Can you get a buzz from Kratom?

@US Army Veteran I felt pretty damn good after I had my Superior Red Dragon this morning.  It did not give me a strong buzz, but i most definitely felt it.   The sensation that washed over me was nice and warm....comparable to taking a weak benzo without getting the tired, lethargic feeling that a benzo can give you.

Thats just my experience....I took 3.5 grams of the Superior Red Dragon and drank it down in a glass of room temp water.   I dont mind the taste as I find it earthy and kind of refreshing.   The stuff I had was a nice fine powder so it mixed up with the water nicely.

@US Army Veteran I felt pretty damn good after I had my Superior Red Dragon this morning.  It did not give me a strong buzz, but i most definitely felt it.   The sensation that washed over me was nice and warm....comparable to taking a weak benzo without getting the tired, lethargic feeling that a benzo can give you.

Thats just my experience....I took 3.5 grams of the Superior Red Dragon and drank it down in a glass of room temp water.   I dont mind the taste as I find it earthy and kind of refreshing.   The stuff I had was a nice fine powder so it mixed up with the water nicely.
I got some from a local head shop and it came in the form of pills. Should I be taking the powder out of the capsules?

@US Army Veteran   I think its a matter of personal preference.  I have a digital scale so I can weigh out the exact amount I want and take it that way.  I also think the powder is cheaper in the long run.  If you are happy with capsules then I would continue to use them.   I just like the powder better cuz I think it hits you a little faster and I think it makes more sense economically.

@US Army Veteran   I ordered from the Herbal Cafe.  I received my order Monday morning after ordering Friday and the shipping was free.  I also received a bunch of samples.   I found the experience to be pretty awesome.   

Good Luck on whatever you try!!

@aintnouse Do you have a favorite vendor for Kratom?  I am wondering if a certain vendor or vendors provide a better product -- in your opinion.

@BellaDonna  I used the Herbal Cafe.   They have a great website and a huge selection.  They shipped same day and if your order is over $50, you get free shipping.  I also got a bunch of free samples with my order and I could not have been happier with them.  They have a thread on here and there are a few reviews to check out.   I recommend them wholeheartedly.  I am fairly new to kratom but the stuff I received seemed to be great quality and I liked the sensation a lot.  It was subtle, yet I felt it and it was pleasant! 

@US Army Veteran I felt pretty damn good after I had my Superior Red Dragon this morning.  It did not give me a strong buzz, but i most definitely felt it.   The sensation that washed over me was nice and warm....comparable to taking a weak benzo without getting the tired, lethargic feeling that a benzo can give you.

Thats just my experience....I took 3.5 grams of the Superior Red Dragon and drank it down in a glass of room temp water.   I dont mind the taste as I find it earthy and kind of refreshing.   The stuff I had was a nice fine powder so it mixed up with the water nicely.
I feel exactly the same way, I take it and I just think I'm having a great day until the NEXT day when I don't take it and I realize I don't have that same Energy/Happy feeling. I have a mood disorder and I think my other half is in love with me taking Kratom lol. Seriously, pain,'s subtle but if you write down your 'Kratom days' ..I saw the light. And I still keep mine at a mix of like 2 grams of red, 2 grams of white or green. @US Army Veteran Head shops and Pills are a waste of money, and it's harder to find what works for you..Kratom is an some prefer Red Maeng Da more soothing, Some prefer White or Green with the stimulation. And if you look at most pills they say 5 pills for one dose, Kratom is best in small doses, with the powder you can always add a bit more after an hour if you don't quite feel a bit of 'happy' I just compare teaspoons or a cough syrup cup to measure, I toss n wash or mix with applesauce it's NOT that bad in my mind but I've also never taken the capsules. I hope you'll give it a try. Peace ~ Jax

I first heard about Kratom in early 2016.  I had read an internet article about a recovering opiate addict and had stumbled across it.  In brief, she said it was like a miracle drug.  It was a legal alternative that actually worked according to her.  So, with that bit of information I quickly did a google search and started breezing through the online shops.  I read about the different strains and their effects and made my choice.  I ordered some, it arrived and I tried it.  What do you know, it was amazing.  For the next six weeks I was in my own little heaven.  It was great.  The only thing that worried me was that I felt it was too good to last.

