Doctors/ Psychiatrists In Connecticut?


Jul 6, 2013
I am trying to find doctors or psychiatrists in CT that prescribe benzo's and others without hesitation. /default_smile.png

Sounds like Hooter knows some better alternatives. If his ideas don't work I know some docs in Manhattan that write, if you'd be willing to make the trip. 

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Thank you to both of you, but yes I am using insurance so I only have to cover the co-pay. But i'm looking for a psychiatrist who is more liberal with handing out scripts for anxiety related medicines (benzo's). because the past few doctors i'v seen haven't given me shit. they try to put me on some SSRI or a low dose of klonopin. so if anyone finds any or hears of any doctors or shrinks like that, I would appreciate it if you pm me or just posted. thanks all.

P.S:  I thought  neurologist were only for major diseases like cancers, multiple sclerosis, epilepsies?

The guys I know will hand out benz no problem, especially if you already have a script or have had one and need a refill. But.... They will probably want you to be on Anti-depressants or following some other long term program, they will push talk therapy, and they will definitely want to see you regularly. You may be able to bypass the first two requirements but the third will be essential.

It's unlikely that they would just give Downs alone as a one time thing. Unless... if you faked an interest in following a program .i.e. excepted their script for some prozac and some benz, and then just didn't get the prozac. Also the Benz would be like 5 or 10 x 30.

Really this is only worth it if you plan on seeing the guys regularly (at least once every three months). PM if you want their info. 

I live in CT too and it isn't easy around here for meds even if you really need them..

I live in CT too and it isn't easy around here for meds even if you really need them..
You might check out E-Clinic MD in the F2F section. Website is

At last I checked, they had a doctor in their network in the greater Hartford area, or so I recall. Their network is geared towards "compassionate" pain management physicians, so I wouldn't think benzo's would be that difficult. They aren't cheap upfront, but long term, it would be a local option that's competitive with IOP pricing on a per dose basis, or so I would think. Pricing variances across different product types can impact that analysis significantly, but it's something worth looking into if you're in CT. Just FYI.

Great info there..

I've been looking for a doc to help me detox off mdone and the one I found wants $750 for 3 visits. A total of 2 hours and only 7 days of meds... And I don't even know what needs they use except for suboxone.

Many pharmas from India sell anti anxiety like Zan and val.. Would be nice though to have a good doc help me through but I don't have a ton of cash these days.

Great info there..

I've been looking for a doc to help me detox off mdone and the one I found wants $750 for 3 visits. A total of 2 hours and only 7 days of meds... And I don't even know what needs they use except for suboxone.

Many pharmas from India sell anti anxiety like Zan and val.. Would be nice though to have a good doc help me through but I don't have a ton of cash these days.
Understood. Budgets are tight for everyone these days. With E-Clinic, you're looking at about $275 for the initial set up and visit, and about $100 for monthly follow up visits, plus med costs locally of course. On the anti-anxiety meds, India vendors do have low prices, but for not much more per dosage unit, I personally prefer Serb vendors for those types of products. Max, Dusko and Pink are known names, and I personally like Max a great deal. Just something to keep in mind.

Thank you to both of you, but yes I am using insurance so I only have to cover the co-pay. But i'm looking for a psychiatrist who is more liberal with handing out scripts for anxiety related medicines (benzo's). because the past few doctors i'v seen haven't given me shit. they try to put me on some SSRI or a low dose of klonopin. so if anyone finds any or hears of any doctors or shrinks like that, I would appreciate it if you pm me or just posted. thanks all.

P.S:  I thought  neurologist were only for major diseases like cancers, multiple sclerosis, epilepsies?
Hey "ThatOne":

I know that this is a semi-old post, but I DO have some experience here. 

1.) Neurologists will handle ANY "pain-disorder" that pertain(s) to nerves, brain, etc... (chronic pain disorders DO apply, as do Migraines and the like...) If your issue is musculo-skeletal your best bet is an Orthopedist, "Sports-Medicine" practitioner, or perhaps a Chiropractor (depending on the state and the aforementioneds' credentials: SOME DO have script capabilities).  Many will even assist with a M*RIN^L prescription to mitigate your pain (even in states where the traditional forms have yet to be legalized).

