Fda Sharing Confidential Records To Harass Doctors?


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Apr 10, 2013


FDA Sharing Patients’ Private Medical Records in Order to Harass Integrative Doctors

September 3, 2013

[SIZE=small]ANH-USA has learned that the FDA is working with state medical board behind the scenes—sometimes in violation of the law.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]According to our sources, professional medical boards are launching investigative actions against integrative physicians not because of patient complaints, but because of materials forwarded to them by the FDA before they are made public. These boards are treating the FDA documents as if they were formal complaints.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]In other words, the US Food and Drug Administration, which is barred from interfering with the practice of medicine, is in fact deliberately but secretly ignoring the rules—something practitioners and consumers alike need to be warned about.[/SIZE]    (emphasis added)

[SIZE=small]We suspect, but cannot yet prove, that this is widespread and is being orchestrated by a shadowy private group called the Association of State Medical Boards.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]Today we will offer just a few examples:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]One doctor in Louisiana was accused by the FDA of not following his IND (investigational new drug study) protocol involving stem cells. The state’s medical board—prompted by the FDA—then went after his license. In the end, the doctor kept his license by signing a consent agreement. Demanding the signing of an onerous consent decree is a favored government tactic. Because the government has unlimited legal funds, it can threaten to bankrupt the doctor if the decree is not signed, and then include provisions in the decree that are not only humiliating but difficult to follow, so that further charges can be threatened or filed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]The system sometimes works in reverse as well. The California medical board notified the FDA about a possible contamination problem with intravenous garlic that a doctor was using to treat Lyme disease. The FDA started its own investigation and obtained the patients’ private medical records. When the agency closed its investigation, it then handed the patient records over to the medical board, exposing the patients’ private information. This is illegal in California, but sadly, not in most other states, where a state board may obtain patients’ medical records without their consent.[/SIZE]                                 (emphasis added)

[SIZE=small]In response, a case was filed in Sacramento on behalf of the patients whose medical records were improperly given to the board by the FDA. For strategic reasons, it was a narrow action: the suit went after the medical board and its agents, not the FDA. California’s constitution includes the right to privacy, which the courts have interpreted to mean that absent explicit consent from the patient, the medical board has to prove good cause for a request for private records.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=small]There are other areas in which the FDA is aggressively interfering in the practice of medicine. As we reported last year, the agency asserts that one’s own stem cells, when used in a medical procedure, are drugs—and therefore to be regulated as drugs. For example, a Colorado company offered a treatment in which stem cells were isolated from the patients’ bone marrow, processed, and the resulting cells injected back into the same patient to treat joint pain. The FDA said the company was “manufacturing, holding for sale, and distribution of [sic] an unapproved biological drug product,†and issued an injunction to stop the treatment. The company sued, but the court sided with the FDA, stating that the biological characteristics of stem cells are changed enough in the procedure that they warrant regulation by the FDA. The company plans to appeal the ruling.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=small]In another attempt to regulate the human body, FDA tried to claim human excrement as a drug. No, we’re not kidding. There’s a medical procedure to treat gut infections by implanting the intestine with healthy bacteria from healthy family member-donors’ fecal matter. FDA said the stools were unregulated drugs, and would require investigational new drug applications and would have to be taken through the extraordinarily expensive approval process before doctors could continue to perform the procedure. In June, as a direct result of embarrassing publicity, the FDA said they won’t enforce the new requirement after all.[/SIZE]




Some interesting stuff here Denise. Becoming a M.D. isn't quite as glamourous as it once was. Every organizaton snooping into your business and telling you what to do, while Doctors desperately try to protect themselves with note taking just in case they are audited by the insurance companies. All these outside pressures distract from what they went to school for - genuine patient care.


Some interesting stuff here Denise. Becoming a M.D. isn't quite as glamourous as it once was. Every organizaton snooping into your business and telling you what to do, while Doctors desperately try to protect themselves with note taking just in case they are audited by the insurance companies. All these outside pressures distract from what they went to school for - genuine patient care.



I can't understand why people read about government computers being hacked by even college students, and still think it's a good idea for the government to have all our medical information at their fingertips on a centralized computer database.

We know intimidation and blackmail have been used against politicians to sway their votes -

what unspeakable chaos will be unleashed when hackers can easily obtain an ordinary citizen's confidential medical information to use against them?  ANYONE's........

Or if companies secretly able to access this info and not hire someone because of a certain condition they have...... countless other possible negative situations.

Which doesn't even mention costs or catastrophic effect on care providers or care they may be allowed to give their patients......



Hospitals will be even easier.  

Moot point tho.



(And I have read this disastrous monstrosity of a bill all the way through several times - each time I find section after section either unnecessary, that increases medical costs, or that benefits certain companies at taxpayer loss) 

Obamacare wasn't even written by Congress - "selected people" drafted this subversive 2,000+ page bill for Congress.   That's why they had "to pass the bill so they could see what was in it".  Pelosi's statement has to go down in history as one of the most idiotic statements & beliefs ever expressed.)

