Clomid / Clomiphene - Low Libido


Apr 14, 2014
I have been researching low libido and certain medications that may aid this problem and came across this medication. Rather than being a testosterone replacement, it seems to help the body produce more of it's own natural testosterone without resorting to synthetic alternatives. Has anyone else read about or tried this medication. And if so, is there any particular pharmacy that is reliable, and that has this in generic form? Thanks. 

FYI you should try tribulus terestris which is all natural test booster. Not near as good as actually shooting up test but can give you the Boost you might be looking for, nutrition and exercise are key as well.

I am currently running 600mg test E/WK

With Adex and HCG. What happens as when people Run test on cycle their natural HPTA function stops working.THAT is what makes u produce test in your balls. For post cycle therapy coming off a cycle we run a combination off nolvadex and clomid. This restores your HPTA function: this means that your body will now produce its own natural testosterone which depending on age well be 50 to 75mg naturally. Clomid is ran for 4 weeks at 50 milligrams per bday for 4 weeks people call that 50/50/50/50 for clomid. Protocol for Nolva would be 40/40/20/20 respectively.

I am sorry forum rules do not permit me to give sourcing however if u check IMG (iron mag forum) forum and read like you do on here you'll find what your looking for.

I'm not sure clomid itself will increase your test levels more as restore a shut down hpta function from running a 17-alkalated substance or even especially a high test dose. This would not apply to you.

In your case maybe try a test booster like tribulus. Read those forums or steroidology forums and you will get answers to your questions. tribulus is a good idea as above poster said. I do know Nolvadex which is ran in combination with Clomid during post cycle therapy does raise natural testosterone levels thereby increasing libido. however that may be something you would want to check into but do not quote that as sound advice anyway.

I also keep 100mg sidifinal citrate that I can promise your libido will return. Legally, look for a Product called "black ants" at liquor stores or mom and pop gas stations. Its Viagra sold loophole sold as a natural sex enhancer. Good luck with the wood Bro! PS ants are 25 or 75mg in dose depending if u get the caps or pills. Pills in the tin can that's green are the sh!t.

Good luck fellow dbgz fella!

... thinking ....

IF someone's TEST was low due to a period of illness / inactivity, wouldn't Clomid give a boost to restore to levels before .?.?.?

It would require a course of HCG to send the leydig cells the signal and then the clomifene to maintain the instruction to the HPTA to require producing.

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  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
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