2.) The issue (however) becomes (as noted in other posts): That acquisition WON'T be immediate.  There will be a series of tests, evaluations, and such that will precede anything... UNLESS you have a lengthy documented history/file of your potential/supposed issue(s).  Should that be the case, they will still test/evaluate and THEN tend to your ailment(s).  Depending on their availibility, it may take up to a month before something is penned to paper (again, unless EXTENSIVE history is readily available).  If you are able to "hang-in-there" (and if you find a liberal specialist) you should be somewhat "set"-- but it's a marathon, not a sprint.  Expect regular follow-ups, possible random blood/UA's (and in more strict states they're even moving towards follicle testing now).  

I'm not trying to deter you from seeking aid on a professional-level, just laying the foundation for expectation.

3.)  Should those avenues not prove worthwhile, look into anesthesiologists in your area.  Many also act as pain-management specialists in private practice... and (as has been the experience of many I know) they are better educated in med-integrated therapies than other physicians (it IS their field of study, after-all).  If you are well-documented, they are more apt to discuss integrating pharm. therapies.  (But, DO YOUR RESEARCH... Not ALL anesthesiologists practice privately-- and (since DEA-crackdown) they may try a number of other meds BEFORE moving on in the direction of your preferred).

Lastly... I'd like to make a CRUCIAL note for all of you that see a physician for the management of pain:

****I was recently informed (by physician) that: Due to up-in-coming legislation changes (thank you ObamaCare) within the next 6-9 months, many opiates will have a "cap" where milligrams are concerned-- regardless of duration or history of use for (legit) alleviation of symptoms (unless disorder is cancerous or similarly debilitating).  For Example:  

Meds such as M*rph/^Xy (or sim) will be capped at 90 mg p/day (for M*rph... equivalents will be estimated for ALL classes (even X@NX/similar is not immune)).  In order to keep scripts CURRENT and CONSISTENT you will be expected to participate in ADDITIONAL therapies (with an emphasis upon the utilization of HOLISTIC/PSYCHIATRIC (bent towards Bio-Feedback and Behavior-Modification)/PT and OT methodologies)-- and the rigors will become more stringent: Reg Random Counts, UA/BLOOD (and as above-said (in a few states): Follicle).  Gone will be the days of a mere monthly check-in.  Every patient will be slowly detoxed to meet those guidelines and mandatory incorporation of supplimentary sources will be implemented.  I don't mean to scare anyone, or cause a state of panic... I just figured that many of you are perhaps sharing in a similar set of circumstances.  When I heard the news, I was a bit overwhelmed and I feel that everyone should be privy to the same ominous forwarning that I was.  YOU DESERVE TO KNOW!!!  I don't know if the "cap" will be different per state or if it will be the same across the board, but the 90 mg data (listed-above) will be put in-place for many midwestern-locales (and all other states held to similar constraints).  Logic dictates that many of said PM-scripts will be monitored vis-a-vis pharmacies.  This is the DEA/gov't attempting to curb the supposed pill epidemic.  It will put both physicians AND pharmacies at risk of losing their license(s) to practice and dispense.**** 

It is my prevailing HOPE that we shall communally (somehow) make it through everything unscathed (DBF members, etc) and that these changes will be TEMPORARY/cursory at best. 

I am NOT a "Narc", I'm just passing on info I got from my clinic on Friday.  I'm sorry for the length of my rambling, disjointed posting, but I felt these facts to be germane to the discussion.  It's my suggestion that all of you that fall under this category make it a point to SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTORS/SPECIALISTS to both confirm and review how this may/may not effect you.  They have ALREADY begun the process of "dosing (me) down" in order to meet the standard(s) of said eventualities.  I hope this helps you guys... As I said: You have a RIGHT to know.  I don't want ANY of you to be blind-sided in the same manner as I [was]...

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As someone who had been uninsured for many years I look forward to The Affordable Care act.

With everything that had been done regarding pain pills in the past 15 years I don't think this is anything to drastic. I am also not sure if you are accurately describing things. There is so much mis information coming from right wing extremists. I would not believe everything you hear.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

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As someone who had been uninsured for many years I look forward to The Affordable Care act. With everything that had been done regarding pain pills in the past 15 years I don't think this is anything to drastic. I am also not sure if you are accurately describing things. There is so much mis information coming from right wing extremists. I would not believe everything you hear. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Could you be a bit more specific in terms of which elements of VV's comments you feel are inaccurate? Also, could you offer a couple of examples of the "right wing extremist misinformation" that you mentioned? VV spend considerable time in the formation and articulation of her position on the subject, and if you're taking the opposing viewpoint, then it would only seem logical and reasonable to support that position with factual evidence, no? I generally make it a point to not wade out into political waters on the board, but in this case, I'd actually have an interest in hearing a well articulated, factually supported opposing viewpoint and not simply blanket statements about right wing "extremists". And by the way, how would you define a right wing "extremist" as opposed to a plain, old-fashioned conservative? Just curious, and I'm not being a smart a**. I'm sincerely interested to hear your point of view on this.