And it was, as luck would have it my job took me overseas for the next 14 months.  I am going to be cautious about protecting my privacy and not reveal where I was working.  However, the country had a ban on Kratom.  Thankfully there were no physical withdrawal symptoms but I did miss that energy boost to start the day off.  So the time goes by and one of the things that I am looking forward to is seeing my family and drinking so more of my delicious Kratom.  I had gone as far as to order some so that it would be ready and waiting on me.  I arrived home late at night so I waited until the next morning for that energy boost that I do missed.

Next morning I get up, I mix my Kratom with OJ and 7-UP and wait that agonizing 20 minutes for it to finally mix.  On a side note I hate the toss and wash.  Tried it a couple of times and it felt like I inhaled more then I drank.  So, I drink the nasty tasting concoction and wait for it to hit me.  Tick tock, tick tock and hardly anything.  I double check my Kratom like there really was something that I would find.  I double check my books and internet articles for dosage amounts and proper strains for energy and well being.  I had done everything correctly.  There I am thinking WTF.  Since then I have tried different suppliers and different strains trying to recapture that former greatness.  I've tripled checked everything that I know to find out what is different.  Since I've been back home I've had sporadic luck with Kratom.  Sometimes I will have a great drink and the next time it will be so so. 

In my heart of hearts something has changed with the supply or the sellers.  Back when I first started ordering Kratom all the drinks were great.  It wasn't hit or miss like now.  I went 14 months without any so there wasn't any tolerance issues.  During the time I was away working I only learned more.  I was a pretty much a novice when I first started drinking Kratom.  I just can't believe that over that first six weeks when I first started taking Kratom that I a novice got lucky that many times in a row.   Something changed.  I am suspicious by nature so I think suppliers are cutting it with something.  I don't mean to come off as sour grapes or as a conspiracy theorist but the results ( for me at least) speak volumes.  

I'm curious if anyone else here has had a similar experience.  Did I miss something concerning the industry while I was overseas?  I don't mean to offend any vendors here on DBG.  After I got back home I dropped a small fortune in online Kratom shops trying to see if there was a difference between them.  Obviously I've had no luck there.  I probably will review the comments in the vendor section here and try it again though.  The stuff I was getting back in early 2016 was that good.  I was even drinking it more often then recommended and still getting that noticeable boost of energy.  I really thought that first drink a couple of months ago was going to be like jet fuel after not having any (or anything else) for over a year.  Hey, I know I wrote a mini novel here but I wanted to cover everything.   I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on the topic.  And once again. I mean no offense to our vendors here on DBG as I have not tried their Kratom. I am rather hoping that with our review system that only the best vendors with quality product are allowed.  If you made it through all that Thank You and have a good one.

@gregf72 its likely that company sourced it differently than before.  I dont see any reason u should not have felt the desired effect.  I've taken it every day for approx 1.5-2 years. While it has upped slightly since i started, i have never found it enert unless it was from some b.s. supplier

I feel exactly the same way, I take it and I just think I'm having a great day until the NEXT day when I don't take it and I realize I don't have that same Energy/Happy feeling. I have a mood disorder and I think my other half is in love with me taking Kratom lol. Seriously, pain,'s subtle but if you write down your 'Kratom days' ..I saw the light. And I still keep mine at a mix of like 2 grams of red, 2 grams of white or green. @US Army Veteran Head shops and Pills are a waste of money, and it's harder to find what works for you..Kratom is an some prefer Red Maeng Da more soothing, Some prefer White or Green with the stimulation. And if you look at most pills they say 5 pills for one dose, Kratom is best in small doses, with the powder you can always add a bit more after an hour if you don't quite feel a bit of 'happy' I just compare teaspoons or a cough syrup cup to measure, I toss n wash or mix with applesauce it's NOT that bad in my mind but I've also never taken the capsules. I hope you'll give it a try. Peace ~ Jax
Ok I'll avoid the head shops and order from here. Thanks

I first heard about Kratom in early 2016.  I had read an internet article about a recovering opiate addict and had stumbled across it.  In brief, she said it was like a miracle drug.  It was a legal alternative that actually worked according to her.  So, with that bit of information I quickly did a google search and started breezing through the online shops.  I read about the different strains and their effects and made my choice.  I ordered some, it arrived and I tried it.  What do you know, it was amazing.  For the next six weeks I was in my own little heaven.  It was great.  The only thing that worried me was that I felt it was too good to last.

