nothing for me.

Ive used it during a deca cycle and standalone, its all hype.

As a sexual aid it didnt inhibit prolactin for myself. Still recovery time was an hour after lol

As Galaxie states its used as a AI for progesterone related aromatisation from the 19 Nor drugs.

Ive used it during a deca cycle and standalone, its all hype.
if you used RC grade then yes it seemed if was all hype because caber isn't stable in liquid. I've cabaser on cycle and it definitely works but is expensive and often difficult to find legit human grade/pharm grade.

I take Caber/Cabaser and am very familiar with it. As someone stated, 19-nor steroids will raise prolactin levels men...and prolactin it the strongest inhibitor of the male libido. Like dude trust me, if your prolactin is high your dick will absolutley not work. Might as well not even have one. So i take just as a precaution while i am taking Trenbalone(19-nor) or Nandralone(Nandralone is a 19-nor. Deca and NPP are both Nandralone). Anyways, I take Caber on these two compounds and i take 1mg per week split doses, so .5mg twice a week. I love Caber for real!!!! It does in fact give a good boost in libido because of the shutting down of prolactin excretion. Another badass thing, and its why myself along with tons of others have even taken Caber recreationally for sex, is that Caber shortens the male refractory period a SHIT LOAD. Refractory period is the time from the moment you ejaculate till youre horny hard amd ready to go again. Yeah, yall know what im talking about!! BUT...on Caber when i have sex i go to town, ejaculate...and im literally just as horny as i was and my erection pretty much stays as is, if not its back up in 3 to 5mins. I love it!!!

Be careful though. There are studies that have shown Caber to weaken the walls of the left ventricle of the heart...aka heart damage. Just know that the dosages given in the studies were that of what a Parkinsons patient would like 300+ times more than the 1mg i take. 

I see this thread was originally started awhile back but I will throw in my two cents as this information is timeless.  I have not used cabergoline, but have used pramipexole which has a similar mechanism of action.  I didn't notice any increase in libido, but I absolutely noticed that it greatly decreased the latency time between orgasm and being able to get another erection.  It also had a decent effect on time to orgasm, which is always a plus.  I'm not sure if prami has the same cardiovascular risk as caber, though. 

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  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
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