Could this be ADD?


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Nov 24, 2012
I know I've expressed my frustration with fuzzy thinking, memory issues before and attributed them to post Benzo issues. Thing is, I've been off benzo's for 3 years.  Part of me thinks there is long term brain damage due to improper WD -basically went CT from a very high dose. I just don't know.  I finally used the modafinil I had on hand which I didn't think helped very much at the time. But now that I am out, I can tell the modifinil certainly did help with focus. Very subtle and nothing I feel compelled to take and in fact, I would have to put it in my daily pill reminder to remember to take it. But in hindsight, it did help for sure  

I wonder if I have ADD?  My sig other was only half joking recently when he brought it up. I've turned into a total scatter brain. It is hard for me to stay on task. I tend to go from one project to another. What's interesting though is I do not recall feeling so unfocused prior to the last 3-5 years.  Can adults develop ADD? I hate this feeling of being overwhelmed, feeling of being disorganized and constantly losing things and forgetting details. I even took an early Alzheimer's test! 

Maybe this is hormonal? I have been on HRT for years due to an early hysterectomy so it isn't like I'm going through the change. 

Has anyone been diagnosed with adult onset ADD? 

Edit to add: I do take a 10 mg etizolam for sleep on occasion (ie- when I have them lol). Nothing like that during the day which could be contributing to lack of focus.  

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Roger, I have been researching  this for about 4-5 months. You don't just develop ADHD. You have it since birth. It manifests itself in so many ways that on a popular

ADD forum, there is a list of 50 other things that mimic ADD symptoms. I am trying to get in to see a counselor, psych, or Dr right now. I have been using ritas and for

me it has just made me clear thinking and less forgetful(focused is the word). I walk around with a feeling of just being overwhelmed with everything and the most precious things in life

leave me with hardly an emotions anymore. Google the ADD forums and read as much. Yes I am over 50 as well and since it is primarily diagnosed in preteen to College

years, the symptoms I have had have been with me my whole life just have manifested or increased in the last 10. I have always worked around the problems by developing a

system. Please read all you can about it and if you really believe, then try to find a good specialist in your area to talk to. One example for me, these rits are a stimulant and I can

take 20mg and take a nap. Next day I can feel motivated. Good luck Roger and let me know what you learn as this is becoming an obsession for me. Father was OCD and

both parents were alcoholics and you will learn that these are factors are far as family genetics. I have to stop now or could write 2 pages on what I have learned about Adult ADD. Take care and be safe.  Boots

Roger, I have been researching  this for about 4-5 months. You don't just develop ADHD. You have it since birth. It manifests itself in so many ways that on a popular

ADD forum, there is a list of 50 other things that mimic ADD symptoms. I am trying to get in to see a counselor, psych, or Dr right now. I have been using ritas and for

me it has just made me clear thinking and less forgetful(focused is the word). I walk around with a feeling of just being overwhelmed with everything and the most precious things in life

leave me with hardly an emotions anymore. Google the ADD forums and read as much. Yes I am over 50 as well and since it is primarily diagnosed in preteen to College

years, the symptoms I have had have been with me my whole life just have manifested or increased in the last 10. I have always worked around the problems by developing a

system. Please read all you can about it and if you really believe, then try to find a good specialist in your area to talk to. One example for me, these rits are a stimulant and I can

take 20mg and take a nap. Next day I can feel motivated. Good luck Roger and let me know what you learn as this is becoming an obsession for me. Father was OCD and

both parents were alcoholics and you will learn that these are factors are far as family genetics. I have to stop now or could write 2 pages on what I have learned about Adult ADD. Take care and be safe.  Boots
Is that emotionless thing a symptom of ADD?

So did you have a feeling that "something was wrong" when you were younger?  I'm going to have to dig deep for that. Actually, I've kind of been self medicating on one level or another my entire adult life. I wonder if that was in an attempt to treat symptoms of ADD? I'm going to have to be super honest with myself on this one. All I know is I am SO unfocused right now and I can't stand it. The only thing I use regularly is Kratom but I'm really watchinh that as well. It is one of those "less is more" substances. 

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If it were me I would stop taking everything for a few days and see if that makes a difference.  I know how you feel Roger as I went through the same thing and I even asked my doctor about early Alzheimer symptoms.  I was only taking gaba-pentin at the time and when I stopped the symptoms went away but it was horrible when I had them.

