Can Customs Notify Script Monitoring System Of Seized Controlled Meds?

Trudy L

Aug 3, 2013
Wondering if customs can or does report seized meds to a state's prescription monitoring system? I've never received a LL, but if/when it happens, is there ANY chance my MD would find out since he uses my state's monitoring database?

That's a good question but I kind of doubt it. I've been lucky and not had an LL. I also let my Dr know I order some of my meds from overseas to save money. IDK what you are ordering but I've got an Rx for most of the stuff I order.

If it did happen I would just tell the Dr you were looking for a cheaper source. As long as you are ordering no more than something close to a 90 day supply it would probably be okay. So, with Rx prices so high here, tell your Dr you are looking online for a cheaper source. As long as it's not a pk he shouldn't have a problem with it. Then if you did get a LL and it was reported you could tell the Dr you were trying a source a friend told you was cheaper than the local price.

There would not be enough information to positively ID you and link you to the interdicted package contents.  No SSN, DOB, etc.  An address and name alone are not enough for the monitoring system.  It would also be a violation of HIPAA.  S-

Lord knows nobody violates HIPAA

But yes, I agree. Not enough info. Don't go telling your Dr.

Trudy, he will only find out if he's a member of this board and recognizes your name -  No real board names! Just dumb nicknames(kidding).

Thank you everyone for your comments! I have never ever received an LL myself, but since about two orders in the past 4 years never made it, I assumed that's where they got stopped and destroyed (or enjoyed by the agent!). And yes, he would not recognize my pseudonym anyways :)

Definitely good info to know (although something I'd never considered) - love the ever-knowledgeable Hooter!

HB - Did you catch Snoop at the recent Kennedy Center concert honoring Herbie Hancock?  Dawg... /default_biggrin.png

Years ago, first thing I ordered was intercepted. I didn't even get a LL. Just a note on the tracking number in the shippers system "SEIZED AND DESTROYED BY CUSTOMS". This freaked me out for a first attempt. But I notified the vendor and they told me not to worry and they reshipped. Luckily never received one yet. As I write this and think back, the vendor shipped in those god awful blisters. When I did get the re-ship and it sounded like a rattlesnake I wondered how everything was not "intercepted" from them. (Why some still ship this way is beyond me). Last year a friend of mine on their second order got a LL, and they sent it back stating to "Get rid of it". As I have learned here the best thing is to toss them in the green box outisde It still makes me wonder if there would be any futher recourse for them becasue they mailed it back?

HIPAA ? Yeah this is violated every single day. 2 years of working in the health care field re-certification is a normal regular process. And yet it is violated day in and day out. But answer as so wonderfully put by _X_  is NO. The state prescription monitoring system was put in place for those that go from shop to shop with the same story. /default_smile.png Seems like the only people this is for are people that have yet to take the plunge online as it is MUCH more expensive to spend your days going from city to city, clinic to clinic pitching their story for a RX to pay to get filled at our awesomly low state pricing of meds.

My *wondering* has always been WHY Dr.s force us to come back every 2 months, in person, before they will refill something? I know it is so they can charge us 200.0 to print a piece of paper. And then they sit back and wonder why we go else where. "Doctor? I have been on this same med for 10 years. Why are you wasting both of our time?"  Sorry, had to vent a moment.

I see this topic is a bit old but got bumped. I would say customs has a hard enough time just seizing packages, then filling out the paperwork, and the reporting it would take a lot of time. They are overworked and understaffed as it is. So I will also say a definite "no."

I got a love letter a few years ago, 2011.  It gave me a fright, so stopped ordering ( 100 phen 10mg ) , and ordered started ordering Moda instead.  Tempted to try ordering again, but each time I've had a package from China the last few years, be it meds/moda or random gifts from ebay, 50% of them have been opened by customs.  I can only assume, i'm on their blacklist.

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I had my past job..unfortunately "Be the man" and print PMPs..even the methadone maintenance patients are kept off secondary to HIPPA. When I was working we once got a call that a cash paying patient was also using his wifes blue cross n blue shield to dose at a local clinic. I couldn't find it if I had wanted, and didn't bother even charting it. His scorned ex girlfriend eventually went over my head and tried again, actually coming into the office ranting an raving. Couldn't help him that time as the provider heard and made the call to the clinic in his office. The cash cow ran out. And he had a RIDICULOUS md rx. I also was responsible for the pill counts. quid pro quo? Lol. No honestly, no one ever lost their prescription on my watch. Unless they were being ridiculous. They always managed to get tipped off. ;-)

And speaking of doctors..we are off to see a nutcase psych now. Strong write arm. Cats eye glasses. Ghetto office. Good day!!

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Shipping within the US states, if a package is being shipped from US state to US state is it likely to get confiscated or seized? Whats the normal protocol for situation like that or is it very unlikely? Has anybody ever had a first hand experience with this? I'm sure it would all depend on what sort of medication is being shipped.. Something like Viagra?.. probably they wouldn't even care.. But I'm talking some harder PK's .. I'm betting that the government has more time on their hands then the custom authorities do?  This is all paranoia induced theory tho haha.. Does the risk outweigh the reward? I'm sure the seasoned DBG members have heard this question a million times.. I'm a novice - apprentice level lol.. Just trying to gain knowledge! Thoughts / comments / input / suggestions / Always appreciated!

Shipping within the US states, if a package is being shipped from US state to US state is it likely to get confiscated or seized? Whats the normal protocol for situation like that or is it very unlikely? Has anybody ever had a first hand experience with this? I'm sure it would all depend on what sort of medication is being shipped.. Something like Viagra?.. probably they wouldn't even care.. But I'm talking some harder PK's .. I'm betting that the government has more time on their hands then the custom authorities do?  This is all paranoia induced theory tho haha.. Does the risk outweigh the reward? I'm sure the seasoned DBG members have heard this question a million times.. I'm a novice - apprentice level lol.. Just trying to gain knowledge! Thoughts / comments / input / suggestions / Always appreciated!
​Shipping within the US is safe since there is no customs to go through.  Unless a package is leaking or has a strong suspicious odor there is no reason it would be looked at twice. 

 Feel lucky if you have not been caught buying controlled meds from abroad,of course customs can seize packages and report it to state authorities.

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  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
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  8. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
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  11. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
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