Gathering information on 3FDCK

Jun 23, 2019
Nope, that wasn't a typo, 3FDCK has appeared as a replacement for 2fdCK among some vendors, and I've been asked to write up a product description for someone (no one on here, it could be the same batch but I can't confirm that yet), they're not hiding the fact that it contains the stim, (thank goodness) so I have to write up as much info as I can find for both chems. I was given a small sample of this to evaluate myself, but I want to hear others opinions and impressions of this stuff for a more accurate report, I don't want to write this up solely on my own experience and the tiny bit of information floating around out there, so I have a few questions.

Who else here has tried it? What did you think of it? What do you think an a good dosage range is for it? If you got the batch with the a-tooDpeeve, at what dose did you start to notice stimulation? How difficult was it to differentiate between the effects of the 2 substances? do you think the stim adds to or subtracts from the experience? Would you buy it again? Why or why not?

Also, Does anyone have a good link for a-tooDPV information? Dosage, duration, etc? I could find very little on that either, some reports stating its milder and less potent than other peevees/pyros, but nothing solid. as a result, I had to feel it out slowly and carefully, and just assumed it had similar potency to other pryos until I had a good idea of how strong it was. Which in itself is difficult to gauge because its only in the substance at 8%, its hard to tell which substance is causing what, and who knows if theres hotspots or not? Personally I hate most stimulants, especially PVs which I've only tried one other time, like a decade ago. I almost said no to a free sample because of it, but reading that it was relatively mild, and knowing I probably won't have many options for dissos soon, I figured "what the hell".

For anyone that plans to try it, please be careful, we're guinea pigging this one here, its mixed with another dangerous new chem, and no one knows how safe or clean either really is. Don't use any extreme ROAs, don't mix it with booze or other drugs, start small, go slow, stay hydrated, and space out usage. My source stated he's getting his current batch cleaned up in the near future, but as of now, I feel like we should just assume anyone with 3F right now probably has this 8% stim batch, even if they aren't open about it, unless they can produce reliable lab results. There's nothing about it on at the moment. The person I deal with, I trust about as much as you can trust a chemical selling stranger on the internet, and I don't believe he'd intentionally offer anything untested or mislabled, but you never know, so its better to play it safe. 

For myself, I found it interesting and enjoyable, yet still a little disapointing. At the time of this experiment I hadn't taken any dissos in at least a couple months, and i don't take any stims other than caffiene and white kratom, so there should be little to no tolerance at play. I started off with an allergy test of less than 1mg, I don't have the greated mg scale, so I did my best to weigh out 1mg, and then took about half of that, Waited about 2 hours, felt no noticable effects or discomfort, took the other half, waited another hour and a half, and then decided to take a 10mg intranasal dose. After that I waited an hour, still felt nothing that couldn't be dismissed as placebo, so I took another 20mg, about 15 minutes after that dose, I definitely felt the familiar ket like dissociation starting to work on me, but super weak compared to what Id feel from the same amount of ket or 2F, and no noticable stimulation from the pv, so I line up another 20mg, 15 minutes later, feeling a lot better, buzz is twice as strong, but still nothing in the way of intoxication compared to other dissos, the high is extremely clearheaded and functional, focus is increased, I could easily go to work on this stuff, but also the mood boost and euphoria seem stronger than what I get from other dissos at this level, and I assume this must be the stimulant taking effect but I suppose it could be the 3F itself, but I also don't notice any elevated heart rate here, and because I'm new to both substances, its difficult to tell which effects are from which substance. Theres definitely an almost opiate like relaxation and euphoria, maybe even some slight empathogenic qualities, and definitely some anxiolysis going on, and normally almost any dose of a strong stim will have me anxious or paranoid. After another 30 minutes or so, I dicided to take one more 20mg bump just to keep the ride going, but at this point it was starting to get late, and I wanted to sleep by a reasonable time, especially not knowing the half life of the stim, so I made that the last one for the night, although there was a strong urge to do more despite this. The stuff seems slightly more morish than 2f or ket, but once again, its difficult to tell which drug was responsible. After that, I enjoyed the remander of my buzz, still felt clear headed and functional, conversation was enhanced, as was abstract thinking, but so far its felt more like an effective depression, social anxiety, and ADD medicine, rather than a recreational or spiritual experience. For those purposes it might be better suited than most other dissos, but it could also just be the combo. I never came anywhere close to a "hole" and given the substance's stimulating nature and low potency, I doubted it was possible at all, especially with it mixed with a PV, but I want to be fairly certain for my report and decided I needed to take a fairly large dose next time. From the last dose, it took around 2 hours before I was back to baseline and able to sleep, so I concluded that the PV must have a very short duration, and the 3F probably lasts about as long as regular ket, but significantely shorter than 2F. 

