I know you aren’t asking me or anything, I’m just lurking, but AffordableRC’s scammed me $350 (maybe a month ago? I’ve got alllll the email to prove it on ‘em).... Most certainly, went quite out of his way to make himself seem legit, I should have just known better. Asked him if they offer samples, he said no, but does a 500mg “sample” plus shipping on most things on the site. I should have just waited there and walked away short $25 instead of $350. Guy goes by goes by “OhSnapItzChan” (or”OhSnapItz__insertnamehere__) I think. At least for sure on Wickr and Chandler L in emails and such. Honestly ...Probably just creates new one’s all the time, he never once replied to me after saying “Your package has shipped from ). I know he has scammed other’s here, sadly this was after I was accepted as a member. I have quite lengthy email log to anyone interested (would edit I private matters, and only if not against rules).
Oh, and hello all, happy to be a part of the boards! Good to meet you all! (Mods, if there was too much detail in that post, please let me know what and I will be more than happy to modify it. I want this guy brought to justice, this was for.... A substantial purchase~)