Fentalog Reminiscing


New Member
Jun 15, 2020
Sometimes i just get a rare opportunity to travel back to 2016 in my dreams and get what i like to call a freebie high and just relive the wonderful moments where i was frantically awaiting the post man to bring my chinese goodness to my door and when be did.... oh man!! 

That lovely experience of tearing the envelope apart and rushing the powder from the bag to the foil post haste and enjoying the fantastic taste of the classic fentalogs.

furanyl, tetra hydro furanyl, acryloyl fent. The greats. The giants of giants. 

ill always miss 2016 like i miss a dead road dawg. 

anybody relate to the reminiscing?

You're not alone.. but very few people with this nostalgia are still around.

Despite now I'm more or less clean, I never found that any of the etonitazene analogues, despite (slightly) less dangerous and with an analgesic potency up to 4x f3nta, are MILES away from the golden age of the f-analogues.
Especially the ones where people with average tolerance didn't need to cut or do volumetric dosage, like acetyl-f was deff one of the best, in terms of nice euphoria, warm body well being, and a potency of 15x morphine.
Fu-F and IBF were amazing as well. Maybe somewhat too strong for h3roin users (20-30x), but totally enjoyable, and with such a smooth taste by smoking in a meth glass pipe, effects almost immediate and with a proper duration.

Eto analogues, the only one that is passable is Etazene (beware - lot of scammers and fake batch, or other analogues delivered instead of Etazene) - this is the only one of the family without a bitter as fuck taste. But the potency of 70-90x made it very hard to handle (I usually put 1-2mg on my meth pipe, and added 20-25mg of coffeine, to make it smokable) - but the euphoria is there only the first 1-2 days, then tolerance will rise insanely in such a short time, and even worst, aside the Withdrawal that IMO is worst than with f-analogues, the tolerance remains fucked for MONTHS, and not few weeks. If used daily for several months, good luck managing to enjoy again lower potency opioids. That's why lot of sellers offering Proglumide (some of them seems to be legit) appeared on DNMs, a totally legal chemical in most all countries, that can be used both as opioid potentiator, especially efficient with oxy (only 1/2 or less dosage needed to get the same effect, taken 300mg of Proglumide orally before consumption), or before sleeping alone to help restoring the tolerance a lot faster.

Technically is still possible that in a future, when Eto analogue will get banned, chinese will be able to produce other f-analogues - with odd structure - because the chinese ban is not so strict like the USA ban. But not sure if something good could be pulled out (Brorphine is a f-analogue but was not really enjoyable). The mexican cartel of course still deliver airplanes of f- and car-f , but it's most of the time bad synth, unfinished synth, and anyway it will be cut idk how many times before you can get it. And fent is lot boring comparing to glorious analogues. Car-f is obviously great in terms of euphoria, but I would really not dare to mess up with it.

There is just no more interest for producing f-analogues, first because the eto analogues are still legal in most countries and incredibly strong (but IMO they are just too sedative, only good for nodding, and unless you re-crystallze and sweeten up them, smoking is not really doable), and secondly because they are anyway banned on all DNM and LE would hunt at sight f- sellers. 

There was rumors of a decent f-analogue with legal status in EU, but it seems nothing happened and even who used to provide such gears for years vanished. I saw few different recent papers about other synth routes for f-analogues with uncontrolled precursors, but it takes few more steps. Nothing so hard apparently, even if I've really no background with chemistry, but still, nobody will care to take the risks, the market of strong opioid is already saturated. What the world need is a proper rc opioid with a low analgesic potency but outstanding receptors affinity, some rare/obscure opioid, even with history with human consumption, < 5x morphine potency, could be lot better than oxymorphone and close to low potency fenta analogues, and with a full legal status since analogues are possible and some of them not based on morphinians.

But again, nobody care.. just money talks, and the biggest part of addicted just prefer to get the strongest stuff possible for the cheaper price and are happy enough in the way they can have their nod with long-legs for several months. When those compounds will be banned, there will be a proper psychosis, massive dosage of methadone or subutex will barely cover the physical WD, the psychological WD with such strong eto analogues is totally brutal. I talk for experience. Some people didn't had such bad WD, but many ones I've spoken with they lived the same Hell I did. The WD from f-analogues was like a lovely walk in the sun near the lake, compared to WD of eto analogues, especially if used without break for several months - or now we can say years, since they are around since more than 2 years. 

Keep the faith, we'll see after the eto ban, if some new players will enter the opioid rc scene with one of the many interesting alternatives..but I suppose this won't happen anytime soon.

Peace, and stay safe.

any opiates/vendorss or places that are legit and sell opiates and hopefully hydrocodone syrup

@RC_researcher79 @RC_researcher79

hey man that was a fantastic read, im embarrassingly awful at replying to things without being extraordinarily late to the ball. 

funny that you mentioned both street fet from mexico and etazene for the cream of the crop of opis available today!!

