This is for everybody on this thread back in the day I recruited Doctors for many of the fill in the blanks questionnaires type places then the Ryan Height Act came into effect and it all looked like a bust waiting to happen. But enough history your only choice for wide spread coverage is ph# Tel: 1-954-903-0656 They are way cheaper Eclinic which is just a outright rip off. If you are so fortunate to live in any of the following locations Allentown, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Illinois, San Antonio, Texas Use Central Medical Consults send Jeff an E-mail at They are the cheapest and the easiest to work with. For the person who was looking for a F2F in Louisiana forget about it ain't going to happen. You closest shot is Houston and you have to fill the scripts in Texas, LA. Pharms will not honor them.
As far as medical records lower back pain, knee pain pick your poison. Start with you PCP and start with the story as to how you got your problem and you've lost your job and are on Cobra. He'll refer you to one of his buddies after all this is all about the money. But never leave a Doctors office with out your records. You will need current blood work, a physical. If you have to go to more than one PCP do it until one of them writes you a script. All they care about is that you have been scripted for pain killers in the past. And always demand an Xray. Screw the MRI crap. Doctors can't read MRI's anyway. Hope this helps and good luck to you all.