ETIZOLAM or alternatives

Mar 25, 2018
Where is good vendor for Etizolam?  I have found some but they are asking 70$ a mg.  Is there an alternative to Etz that is similar and more readily availible or cheaper?  I was going to buy from Domestrics but they have shut out US customers.

They got raided yesterday so shut down for good.Not raided for RCz but 20,000$ in materials mixing bowls,dies , n pill presses .They were great now screwed by fda..

Id be interested as well, recently it became much harder to obtain.  C0l0naz0lam was the ish and i used to get it from nootdepot but not anymore.  None of the laws changed around it i know of but that stuff was great for before sleep and to stay asleep.

I'm surprised there's not more talk here, I need Etiz!

I read in another thread someone recommending ETIZ0L@ which specializes in international delivery and that they get really good Etizest/Etilaam MD (Mouth Dissovling) T@bl3tz which can only be bought as the cheapest price is only through buying the highest amount in a possible bulk purchase of a total of 300$ U.S. for the 500 1MG T@bl3tz plus the Shipping costs a bit more money and that is 400$ Canadian right now as the American Dollar is so far ahead like 1.30$+ Canadian is 1$ I remember sometime back in in like 2011ish the Canadian Dollar was actually ahead for the very few times it has been in history like roughly equally as much as the American Dollar is ahead right now ah good times I know my mom did a lot of shopping for groceries in the states at the time 

  You can simply use the Coupon Code if using any type of Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin you can get 15% off your order using the Code: ALTCOINS and but 300$ U.S./400$ CDN it is worth it probably considering the package is re-shipped for free despite customs seizing it or getting lost in shipment plus that they must be from Italy meant as Prescription Medication just being resold as Research Chemicals which they literally say they are selling prescription grade Etiz0l@m for "accurate Research every time"or somewhere like Japan since they have good quality control it seems compared to India at least. like instead of those cheap on and well you get what you pay for and the Etiz0l@m from India is well Low-Grade at best lol and from what I read these are the only 3 Countries with Prescription Etiz0l@m available. 

  They also say they have been around for a long time and for 10 Years I quote so if that is true and the re-ship policy and they are Legit and I can only see good Reviews and I wouldn't be surprised if they removed any of the bad reviews since nobody gets all 5 Star Reviews but maybe they are that good I mean most people don't leave any good reviews at all as long as they recieve it and they don't have a bunch of reviews or any reviews that don't seem legit and authenticate I.MO. that is. Please take a look at Etiz0l@ as I would like to know if I should or should not make a purchase as I desperately need a good quality Etiz0l@m Mouth Dissolving Version of it as a Research Chemical since the places in India can't/won't ship to  Canada. 

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I had a successful order with Etizola a couple weeks ago. A little pricey and not the best communication, but they came through.

My vendor has asked me to share his contact info on this forum for his final stock (I'm getting a discount for doing so, full disclosure). Offering bulk deals. Clonazolam is definitely available, he had a small amount of etizolam left when I spoke with him earlier.

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Çlon isnt really etizolam much. Not to me at least

Top of my mind i 

Could have ruined myseld w too many clon.  Its relatives r heavy too. Top easy way i know is i would hndl hangovers bc the enjoyment great clon brang,

Mhmm clon judges behind. Or i feel systemed 

Ir best taking clon. Excited redoinf lab wrk... like 1-4 ? Maybe 2 hours slow or intemse ~10-14mg i hate that way etiz tho(may need like 8 damnmate)???

Your best bet is Liston. Yes, Liston still exists. Many of their vendors will sell you boxed etiz in strips for a low price, usually with a tracking number,

My vendor has asked me to share his contact info on this forum for his final stock (I'm getting a discount for doing so, full disclosure). Offering bulk deals. Clonazolam is definitely available, he had a small amount of etizolam left when I spoke with him earlier.
I got scammed $850 is your vendor real??? Ask him what's up? If there is a vendor at all☹️

I know you aren’t asking me or anything, I’m just lurking, but AffordableRC’s scammed me $350 (maybe a month ago? I’ve got alllll the email to prove it on ‘em).... Most certainly, went quite out of his way to make himself seem legit, I should have just known better. Asked him if they offer samples, he said no, but does a 500mg “sample” plus shipping on most things on the site. I should have just waited there and walked away short $25 instead of $350. Guy goes by goes by “OhSnapItzChan” (or”OhSnapItz__insertnamehere__) I think. At least for sure on Wickr and Chandler L in emails and such. Honestly ...Probably just creates new one’s all the time, he never once replied to me after saying “Your package has shipped from ). I know he has scammed other’s here, sadly this was after I was accepted as a member. I have quite lengthy email log to anyone interested (would edit I private matters, and only if not against rules).