That's my consensus as well. Altho the etazene is far far stronger than the og fettty i do get now and then (og meaning still tastes fan-fucking-tastic esp in thin borosilicate glass pipes.. love to watch the powder boil down and see what happens with the colors.. when im blessed the mofo comes out looking a beautiful very light orange with yellow hues) 

I also have had amaze luck ordering from my RC source for years. 

But their site seems down today... Gunna make another post on that subject here shortly..

Good fucking god of nod, lord of the noodle groove, deity of my 90 degree angle of glee.

May thee, thine most beautiful companion, shineth upon me and my new found friend some truly well deserved nodds!! 


@oso haha that was a funny reply ;)

Still, I didn't really vouch for Etazene, just said it was the best from the worst, at least for people seeking some euphoria and not strong sedation / nodding / blackout. But is nothing close to fenta analogues (fentanyl HCL is pretty boring compared to golden age analogues), and using zenes just overkill the tolerance. Not for weeks, but months, if not years for long-term daily users. As I said I took a break from the scene and research because those zenes are just worthless to me, if not for resellers making millions by selling fake oxy or china white, and of course for addicted who got an insane tolerance (and not everyone asked for it - but with all heroin and oxy leaced with fentas and now zenes, the tolerance spiked up insanely anyway). The insane analgesic potency compared to  the effects, that could be achieved and even better ones with 8-15x analgesic potency but extremely good receptors affinity, is just an overkill for nothing. Of course, Junkies loves them because by stashing a few grams, with such potency they are suited for months and months without worrying too much. Until they disappear all of sudden.

Luckily for them, it seems chinese are regrouping faster than expected, so there won't be too many people killing themselves due the extreme forced WD symptoms. But I'm really not interested in those compounds, both for the reason I stated above, and because I was actually one of the first ones researching the first analogue, Isotonizazene - and it destroyed my life, caused the death of close friends, and it's a bless i'm still alive. And after more than 2 years I'm not taking strong opioids, tolerance is still somewhat fucked up. 

I suggested so many times to get off from zenes if any opioid lover wants to have a chance to enjoy opioids again in the future, when zenes will be gone for good. But only few people listened. Of course, some other strong RC opioids with WW legal status could show up again after a while, but I really don't get why sticking with this class, that is no secret that causes an insane tolerance, if not irreversible tolerance, where the last card you can play then is an Ibogaine treatment to reset it. 

Anyway, I'm not judging the choices of people, just expressing my perspective because I went through the zenes hell and I know what I'm talking about, people underestimate the consequences of a long-term usage Zenes WD. Few people managed to get off without severe consequences..but the majority agreed that was a true hell. The fact is most zenes regular users never took a proper break, since one analogue or another were always available, and taking breaks in between is something 1% of Users maybe is able to do..

For this time it seems the world will continue like before, and zenes supply chain will resume. But the day of china gov ban will come, either forced from USA like it happened with fentalogues or through other channels - the fact 200x morphine potency opioid could be bought on a CLEARNET site I assure you is something since long under the radar of LE. But the world was too busy to fight covid issues and other bigger problems - but remember, nothing is forever ;)

Good Luck,

What's the general sentiment here about these substances? 

They are here and there around me, but there sure aint a national crisis!

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@Benzoking.com which substances you mean? the OP (Fentalogues) or Zenes?

In the first case, just nostalgia. But with the current crisis they could be back, even if probably not going to be sold on public DNMs.

In the second case, a general psychosis because Zenes supply chain has been broken and it won't resume before 8-12 months. Imagine people using 70-300x morphine compound daily for years, especially this class knowing to destroy tolerance completely (even pure fenta would be barely felt), and - as it was to expect - vanishing all of sudden. More and more scammers are coming pretending to have some leftovers, very few legit sellers are selling for insane price their stashes. But no matter what in 2-3 months they will be all gone. And, if you read how it ended with the creator of the original compound (Etonitazene), nothing good is going to happen.

I hope the zenes addicted started right now to taper down. the big issue is there is NO rc opioid to taper down in middle stage (10-20x potency), you need to go from 100x to 4x (heroin). Of course in USA ""luckily"" the mexican cartels sell on streets lot of fentadope with a random potency - but is really worth playing russian roulette with your life? 

Maybe not a national crisis because the strong opioid users are not so many like the pharmaceuticals low-potency opioid users (DHC, Codeine Syroup, Tramadol, o-dsmt, morphine) - but they got anyway a tolerance higher than they think for all the fake pressed oxy and heroin that 90% is just either zenes or fent cut. But a upcoming hell for many people indeed, since zenes - previously sold privately, went in the open on clearnet and the number of people who ended using them, since they were the """SAFEST""" cheap alternative, is pretty high.

LoL, well, actually.. not the best Opsec ever on a clearnet forum heavly monitored from LE and without using at least some 4v01d 1nd3x1ng Words :D
Let's presume for those 6 Minutes that is true @Benzoking.com, u talking about medical f3nt or HCL pure powder? :D

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use temp.pm or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!