Hey "ThatOne":

I know that this is a semi-old post, but I DO have some experience here. 

1.) Neurologists will handle ANY "pain-disorder" that pertain(s) to nerves, brain, etc... (chronic pain disorders DO apply, as do Migraines and the like...) If your issue is musculo-skeletal your best bet is an Orthopedist, "Sports-Medicine" practitioner, or perhaps a Chiropractor (depending on the state and the aforementioneds' credentials: SOME DO have script capabilities).  Many will even assist with a M*RIN^L prescription to mitigate your pain (even in states where the traditional forms have yet to be legalized).

2.) The issue (however) becomes (as noted in other posts): That acquisition WON'T be immediate.  There will be a series of tests, evaluations, and such that will precede anything... UNLESS you have a lengthy documented history/file of your potential/supposed issue(s).  Should that be the case, they will still test/evaluate and THEN tend to your ailment(s).  Depending on their availibility, it may take up to a month before something is penned to paper (again, unless EXTENSIVE history is readily available).  If you are able to "hang-in-there" (and if you find a liberal specialist) you should be somewhat "set"-- but it's a marathon, not a sprint.  Expect regular follow-ups, possible random blood/UA's (and in more strict states they're even moving towards follicle testing now).  

I'm not trying to deter you from seeking aid on a professional-level, just laying the foundation for expectation.

3.)  Should those avenues not prove worthwhile, look into anesthesiologists in your area.  Many also act as pain-management specialists in private practice... and (as has been the experience of many I know) they are better educated in med-integrated therapies than other physicians (it IS their field of study, after-all).  If you are well-documented, they are more apt to discuss integrating pharm. therapies.  (But, DO YOUR RESEARCH... Not ALL anesthesiologists practice privately-- and (since DEA-crackdown) they may try a number of other meds BEFORE moving on in the direction of your preferred).

Lastly... I'd like to make a CRUCIAL note for all of you that see a physician for the management of pain:

****I was recently informed (by physician) that: Due to up-in-coming legislation changes (thank you ObamaCare) within the next 6-9 months, many opiates will have a "cap" where milligrams are concerned-- regardless of duration or history of use for (legit) alleviation of symptoms (unless disorder is cancerous or similarly debilitating).  For Example:  

Meds such as M*rph/^Xy (or sim) will be capped at 90 mg p/day (for M*rph... equivalents will be estimated for ALL classes (even X@NX/similar is not immune)).  In order to keep scripts CURRENT and CONSISTENT you will be expected to participate in ADDITIONAL therapies (with an emphasis upon the utilization of HOLISTIC/PSYCHIATRIC (bent towards Bio-Feedback and Behavior-Modification)/PT and OT methodologies)-- and the rigors will become more stringent: Reg Random Counts, UA/BLOOD (and as above-said (in a few states): Follicle).  Gone will be the days of a mere monthly check-in.  Every patient will be slowly detoxed to meet those guidelines and mandatory incorporation of supplimentary sources will be implemented.  I don't mean to scare anyone, or cause a state of panic... I just figured that many of you are perhaps sharing in a similar set of circumstances.  When I heard the news, I was a bit overwhelmed and I feel that everyone should be privy to the same ominous forwarning that I was.  YOU DESERVE TO KNOW!!!  I don't know if the "cap" will be different per state or if it will be the same across the board, but the 90 mg data (listed-above) will be put in-place for many midwestern-locales (and all other states held to similar constraints).  Logic dictates that many of said PM-scripts will be monitored vis-a-vis pharmacies.  This is the DEA/gov't attempting to curb the supposed pill epidemic.  It will put both physicians AND pharmacies at risk of losing their license(s) to practice and dispense.**** 

It is my prevailing HOPE that we shall communally (somehow) make it through everything unscathed (DBF members, etc) and that these changes will be TEMPORARY/cursory at best. 

I am NOT a "Narc", I'm just passing on info I got from my clinic on Friday.  I'm sorry for the length of my rambling, disjointed posting, but I felt these facts to be germane to the discussion.  It's my suggestion that all of you that fall under this category make it a point to SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTORS/SPECIALISTS to both confirm and review how this may/may not effect you.  They have ALREADY begun the process of "dosing (me) down" in order to meet the standard(s) of said eventualities.  I hope this helps you guys... As I said: You have a RIGHT to know.  I don't want ANY of you to be blind-sided in the same manner as I [was]...
Although the news you share above is disappointing and potentially devastating for so many people; I did want to thank you for sharing such in depth, complete and useful information.  