The next morning, I weigh out 120mg, and rail it all in tiny lines over the course of about 20 minutes (side note, I chose to stick with intranasal, since the effects can be felt a lot quicker making it easy to gauge and redose, and because it didn't seem to burn or taste caustic, but I also didn't want to risk any more extreme ROAs with a substance almost no one has had before. I don't think anyone should at least until there's a clean batch, if even then.), effects are felt in about 10 minutes after the first couple lines, and seem to be in full swing around ten minutes after the last line. Yes, it was definitely stronger than the previous nights experiment, but not by a whole hell of a lot tbh. Euphoria has increased a bit, and at this point it seems like maybe the sedation of the 3F may be starting to overtake the the PV stimulation, because while still very clear headed and functional (ket or 2F would have me unable to safely drive at this dose.), my motor function was clearly impaired, and converstaion no longer flowed like it did the night before, frequently losing my train of thought mid sentence, or forgetting what I was going to say or do. Because of the clear lack of significant stimulation or elevated heart rate, the short duration of both substances, and the lack of dissociation and intoxication, I decided it was safe enough to keep pushing (keep in mind, just because I reacted this way, doesn't mean you will, you should still start slow like I did until you know how its effecting you), I drop another 100mg on the glass, and make it disapear. Now at this dose, with ket or 2F, I'd be holing or close to it, this stuff, STILL not even close. Once again, not sure if this is the stimulant counteracting the disso, but I also don't feel super stimulated either. I feel great, for sure, and I wouldn't mind taking this in lower doses a couple times a week for depression or motivation, or what have you, but as someone who likes to occaisionally explore the deep end of the pool with dissos, its extremely dissapointing. I would easily choose to buy 2F, Ket, or even 3-ho-pcp and the like, over this stuff, unless it was ridiculously cheaper, mostly because i don't want to have to rail almost an entire gram of a substance that probably causes kidney damage to get to where I want to be, and that seems like about where this substances potency lies. Along with a high that, while still feels great, is relatively underwelming. I do another 30mg shortly after, mostly just to push the total to 250mg, and with this increase, the stimulation became a little uncomfortable, while not increasing dissociation much at all, I try to work through it for the next 20 minutes to see if it the high was going anywhere different, but decided to take a 0.5 alp just to cool it off a bit. It didn't feel like I was any danger, just no longer felt comfortable, holing no longer seemed like an option, and didn't feel like letting that persist any longer. may have just been my regular every day anxiety, but I figured why suffer on an unfamiliar substance? The benzo mixed well with it, increasing the relaxation without taking away the euphoria. I had to conclude that holing wasn't an option with this stuff, if it was a possiblity at all, the dosage for it would have to be  over half a gram I think, and with the stimulant starting to get uncomfortable in the 200mg range, I didn't feel comfortable going above 250mg, so I let this gradually ware off, took about 2 hours before I was back to baseline. and then finished off what was left over the next day or so, but 250 was about my max dose.

