cocaine-ish rc's?

Mar 13, 2019
 hello,  I occasionally dig cocain.  i am a proponent of research chemicals and want to know if there are any that are comparable to cocaine.

I believe Hexen is basically the same feeling only problem is you can't redose it similarly. 

The only R.C. I've heard about that actually compares to c0caine is Amf0nelic Acid as it's a pure DRI which according to animal studies showed just as strong re-enforcing effects as c0caine itself in rat discrimination tests iirc. I wouldn't recommend it though as it was discovered while looking for effective quinozoline based anti-biotics and it could potentially have some anti-biotic effect even at research dosages. For the record it's 4-5 times more potent than c0ca as a pure DRI so the dosage needed for a stimulant effect should be much lower than the anti-biotic dosage based on related molecules, but there isn't a whole lot of info out there about human researchers testing it.

I've researched it once at a dosage of 20 mg and while I did feel stimulated I'm sure that I didn't get the full effect, it wasn't insufflated though either. I'm not comfortable pushing the dosage up unless I get the flu or something 🎰

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^ Since  I can't edit the other post of mine I'll have to post this information as a new one.


It is thought that inhibition of dopamine reuptake into neurons may play a major role in the mechanisms by which c0caine produces its reinforcing effects. The striatum, while rich in dopamine terminals, is not implicated in drug reinforcement, whereas the mesolimbic dopamine pathway appears to play a primary role. It is therefore possible that the properties and drug sensitivities of the dopamine uptake systems in the nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and mesocortical tracts differ. The effects of c0caine, GBR 12909, amf0nelic acid, and methylphenid@te on dopamine uptake in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and medial prefrontal cortex were examined. Over 80% of the dopamine uptake in each of the 4 regions was sodium-dependent and exhibited Km values of approximately 100 nM. C0caine, GBR 12909, amf0nelic acid, and methylphenid@te each biphasically inhibited uptake in the striatum, nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle with GBR 12909 and amf0nelic acid being approximately 50-fold more potent than c0caine or methylphenid@te. In the medial prefrontal cortex, c0caine and GBR 12909 could inhibit only about 40% of the [3H]dopamine uptake. There are similarities in the properties and drug sensitivities of the dopamine uptake systems in brain areas which are implicated in drug reinforcement and those which are not."

Extrapulated from PMID/2145054; edited some grammar not to tick the search engines off.

It's not an open access article so that's all the information I can provide. Also, I wish I could edit my other post once again because I had thought it was 4-5 times more potent as a DRI, not 50x. Definitely one stimulant not to fuck with on a regular basis...Now I'm wondering whether the AFA I have is the real deal as 20 mg's should have packed a bigger punch according to the above scientific study. I do have some stimulant tolerance and AD(H)D, so that could have played a role too. I also don't snort anything unless it's actual c0ca, so the ROA could have made it feel less potent.

I can't stress this enough that if anyone is thinking of researching this substance, please do your studying before assaying it. I did a fair bit of studying before trying it but haven't found enough experiences yet to feel comfortable trying it again. Compared to other stimulants like the phenid@tes and @mphet@mines it doesn't have that push to get anything done as it doesn't promote the release of norepinephrine.

If there was anything even close to the C, don't you think the industry would just produce it in a lab instead of growing plants, extracting them into some powder and shipping it around the globe? Hexen from Eastern Europe in 2017 was indeed great, no doubt about that, but a completely different thing after all.

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