And it was, as luck would have it my job took me overseas for the next 14 months.  I am going to be cautious about protecting my privacy and not reveal where I was working.  However, the country had a ban on Kratom.  Thankfully there were no physical withdrawal symptoms but I did miss that energy boost to start the day off.  So the time goes by and one of the things that I am looking forward to is seeing my family and drinking so more of my delicious Kratom.  I had gone as far as to order some so that it would be ready and waiting on me.  I arrived home late at night so I waited until the next morning for that energy boost that I do missed.

Next morning I get up, I mix my Kratom with OJ and 7-UP and wait that agonizing 20 minutes for it to finally mix.  On a side note I hate the toss and wash.  Tried it a couple of times and it felt like I inhaled more then I drank.  So, I drink the nasty tasting concoction and wait for it to hit me.  Tick tock, tick tock and hardly anything.  I double check my Kratom like there really was something that I would find.  I double check my books and internet articles for dosage amounts and proper strains for energy and well being.  I had done everything correctly.  There I am thinking WTF.  Since then I have tried different suppliers and different strains trying to recapture that former greatness.  I've tripled checked everything that I know to find out what is different.  Since I've been back home I've had sporadic luck with Kratom.  Sometimes I will have a great drink and the next time it will be so so. 

In my heart of hearts something has changed with the supply or the sellers.  Back when I first started ordering Kratom all the drinks were great.  It wasn't hit or miss like now.  I went 14 months without any so there wasn't any tolerance issues.  During the time I was away working I only learned more.  I was a pretty much a novice when I first started drinking Kratom.  I just can't believe that over that first six weeks when I first started taking Kratom that I a novice got lucky that many times in a row.   Something changed.  I am suspicious by nature so I think suppliers are cutting it with something.  I don't mean to come off as sour grapes or as a conspiracy theorist but the results ( for me at least) speak volumes.  

I'm curious if anyone else here has had a similar experience.  Did I miss something concerning the industry while I was overseas?  I don't mean to offend any vendors here on DBG.  After I got back home I dropped a small fortune in online Kratom shops trying to see if there was a difference between them.  Obviously I've had no luck there.  I probably will review the comments in the vendor section here and try it again though.  The stuff I was getting back in early 2016 was that good.  I was even drinking it more often then recommended and still getting that noticeable boost of energy.  I really thought that first drink a couple of months ago was going to be like jet fuel after not having any (or anything else) for over a year.  Hey, I know I wrote a mini novel here but I wanted to cover everything.   I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on the topic.  And once again. I mean no offense to our vendors here on DBG as I have not tried their Kratom. I am rather hoping that with our review system that only the best vendors with quality product are allowed.  If you made it through all that Thank You and have a good one.
I have only been on Kratom for a few months, I don't take it daily as I want it as a back up and I am using it to take less pain meds (a back up in case I ever run out of meds) I honestly don't always get a strong feeling from Kratom and I do toss n wash a lot. Busy busy lol. Anyway I can say I've tried different places and I know Kratom helps my pain, anxiety and energy and even this long taking it..if I take too much I get sleepy so I think it works but I've never had a feeling like I do if I were to take a Vike or Perc etc. If that was the case back when you took it maybe they did mess with it since the threat of it being banned but I still think it's a great alternative. Hope to hear that you find out what's up and Share the info,     Peace ~ Jax

@gregf72   Try Herbal Cafe in Fla.   They have a great selection and my last order was awesome.  I had a pretty good experience with the last batch but I think I got a little carried away in my dosing.   After I took a couple days off of the K,  I got really depressed and felt pretty bad for about 36 hours.   I ordered a variety, but mostly the reds and found them to be quite stimulating, but not anxiety inducing.  Herbal Cafe has a huge variety and offers free shipping over $50 and the owner throws in a bunch of samples and freebies.  

I tend to mix it with water and drink it.  I don't mind the flavor and it goes down smooth for me.  I have read that if you mix it with OJ or Grapefruit Juice the acids potentiate the effect but I don't know if that is true or not.

i just sip up some water and toss a spoonful in and and shake my head.  Im pretty accustomed  to  it tho

I'm an uncoordinated s.o.b. So the couple of times that I tried to toss and wash it didn't go so well.  I need to just bite the bullet and get used to doing it that way.  It would save on time.  Mixing Kratom with OJ taste awful and is more like a slow death.  My neighbor swears by mixing it with chocolate milk.  Not sure I want to try that but surely it couldn't be any worse.

Orange juice with mango is the only way I can force Kratom down. I'm not a T & W kind of girl

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!