Overall, I'm disapointed, but It was still an enjoyable experience. I wouldve liked to push it to at least 500mg, but I'm just not willing to do that with something so unknown. I'm sure some stim tolerant people might be able to push it higher, but I have no way to gauge the safety of this, and wouldn't reccomend it. I can't stress enough how difficult it is to gauge what two different new substances, in two different percentages are doing, and how they're effecting your body, and its always better to be dissapointed than to end up in the hospital or worse. For these reasons, I probably won't be trying it again until theres a cleaned up batch, and even then I probably won't be willing to pay very much for it. I'm aware that this isn't the best representation for the substance, and numerous factors could be in play for why its so dissapointing, this stuff could just be super watered down and impure, maybe there's a different isomer of the 3F that works better but hasn't been discovered yet, maybe this was actually just a bad batch of 2 F that they could no longer sell after the ban, and thinning it out and adding a stim was the only way they could make it pass as another substance, maybe it is 3F but they thought it was boring on its own and added the stim, or maybe its as simple as the chemist forgot to clean the beakers between synths, the point is we just don't know at this point, and wewon't know until we start seeing more reports and lab results coming in. I mean, lets be honest, while commendable for vendors to be upfront about it containing the 8% PV compound, its still sketchy AF that it even exists, and we simply don't know the truth about it. In a perfect world, the chemist should've thrown this in the trash, took the loss, and started over, but we know thats not how people in a largely unreggulated industry opperate. The official story we're getting is that the substance wasn't crystalizing on its own so a small amount of pv was added to get the crystals forming, and that might be the truth, but I don't have enough of a chemistry background to dispute it, and I'm sure most others buying these chems don't either. I will say, some of this doesn't add up to me, for example, if it wouldn't crystalize, why would they choose a stimulant? Why would they choose a psychoactive chem at all? There's nothing inert they could've used instead? There's no way they could've cleaned it up before selling it? Never mind the fact that drug combos like this can be potentially dangerous anyway, and its a reactionary news story waiting to happen. "This just in, people are turning up in emergency rooms across the country after a stimulant laced ketamine analog from China hits our streets." It sounds bad, it draws bad attention, hurts the whole scene, causes mistrust of the vendors selling it, and its potentially deadly, because theres alway going to be people that will misuse things, and we can't have a  "well thats their problem" mentality about it.

If you read that whole thing, thank you, and I hope it helps anyone considering it. Please post below if you've managed to get your hands on this stuff, your experience, and what you thought about it. Any information will be helpful to everyone I'm sure. Thanks again.

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I’ve seen “3F-DCK w/ 8% stim” being offered, but that obviously sounds suspiciously like the marketing for “fluoroxetamine w/ 8% stim” that appeared first. Do we really think there are two new 3F-subbed ACHs out there? All a bit sketchy and problematic. Perhaps the lab that produced this stuff will take some responsibility and speak up…

3-f-2’-o-pce or 3-f-2’-o-pcm? What’s the additive? 

Thanks for the report, btw@SlackyMcSlackerson .

Im fairly sure that some dunce of a vendor is just naming it 3fdck and its the exact same chem as the fluoroxetamine with 8% stim that is currently being sold from China.  So far I havent seen a source vendor call it 3fdck so im assuming its a domestic vendor causing all the confusion, likely because its constantly marketed by the source vendors as "the new 2fdck" which is such bullshit!   Yes, the stim apparently is some pyro, someone said it was ad2pv, but the drugsdata results arent back yet so no one is certain.   Either way its fucking stupid imo.  First off, FXE was synthed years ago without the stim so them having to add a shit ass pyro is just a way to get rid of a shit ass pyro that doesnt sell BECAUSE ITS A SHIT ASS PYRO.  Secondly, the synth is trash cuz the original fxe did not require 100mg+ dosages from what all ive read.  Saw another report on the new synth saying that 200mg or higher is likely the "sweet spot".   And that person said they do dissos rarely so its not a tolly thing, its just a weak synth (or weak chem if its actually a new chem and not fxe).  Maaaaaaaybe because its been watered down by a SHIT ASS PYRO?!?!?  Or maybe because the synth itself was a bit trash and they added the pyro hoping to make it better AND get rid of some garbage.  Someone else said vaping it was very good, but im not very into vaping unknown chems that are poor synths.  Yes, I love my lungs that much! :81_joy_cat: :81_joy_cat: :81_joy_cat: .    Thats my teensie rant.  @SlackyMcSlackerson Thanks so much for your report.  I for one am not paying 60 a gram for a poor misnomer that i might get 4 or 5 short lived doses out of.   They could at least have come up with a silly name for it.  Like the 3uphoria stuff.  And they could at least sell it for 5 a g so domestics can sell it for 15 lol.  And hopefully they get heaps of bad feedback and work harder on an actual 2fdck replacement. Im in my bitter old lady mood i guess........

