Certified LL help


Oct 11, 2018
Got 2 LL in a month. First one was no big deal. Second one cost me about 400 bucs. But on the second LL it came certified mail and they claimed I had over 8000 bucs worth of magazines. Which I didn’t.  Its like they weighed the entire package and claimed that weight was the magazines. 

Does anyone have experience with receiving certified LL? The wording of the letter was a little different too. Panicking a bit. 

How long after the orders were placed did you receive the LL's?

I can understand why you are panicking because I have unnecessary anxiety as well but it is not warranted. I have yet to hear of anything bad actually ever occurring as a result of a LL. Ever!

Was the country that you ordered from one of the more heavily watched?

First one was about month and a half and second one was just under a month. I’m mostly worried because it came certified and they bs’ed the quantity to an insane amount. Ordered from an Asian source. 

Never heard of one coming certified mail. That would worry me more than the average type just because anything out of the usual makes me nervous.

I still don't think anything further will come of it. Might be a good idea to get a new receiving address though.

Only got mine from ICE in the past. Another weird event once happened when my package had been opened and “inspected by the FDA” but they let it go through 🤔. In any event, once I received a LL from a certain (now closed) IOP, I could never get anything from them again. They would reship and I would get LL. I think the second LL I got, they were a little more aggressive in their language as I recall. Like, keep doing this and we will pay you a visit or something to that effect.

I once had a letter in my private p.o. box, unknown to my family, that was from overseas, had been opened or ripped but was closed with rubberbands and all the contents were there. I was shocked and freaked. Never went through that vendor again just to be safe, but haven't had any problems with other letters and packages to the same po box. 

@PeaceMaker i swear i had a wall of them from over used iops liked some  topten and palmira after they went south. I havent received in years, but Im still holding my breath. This is like in 2005-2007 and some more recent. My F carrier would always get seized at the boarder, not just usps.like Im really going to go get them, lol!  But Ive had seizures from everyone over the years. Nothing has ever come of it though. I do remember a funny story though when we could order from Pakistan, definately a huge red flag now. But this dude shipped me like 50 bottles of k and when the mailman came they were literally falling out because of his crappy shipping and there was a big hole at the bottom and you coud actually see them. Im so glad I always gave my mailman Christmas presents because I have no clue how he didnt know what was inside! 

Sounds very sketchy to me! I had some time in my mis-spent youth hanging out with some guys who "ran their own supplement" website. A common trick was to send fake LL to remailers in cities where Customs would regularly receive packages (NY, DC, etc.) The remailer would mail the customer a fake customs letter post marked from a legit city. They didnt rip off all customers but enough to pad their botttom line. Sounds fake to me!

was it usa to usa i had a seziure from within the states and they sent a different kind of ll then send one that you must sign for that looks hella scary saying they will open and destroy in 30 days ect it is suspected controlled substances blah blalh blah if u don't claim and they try to call your house also

was it usa to usa i had a seziure from within the states and they sent a different kind of ll then send one that you must sign for that looks hella scary saying they will open and destroy in 30 days ect it is suspected controlled substances blah blalh blah if u don't claim and they try to call your house also
So what did you do about that? Call them or ignore it? Did anything become of it? I have never gotten a LL, and I know everyone says it isn’t a big deal, but I would be freaked out lol. 

Has anyone else had problems with US-US LL being different or is this an isolated incident?

So what did you do about that? Call them or ignore it? Did anything become of it? I have never gotten a LL, and I know everyone says it isn’t a big deal, but I would be freaked out lol. 

Has anyone else had problems with US-US LL being different or is this an isolated incident?
ALWAYS ignore it!! Nothing has ever happened to me after receiving one and ignoring it.  It is freaky, but its part of the game, so to speak. 

isn't there a saying. One means none. Two means one. Three means run.  Something like that.
I like that, Seems like a fair statement when considering all the things I’ve read. Some of the people here have 5+ and seem not a care in the world though lol, I think after 2 I’d change addresses. I’ve ordered for years though and I’ve received every single package with not one LL. Let’s keep this hot streak up lol

So what did you do about that? Call them or ignore it? Did anything become of it? I have never gotten a LL, and I know everyone says it isn’t a big deal, but I would be freaked out lol. 

Has anyone else had problems with US-US LL being different or is this an isolated incident?
yea ignored the calls they left a message or two on the answering machine you dont wana acknowledge the package at all they sent a 2nd love letter that had to be signed for to be delivered but nothing ever happend after that and the us to us love letters are not the same as one from international mail i feel they are a little more serious amd scary

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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
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  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
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  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
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