Oh, and hello all, happy to be a part of the boards! Good to meet you all! (Mods, if there was too much detail in that post, please let me know what and I will be more than happy to modify it. I want this guy brought to justice, this was for.... A substantial purchase~)

People L0c@t3d in St@t3s where this is S-ch3dul3 0n3 Br0m@z0l@m is the go to alternative that and or N1tr@z0l@m but that is more hypn0t1c than @nxyi0litic. From what I read it lasts longer and is closer to @lpr@z0l@m than et1z0l@m is in comparison for example. Problem is it's not cheap being fairly New as in N1tr@z0l@m was used before the Blanket B@N in the Un1t3d-K1ngd0m back in 2015 they were being R3s3@rch3d and only recently are they have been available again due to complicated matters that are off-topic. Plus being to complicated to explain. 

I don't think I mentioned that in my first post cause you asked about altern@tives for it and those 2 are the same in M1l1gr@m Str3ngth from the R3s3@rch regarding specifically that from all the info. like ch3m1c@l structur3 of them both etc. that I have been able to acquire about these two options... which there is very little Anecd0tes about them that I can find. 

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Maybe i missed the anser here but I'm in cali and this is legit thing to purchase- is there any us vendors left or good overseas? And if not I'm confused on the Br@$%m

verses the nitro@#. I had legit alp232l2m for past couple decades to keep from losing my mind. What happened to freedoms in good ole us of a?


@Biskobro I only posted that twice. Member named @baclofailure is the scammer despite what he says. He posted the email while he knew he will not provide any medication. The emails started with 3368@pro and 3368help@pro, he is still enjoying his membership. Maybe he want to send me $850 that would be terrific.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: @iamgroot what kind of slowdowns are you seeing so far? multiple days for acceptance scans?
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: Shipping is slow and its gonna be slower as we move towards Christmas. Plan accordingly.
  3. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra i was hoping with your expertise you could fiill the details in thank you! I’m getting into crypto right now and learning and I’m starting to be able to save consistent amount of money was legitimate employment and I’m not sure where to put it other than bitcoin and XR in Ethereum Would you mind DM me a suggestion I can learn on my own, but I would like a suggestion from an expert
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: @Bizz fed board member waller said yesterday he doesn't see a good case for rolling out a cbdc
  5. Bizz @ Bizz: Losing faith….
  6. Bizz @ Bizz: @DerailedFisherman i believe it’s the us central bank digital currency connected to fed now.
  7. PHXINC @ PHXINC: Please do not even mention PHX on this shoutbox. We appreciate it loves. Unless we needa ran through. But that aint gonna happen. Im so happy with our current DBG base. Goodbye scammers. Go play chutes and ladders w your old vendors. ;) Man i got a feeling our thread is about to blow soon. Well even more so...lets just wait and see. And got some arrivals that will be fun i think. ;)
  8. G @ gigiwink143: Xanax
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: a huge chunk of the cost i pay with these firms is to offset the costs of their compliancy tools and they're also in a position to draft out a significantly more comprehensive report that i could use during the litigation process when i inevitably end up having to take this to court.
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon @uncharted i mean you have to consider the landscape these days compared to ten years ago. they send these coins through bridges, dexes, mixers, swappers - all sorts of crap. part of the reason i think i have a chance is bc these people apparently aren't experienced enough to know they could have just withdrawn all my funds straight to a DEX for XMR and they'd be ghosts but they're wallet hopping the BTC to ETH/USDT.
  11. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @Bizz what is USBC
  12. uncharted @ uncharted: @xenxra $200 an hour to "analize the blockchain" is outrageous. I don't know how they got you wether just basic phishing, spearphishing, javascript drive by, or as I said threres many ways. They got me one time years ago and since then it's been straight linux with expecerything compartmentalized in VM's. QUBES would be the best thogh in terms of security
  13. Bizz @ Bizz: Anyone thoughts on USBC being released in two days?
  14. K @ knofflebon: @xenxra damn, you would hope if they charge that much that they wouldn't charge you unless they're successful. That sucks man.
  15. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra just wrote something on PHX page that I think applies to your situation as well. I wish I could help, although Lyft has offered my cybersecurity school and in 14 weeks I’ll join the fight lol!
  16. A @ AnnaSofia: Man that sucks sorry @xenra it’s a crazy world with all that stuff. That’s horrible. No chump change either. And to think I was freaking out thinking I lost $350 the other day.
  17. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra holy shit dude, I’m sorry to hear that. Makes anything I’m worried about child’s play.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @AnnaSofia not related, scammer claiming my coinbase account was compromised engineered me and took 100k
  19. A @ AnnaSofia: @xenra is this something h that happened to you while attempting to place magazine orders or not related?
  20. S @ SoopaFireGuy8: Is there anyone offering samples atm?