also just saw this: 1V with ad2pv.  cropping up everywhere seemingly

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@DoomKitty fwiw, i fully cosign your teensie rant. signs point to a janky synth of an uninspiring compound. granted, great minds aren’t lacking for worthy projects, and this is a pretty niche preoccupation. but there’s been enough speculative chemistry performed by whizkids & savants in this field to allow for more systematic & rewarding progress to be made. there are always hurdles to navigate, but these touchscreen communities thrive on mapping out novel paths to fruition. just a screed in favor of intelligent drug design…

I for one am not paying 60 a gram for a poor misnomer that i might get 4 or 5 short lived doses out of.   They could at least have come up with a silly name for it.  Like the 3uphoria stuff.  And they could at least sell it for 5 a g so domestics can sell it for 15 lol.  And hopefully they get heaps of bad feedback and work harder on an actual 2fdck replacement. Im in my bitter old lady mood i guess........

also just saw this: 1V with ad2pv.  cropping up everywhere seemingly
Makes me incredibly happy a generous vendor sent me a g free for entertaining him while he was live reporting on it 🤣🤣 just picked it up today.

3f is indeed possible but yeah it surely seems like an alternate name given the 8% stimulant... Blegh.

Last but not least HOLY SHIT RE: THE 1V. Why?? This is why everyone needs to get their stuff tested!!! Augh!

@CAHEpiphany i think i know which vendor youre talking about!  Thats rad you got a freebie,  would love to know what you thinks whenever you try it out.  And yessssss so craze about the 1V, really hope thats some sort of anomaly or something.  Last thing we need is pyros added to everything.  Thats why im hoping fluorexetamine and 3fdck are the same. Fuck a world where pyros are added to everything....

I also got a free sample of this stuff.  it's  very dark brown and lumpy.  mild disso/stim buzz in around the 100mg range.  it's ok, but I'd never pay $ to order.  I worked mine up from around 2mg to 100mg.

Thanks for the report OP.   My experience is kinda same.

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I just saw this stuff advertised. So I'm assuming it's 4f or IPPH? I'm not taking any chances. Though. 


White almost translucent Rocks, Not the cut tan colored 8% cut going around
Euphoric, Stimulating, Dreamy and Floaty Disso

@BrokenLeashesAllOverTheFloor  Shit is so dumb lol.  Pretty sure theres only one lab making it and its all the same batch atm.  I saw someone had said theyd seen someone who is now selling that shit as "MXE" saying that the "purification of the 3fdck turned it into mxe".  Like WTF.  Even if they had magically removed the ad2pv and then somehow made it look identical to what everyone else now has, which is the whiteish batch, its insane charging 140 a g for it.  I mean if it was a hard to source NL chem then maybe, but you can just get it from China for next to nothing.   Either that vendor is just lying so people will pay that insanity or the vendor hes getting it from (someone in the hebei outfit i guess cuz theyre the only ones marketing it as 3fdck that ive seen.  and theyre notoriously shady af) is the lying asshole and hes just repeating the nonsense and then gouging cuz he thinks what he has is unique lol.   Since hes charging so much dont see why he wouldnt send it off to drugsdata!!  I mean of course he wont, but would be nice.   Either way, its def not worth it at that price, especially for something that doesnt have the greatest reviews and requires such a large amount of material.  With our tolerances id imagine it would require 250mg+ so that would equal to about 35$ a dose for a 3hr experience :81_joy_cat: :81_joy_cat: :81_joy_cat:

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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
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  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!