This doesn't even address the costs which are pushing doctors into early retirement or out of private practice into huge corporations - no personal touch there. Just a number.

Forget medical care as it has always been (even tho imperfect)  Medical care will be under the control of non-medically educated bureaucrats (who probably get bonuses for cutting $ spent on your care).

I face the coming years with dread regarding Healthcare  (esp for my elderly mother and father) if this disastrous change is allowed to continue harming our healthcare system

It has already caused much difficulty in medical offices, doctors retiring early when there is a doctor shortage, not to mention jobs being lost in private sector because of thoughtless, arrogant Congress & Executive Branches of federal govt require everyone to carry exact same coverage (whether needed or not)......  We are individuals and our healthcare needs to be tailored to us as individuals. 

I apologize for the rant, but it is so painful for me to watch my field of expertise be attacked and damaged........beyond repair, if no one stops it.

AND, after 25 years in that field, I can name 10 things off the top of my head that would decrease costs w/o harming patients, healthcare, doctors, and insurance.  HOW FRUSTRATING!

Healthcare must be reformed pieces at a time -  One big hunk of junk cannot do it.

Again, I apologize, but I am tormented by what I am hearing from other healthcare professionals as well as ordinary people (who are having hrs cut to <30 and also losing their health insurance).

I am enraged.......and saddened.   I am doing what I can to stop this travesty.   We need a "do-over" on this.  

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I never look to US physicians, pain specialists or our healthcare system to help with acute (migraine) or chronic (age=pain d/t sports) anymore. Actually, I try to stay away in general  I feel for the docs.  They are under the proverbial microscope, one group says treat pain or you will be accused of abuse, the next group reports them to the medical board for misconduct for treating pain.  In CA, the DEA and Medical Board are using CURES (the system set up by the state to "help" physicians identify drug seekers/abusers) against the physicians.  The regulators and enforcers are accessing the reports to look for physicians who in their opinion are not working within current guidelines.  The DEA/DOJ will sometimes get to the docs through MB actions, but now they are using tactics previously focused on dealers.  They are posing as patients, etc.  If the doc does not do a full workup, labs, imaging, pain contract, informed consent, the physician stands a chance of losing their license. The MB process of education and reform seems to have morphed into guilty before proven innocent. The pressure is coming from the feds and the state for sure, but the MB is falling in line. So....

That is why most of us are here...my personal view, stay healthy as possible, fly below the radar to get what you "need" not necessarily just "want", i.e. if I want to go on a long hike, I take along a PK to get through it; it I am stressed and haven't slept well, I find my own way...nothing is private anymore...this forum certainly isn't, but I feel "safer" risking access here than having my personal health history sitting in some electronic health record, owned by a group, hospital or health plan, alrea stretched thin who is at the mercy of and even more screwed up health care system....

Just my two cents....

I never look to US physicians, pain specialists or our healthcare system to help with acute (migraine) or chronic (age=pain d/t sports) anymore. Actually, I try to stay away in general  I feel for the docs.  They are under the proverbial microscope, one group says treat pain or you will be accused of abuse, the next group reports them to the medical board for misconduct for treating pain.  In CA, the DEA and Medical Board are using CURES (the system set up by the state to "help" physicians identify drug seekers/abusers) against the physicians.  The regulators and enforcers are accessing the reports to look for physicians who in their opinion are not working within current guidelines.  The DEA/DOJ will sometimes get to the docs through MB actions, but now they are using tactics previously focused on dealers.  They are posing as patients, etc.  If the doc does not do a full workup, labs, imaging, pain contract, informed consent, the physician stands a chance of losing their license. The MB process of education and reform seems to have morphed into guilty before proven innocent. The pressure is coming from the feds and the state for sure, but the MB is falling in line. So....

That is why most of us are here...my personal view, stay healthy as possible, fly below the radar to get what you "need" not necessarily just "want", i.e. if I want to go on a long hike, I take along a PK to get through it; it I am stressed and haven't slept well, I find my own way...nothing is private anymore...this forum certainly isn't, but I feel "safer" risking access here than having my personal health history sitting in some electronic health record, owned by a group, hospital or health plan, alrea stretched thin who is at the mercy of and even more screwed up health care system....

Just my two cents....
I'll second that vineco.

I feel like I'm being sized up when I have asked my Dr for pain meds for back issues, and this is never more than every six months for a 20 count low level container of help for back issues they them selves diagnosed and can verify.

They seem to want patients to stick it out and endure some pain, and while the approach does have some merit in many cases, I'm looking for something that would help at times when I just want relief and a good nights sleep.

It does cost a bit more to fly under the radar but it is so much easier then being scrutinized by the dr, the pharmacist, and whoever else is checking and tracking things.

Have you looked into any natural ways to deal with your thyroid problem if you don't have a doctor or can't get pharmacy med?

3 Natural Ways to Boost Thryoid Function


13 Ways to Treat Hypothyroidism Naturally


Top 10 Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism


Goes on and on if you Google - just make sure they are reliable sources, not people giving opinions etc.....