Once again, I am honored to be here in the company of some compassionate and intelligent humans.

Hope you can find a positive alternative that works for you.

Take Care V, you really are a great contributor!


Thank you SOOOO much, B... That means SOOOO much to me....

And in addition, I'd like to clarify:

I'm not a "right-wing extremist"... I'm merely reporting VERBATIM what I was informed by my pain-management physician at my last appointment two-weeks ago regarding a nationwide change that is up-in-coming that will shift the course of my care (and that of millions of others).

The rigors have ALREADY become Faaarrr more stringent even in relation to last month (previously all that was required was a yearly UA and counts at the time of my appointment. As of only LAST MONTH they instituted a system wherein UA's could be ANYTIME-- med-counts as well... Last month they randomly called me in for BOTH 3 X's in a month. This is/was commonplace for all individuals in the area that I know on a pain regiment. Even those seeing neurologists for care.)

And for the record, I've been a registered Democrat all my life, and that is documented.

I did my best to relay everything as it came to me. I was informed that my care would change (as I take M$ Con t!n for management), unless between from now and then I develop some form of cancer.

I apologize if it came out as though there was a political-agenda attached...

I reported as clearly and succinctly as I could, verbatim (as aforementioned) as it was reported to me.

Just forwarding the info as to "what is coming down the pike" (as my doctor put it)...

All My Best...

Nice bit of info. These kinds of things, even if they seem alarmist, are worth mentioning. It's like calling the fire dept when it turns out there is no fire. What's better? Having wasted the firemen's time, or having a real fire? Point: being "right"  here is not a positive, and I hope Vexed is wrong.

Fortunately, since some of us have never been able to get pain medication in the first place, there will be nothing for them to take away. This is what currently serves as a "positive" in my current perception of the pain management programs of North America.

So why do I care then?

Politicians mucking around in medicine is a very frustrating topic, and infuriates me more than most political annoyances, but I always like to at least know why the scene is the way it is, as opposed to just blaming the doctors. Don't get me wrong, I do blame the doctors, but obviously there are people breathing down their necks too. 

The mayor of New City is an infamous mucker. 

Nonetheless, if those who do have scripts for say oxy80, (if it's even possible to have such a thing anymore) and now are expected to just "go down" to half of that, I do have sympathy.

I apologize for the long rambling post.

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Really this is only worth it if you plan on seeing the guys regularly (at least once every three months). PM if you want their info. 
I too am looking for help around the CT/NY area. I know this thread is a little bit old, but I thought I would throw it out there.

I can't PM anyone yet, as Im a noobie, but I would love that information if possible. Any other help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

If someone could PM me, or contact me somehow, I would love you.

For what it's worth, I have some nasty structural damage to neck spine and hips with multiple x rays.

I am also looking for a dr willing to write scripts for Benzos on the east coast... Would appreciate any information

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  1. K @ knofflebon: @DerailedFisherman She's probably dancing down at the pink pony club in west hollywood. God that song is contagious. Hope she's doing ok too.
  2. KingKong2 @ KingKong2: What happened to DIYZZZfaxtory
  3. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: subutex
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  6. MOD @ MOD: Hello @Everyone - Hope all are doing well! Looking forward to a fruitful 2025.
  7. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Hello and have a great day friends!
  8. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra could you hmu on TG i have some crypto question for you if you dont mind bro! Kinda in a panic!
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @gigiwink143 You go to the specific vendors thread and leave your feedback for them there.
  10. G @ gigiwink143: Where do we leave reviews
  11. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: Phishing attempt via protonmail, offering a link that i wouldn't click
  12. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: Rick’s new email is in his thread, last post.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey i use gold as a proxy sometimes to read other things but not necessarily interested in trading it myself. i specialize in trading crypto
  14. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Shout out box isn't for making vendors reply.
  15. G @ gigiwink143: @Jacob price
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Costco of all places was selling 25 packs of 1 gram bars, so little less than an ounce, but still a good deal at the time
  17. rasetreydir @ rasetreydir: @SeaDonkey Not yet. I am trying to ask around to and research some other investments like gold
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @xenxra @rasetreydir y'all mess around with gold? Hit a record high today
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  20. H @ HaywudYablome: