@jjoe sorry for a very late reply; just now saw your post. Did you ever uncover any info? I haven't had much luck... Ibogaine is legal almost everywhere in the world. However, although it's being "studied" by various medical entities here in the US, at present it's totally illegal, classified as a Schedule I drug "with no medical value" -- what a surprise, huh? To me, that's an indication that it probably does work, lol!  

I've been reading a bit about ibogaine. Very interesting stuff. I guess theyres hospital like facilities all the way to snake oil salesman getting into setting up resorts to do the treatments. The hospital method sounds safer but the right way would be with the shaman in the jungle

@jjoe sorry for a very late reply; just now saw your post. Did you ever uncover any info? I haven't had much luck... Ibogaine is legal almost everywhere in the world. However, although it's being "studied" by various medical entities here in the US, at present it's totally illegal, classified as a Schedule I drug "with no medical value" -- what a surprise, huh? To me, that's an indication that it probably does work, lol!  
no just youtube videos of people that have used it  theres clinics in texas but that could mean mexico cause i rang and got a foreign ringtone , there is one in england but there all underground , its a cure that these multi-conglomerate pharma companies are doing there best to block they would rather make substitutes more money , 

if its scheduled 1 well then its seen as a big threat and were not allowed talk about scheduled 1s here either but thanks for your replys guys a root of a plant is scheduled 1 what a load of evil capitalism at its worst 

I had looked into treatment at a private clinic based in England for opiate problems.

The treatment is very expensive and I was told as I was on NHS prescribed m/done that I'd need to get onto other  shorter acting opiates first as ibogaine struggles to beat the long effects of m/done.

I thought I'd found my cure and was willing to pay the high cost in £s but it is just another case of why m/done is such a terrible med to kick?.

Ps @mandraxx  your quite right about the fact that it takes away any future cravings for opiates as this was one of the main things that made ibogaine so attractive im my case?.



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Does anyone know of any ibogaine sources or clinics ? 

any feedback appreciated ,

@jjoe if your in the uk theres a place in England just youtube it and you'll see what I mean.As I said before it depends on what opiates you want to be clean of but it's certainly very expensive!.

Ps I have done the quick 5 day detox (years ago) and it's more expensive than that,good luck in your quest for freedom from opiates?.


more expensive than detox 5 oh wow thats a lot it was 5k sterling in the naughtys

@thank you G P 

Last April I went to an Ibogaine clinic in Mexico and they got me off Suboxone in one day. I had been put on it 16 years ago, for "treatment resistant" depression of all things, and my daily dosage was 24mg for the past few years. Many clinics will tell you they can't get you off a long acting opiate, like Suboxone/Subutex using Ibogaine but I don't understand why. The clinic I went to does it all the time, in fact most of their patients are there to come off Buprenorphine. As far as getting it online, I'd be very afraid since you don't know what you're getting and presumably you'll be taking it without medical supervision. Also, although it will get you clean of most any opiate, it's not a cure for addiction, that is if you have a problem.  The treatment wasn't cheap but it gave me my life back!!!

@mttx your post is amazing because I've yet to read anyones experience doing the treatment, only videos or educational films. I looked into the treatment too, years ago when one of the first big films was on PBS, so of course I contacted the clinic in the film (Mexico) and the cost was more than a rapid detox in the US. The cost and the clinic were not the put off for me, it was more the fear of the experience. I would absolutely not do this procedure on your own or with buddies outside of the clinic. While I believe the treatment is safe, there are always things that can go wrong and you have no real way of knowing what it is you're actually taking. I was once told that the patient behaves or responds to it the same way someone responds to being exposed to Devils breath, and if that's true, you really want to be around those that specialize in this treatment. 


Sidenote: @mttx do you have any recall of what it was like while you were "under" or being detoxed while on Ibogaine? 

While being on an Ibogaine “trip” it’s very different for everyone. For MANY it’s a very spiritual experience during the first phase while tripping. During the second, introspective, stage many come to terms with what led up to their addiction in the first place. My experience was very different. I had hallucinations but they were anything but spiritual. I remember it as mostly being random crap that wasn’t very pleasant nor terribly unpleasant.  After 3-4 hours of this, the hallucinations subsided and then I was dead to the world. I remember lying down and not moving from that position for hours.  But afterwards, my 24mg Suboxone habit/addiction was gone!! I was told I would have no withdrawal symptoms but that was only partially true.  Once I returned home my energy level was virtually non-existent and I had major insomnia, restless legs syndrome, lots of sneezing and I was always very cold. But within two months these symptoms were gone. I believe the withdrawal symptoms were only about 10% of what they would have been if I had attempted to come off the Suboxone without the Ibogaine.  It’s important to realize that in addition to being on such a high dose of Suboxone for 16 years, I’m also 65 yrs. old.  A younger person on a lower dose would likely recover much more quickly than I did. 

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One more thing...the Ibogaine clinic I went to in Mexico uses more than 99% pure Ibogaine.  They give you an EKG prior to treatment as well as during treatment. They also monitor your vitals throughout the treatment and you’re always in the presence of a qualified medical professional. People who are in generally good health with no heart or kidney problems tend to do just fine.  I’m no expert on the subject but that’s what I’ve learned from the research I’ve done.  There are many YouTube videos on the subject.

ibogaworld from what Ive read up on is the only spot to get it and I'm pretty sure there's confirmed drops by alot of people who post their experiences on reddit. I stopped researching into it awhile ago so I may be wrong though

I have it on good authority that Iboga World is very reputable. I’ve heard very good things about them from people I personally know very well.

Last April I went to an Ibogaine clinic in Mexico and they got me off Suboxone in one day. I had been put on it 16 years ago, for "treatment resistant" depression of all things, and my daily dosage was 24mg for the past few years. Many clinics will tell you they can't get you off a long acting opiate, like Suboxone/Subutex using Ibogaine but I don't understand why. The clinic I went to does it all the time, in fact most of their patients are there to come off Buprenorphine. As far as getting it online, I'd be very afraid since you don't know what you're getting and presumably you'll be taking it without medical supervision. Also, although it will get you clean of most any opiate, it's not a cure for addiction, that is if you have a problem.  The treatment wasn't cheap but it gave me my life back!!!
Thanks for sharing, yeah being on sub long term sucks, I've been on and off it for around 15 years now too, finally am saving up to go to a clinic in Mexico cause looks like thats my best chance of breaking away from daily use with opiates, or anything really. Cant stand the feeling of knowing I dont have power over my body when withdrawals kick in hard.

You said you beat it in a day? Did the clinic have you detox / switch to a reg short acting opiate for Month or 2 beforehand?

Can you recommend the one you went to or is that not kosher?

Thanks for the info & insight 

wow! this is great info thanks for sharing. has anyone recently recieved a shipment by them?  im assuming HCL is the way to go? if so, id love to hear some experiences from products from this site specifically. unfortunately 5k in mexico is too pricey for me... for some reason i cant find anyone in mexico willng to sell it from the clinics, but this definitely can be done with a sitter and proper guidence? i guess i can get tthat info from the website. i had no idea some .com sites are actually legit...

ibogaworld from what Ive read up on is the only spot to get it and I'm pretty sure there's confirmed drops by alot of people who post their experiences on reddit. I stopped researching into it awhile ago so I may be wrong though
This place is intriguing. I haven't seen ibogaine on the net for a long long time and the price per hcl g is pretty good. The only downsides are the say they don't ship to any country where it is illegal and they apparently ship from netherlands. Anybody with actual experience please post.

reminder, ALL dissosiatives very effective ...ibo just lasts long , dissociation entire week.
took a week of adding mild ketamine to hospital patients on avg 900mg morphine/day by buttton. not trying or knowing the week had them voluntarily cut to 400 500mg ,

that ho pcp was prolly better , lasts day, redose, slightly hits mu opiate but mainly feeling seperate from your body [i know thats stupid] helps , the massive dopamine seals deal ...
kilo crushed leaf thai , 1kg extracted via meoh, etoh 5 times.... evaporate freeze resin, powder, blows any extract ive done away.
Ya I don't know a whole lot about Ibogaine but I'd imagine other drugs within the same class of substance would have potential to produce great results and probably way cheaper too... I want to emphasize I barely know anything about Ibogaine though so perhaps there is something very unique and special about it.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!