I'm just saying if you DON'T HAVE A DOCTOR and CAN'T GET PRESCRIPTION......you gotta do what you have to. 

Explore all viable, reasonable avenues to deal with this situation - such as IOP from dbg may carry what you need


They will pay for violating their Hippocratic OATH! 

Be careful about taking oaths and not keeping them......

I'll second that vineco.

I feel like I'm being sized up when I have asked my Dr for pain meds for back issues, and this is never more than every six months for a 20 count low level container of help for back issues they them selves diagnosed and can verify.

They seem to want patients to stick it out and endure some pain, and while the approach does have some merit in many cases, I'm looking for something that would help at times when I just want relief and a good nights sleep.

It does cost a bit more to fly under the radar but it is so much easier then being scrutinized by the dr, the pharmacist, and whoever else is checking and tracking things.
Yes, I'm sick of that too.  SCREW DOCTORS (95% of them) 

Some are giving up & retiring or searching for alternatives,  majority are conforming for most part to governmental decisions regarding patient health care in fear.

To be free is worth extra money to me.

I won't be a slave to pain because docs wet themselves if govt asks to see their charts - or brainwashed new ones. 

I'd advise people to learn as much about natural remedies and plants/herbs with medicinal properties asap.  Like a third world country, that is what Obamacare is going to turn the USA into and what we will need to do for survival.

Buy at least one plant encyclopedia with pictures & info.  Buy some bottles of herbs now that you believe could help you when the SHTF.  I'm also beginning to stockpile antibiotics that work best on me.  Already have done OTC meds for grandson & me.

I just want to share one story to show point of my post above:

In home health we were caring for man with G-tube (tube directly into his stomach for meds, fluid, feedings)......stomach juices leaking about tube and destroying healthy flesh surrounding tube is always a major concern.

This man I speak about had terrible problems and huge irritated wound around G-tube that I applied doctor-ordered treatment to every 4 hrs without any success, getting worse.  Suddenly it began to heal, became like normal flesh in a very short time  - it seemed miraculous.

The wife confided (and I ended up in on conspiracy cuz I do what's best for my patients, don't care if anyone thinks about it)

that they had stopped using the expensive creams and ointments doctors were trying for MONTHS to heal that area using....

They began using "Udder Balm"......for you city folk, it's ointment/cream used on cow udders to prevent or cure irritation, or sore spots from milking.......  pretty cheap stuff to buy.  Been around forever on farms.

The wife and I continued to use Udder Balm, while the stupid doctor who wouldn't listen to us thought his voodoo combo of ? had worked.  I kept their secret and the patient kept his healthy skin (and more of his money)

Look what commonly accepted medical treatments were and weren't doing for this man...... and the medical ones were very expensive - yet totally ineffective.....

Remember that when times get hard - there are alternatives to the medical model they are stuffing down people's throats.

I used to get lot of very sudden high fevers as a child - my grandma took care of me.....and I'm here alive today.....based on her old "antiquated" methods.  The ones that kept 9 kids she had alive to adult hood.

There are diseases that could be CURED - they have the cures, but it doesn't make pharma any money so they don't pursue it.

I became a nurse to heal or at least comfort people.  It really po's me to see doctors, pharma, & govt poisoning citizens and destroying our healthcare nationally.  

I'll go to a Native American shaman before I'll trust another conventional doctor.

Or a friend who is a Reiki Master.  (accupressure)

I will build up antibiotics & meds  I and grandson might need for future - none of mine get toxic with time

(BUT Erythromycin does - Don't take expired Erythromycin, it can go bad and kill you)

So be VERY CAREFUL about expired meds.

Penicillin doesn't really "go bad" just less potent - I'll combine with Echinascea herb capsules and Vit C/D tabs -

You can check with your pharmacist about which antibiotics become dangerous when expired.

Make sure you get Benadryl or hydrocortisone cream - something that you can use for allergies.

Sorry for my rant - I am repressing the ferocious fierce anger I have against doctors and what is happening to healthcare or I'd explode.  They have fked us all while they will have wonderful healthcare plans and low cost (when they're millionaires or more)

My parents are of an age, govt will want to deny them certain medical care - that isn't gonna go over well esp in a hospital where I worked many years and a place where I'm well known as most persistent cuss around - well, see.

I talked a surgeon into performing the first removal of pancreas ever done at this huge hospital after researching it being done at Vanderbilt.  I do have a rep there as a "strong personality" to put it kindly LOL. 

SOMEBODY is gonna treat my daddy right or be sorry.  I know too much on too many - they WILL take care of my daddy's cancer or I'll mix & inject it myself - I have mixed and given chemo by myself before when I worked that unit.......just have to sweet talk oncologist (who likes me) to give me the right dosages for him.

We have to resolve that we won't let them do this to us.  I need to listen to music, make some political posts, will be back if don't fall asleep.  I'm revved up, woman on fire, and need to give the WH and its minions some hell.

Have a good night, All

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!