Suzie I know you are right. "BUT- BUT- BUT" 😣😣😣 in my temper tantrum voice.

I've got to get through this move which is wearing my a** out then maybe taper off the kratom.  I really just want a pill to fix this though.  Ha! ( I'm serious.)

oh well moving is one of the top stressful things on this planet... definitely wait until after, you don't need to add any more stress to moving.

Roger, I have been researching  this for about 4-5 months. You don't just develop ADHD. You have it since birth. It manifests itself in so many ways that on a popular

ADD forum, there is a list of 50 other things that mimic ADD symptoms. I am trying to get in to see a counselor, psych, or Dr right now. I have been using ritas and for

me it has just made me clear thinking and less forgetful(focused is the word). I walk around with a feeling of just being overwhelmed with everything and the most precious things in life

leave me with hardly an emotions anymore. Google the ADD forums and read as much. Yes I am over 50 as well and since it is primarily diagnosed in preteen to College

years, the symptoms I have had have been with me my whole life just have manifested or increased in the last 10. I have always worked around the problems by developing a

system. Please read all you can about it and if you really believe, then try to find a good specialist in your area to talk to. One example for me, these rits are a stimulant and I can

take 20mg and take a nap. Next day I can feel motivated. Good luck Roger and let me know what you learn as this is becoming an obsession for me. Father was OCD and

both parents were alcoholics and you will learn that these are factors are far as family genetics. I have to stop now or could write 2 pages on what I have learned about Adult ADD. Take care and be safe.  Boots
​Wow I thought ya were a young pup like me! Very cool dude!! It's the same for me. I can take addies and be wired, or I can take em and fall right asleep. I know 100% they are legit (either from a friend who gets em from the farm or the exact same oneSY I get). It's crazy, but just adds more evidence to myself that our (my) brain works in a way that we will never understand. Maybe it is the dosage? On days where it makes me sleepy, I either need more or should have taken less. I avoid vitamin c @ least 1 hour before and 1 hour after. I don't take anything to try and make it stronger. I found it seems to work best when taken in the morning as soon as I get up, then eat at least a half hour later. I have a very tough time waking up, which I have had the last 5 years or so, long before taking add meds. I have to set alarms 2-3 hours before I actually have to be up, otherwise I will sleep til 4pm. It sucks, but what can I do? Not a damn thing except...well IDK. Somebody mentioned Narcolepsy (I hope that means the sleepy thing, not something freaky or bad), but not sure.

Sleeping is a gift Peanut.  I am jelly.  Kratom allows me to sleep like the dead.  I cannot beleive one little thing has alleviated my night terrors to the degree that it has,  

i KNOW i have adhd.  I always have. I remember being very little  in school and just running aroundthe room, daring the teacher to catch me.  I gotin a lot of trouble. (Catholic school Peanut...heh) It is SO hard for me to concentrate on school work, i have to FORCE you get learn, it is not just going to do itself....bills, school, work, etc.  i have racing thoughts constantly.  Kratom helps that.  I do NOT do stimulants.  The first and only time I have ever tried an adhd type drug was about a month ago.  It was modalert and I was so afraid of the effects i took a SIXTH of one....hehe. It made me sweat.   I just do NOT do well stimulated.  I am always "on".  Kratom has helped me to sit still.  If you guys met me you would see how weird I am.  Lol!  Actually, I just lied.  I was on tramadol for a coupl of years, and that is KIND of a stimulant.  

Dcboots, i would LOVE it if you would post pages of info for us.  I would really like to hear what you know!

Roger, I have had those exact symptoms. All of them. I didn't really notice until a very painful detox. I am still fearful that my opiate use damaged so many brain cells that I won't ever be the same. I can think a thought & try to have a conversation with someone & can't form it into words at times. And I have a college degree! Wth!

Anyway, I saw a psyc who sent me for psychological testing & was diagnosed with ADD. He said adult onset is possible but rare. A lot of PAWS symptoms mimic ADD so it's hard to tell. He scripted me Adderall & it's helped a lot. It's low dose so I don't abuse it but I take it in the morning & can actually get things done where before I had a hard time writing a check out to pay bills. It would be so overwhelming for me & upsetting that I gave up. Hope this helps somewhat...

​Wow I thought ya were a young pup like me! Very cool dude!! It's the same for me. I can take addies and be wired, or I can take em and fall right asleep. I know 100% they are legit (either from a friend who gets em from the farm or the exact same oneSY I get). It's crazy, but just adds more evidence to myself that our (my) brain works in a way that we will never understand. Maybe it is the dosage? On days where it makes me sleepy, I either need more or should have taken less. I avoid vitamin c @ least 1 hour before and 1 hour after. I don't take anything to try and make it stronger. I found it seems to work best when taken in the morning as soon as I get up, then eat at least a half hour later. I have a very tough time waking up, which I have had the last 5 years or so, long before taking add meds. I have to set alarms 2-3 hours before I actually have to be up, otherwise I will sleep til 4pm. It sucks, but what can I do? Not a damn thing except...well IDK. Somebody mentioned Narcolepsy (I hope that means the sleepy thing, not something freaky or bad), but not sure.
​Hey guys say more about the vitamin it a potentiater? With the weak ritas i got from SY maybe could help!



I know I've expressed my frustration with fuzzy thinking, memory issues before and attributed them to post Benzo issues. Thing is, I've been off benzo's for 3 years.  Part of me thinks there is long term brain damage due to improper WD -basically went CT from a very high dose. I just don't know.  I finally used the modafinil I had on hand which I didn't think helped very much at the time. But now that I am out, I can tell the modifinil certainly did help with focus. Very subtle and nothing I feel compelled to take and in fact, I would have to put it in my daily pill reminder to remember to take it. But in hindsight, it did help for sure  

I wonder if I have ADD?  My sig other was only half joking recently when he brought it up. I've turned into a total scatter brain. It is hard for me to stay on task. I tend to go from one project to another. What's interesting though is I do not recall feeling so unfocused prior to the last 3-5 years.  Can adults develop ADD? I hate this feeling of being overwhelmed, feeling of being disorganized and constantly losing things and forgetting details. I even took an early Alzheimer's test! 

Maybe this is hormonal? I have been on HRT for years due to an early hysterectomy so it isn't like I'm going through the change. 

Has anyone been diagnosed with adult onset ADD? 

Edit to add: I do take a 10 mg etizolam for sleep on occasion (ie- when I have them lol). Nothing like that during the day which could be contributing to lack of focus.  
​Hey roger

same here for me HRT 12 years, patch due to cerv CA and subsequent hyst. re; ADD, have you taken Strattera? That's all my doc will give me....anyone here know about this one?



Roger, I have had those exact symptoms. All of them. I didn't really notice until a very painful detox. I am still fearful that my opiate use damaged so many brain cells that I won't ever be the same. I can think a thought & try to have a conversation with someone & can't form it into words at times. And I have a college degree! Wth!

Anyway, I saw a psyc who sent me for psychological testing & was diagnosed with ADD. He said adult onset is possible but rare. A lot of PAWS symptoms mimic ADD so it's hard to tell. He scripted me Adderall & it's helped a lot. It's low dose so I don't abuse it but I take it in the morning & can actually get things done where before I had a hard time writing a check out to pay bills. It would be so overwhelming for me & upsetting that I gave up. Hope this helps somewhat...
That is so me. I'm glad you found some relief. I know how it feels. Some days are better than others and as long as I don't over burn kratom I'm usually ok. Not nearly as "sharp" as I think I used to be though. 

Some drs will give wellbutrin for ADHD/ADD. I have read good reviews about focus & motivation. I can't really say how it works personally bc I forget to take it a lot.  I am curious about the Vit C....

ugh, I got wellbuterin to treat adhd as well. I HATED the stuff.Made me feel sick and worse focused.  I was diagnosed wth that some ocd and failure to socially connect and thrive.  With some other shit thrown in as they did not have the diagnoses they have today and usually liked to lump shit together.. I am on the autism spectrum.  Which is why people dont get me all the time even in here.

My mother was a terrible mom, never once would she let me take the meds so I could calm down and focus,, at least that problem would have been under control.  I never tried other stims, I got the wellbuterin when I was 20 I think...and they never tried another stims.  I kind of feel like they totally failed me in that area...

I had to fight for anti depressants and some other shit in my twenties too....As they figured I got this far in life, why do i need then @@! sigh........I admin im to afraid at this point to try stim, just wth all the conroversy around them.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!