Generally curious


New Member
May 19, 2016
Hello, I am getting ready to place my first order and am feeling anxious about some things that I am unclear on. I was hoping someone could help me understand what, if any, possible legal consequences there could potentially be if somehow my order becomes taken by customs. I am also curious about the possibility of any other potential consequences, such as, could my order be found out by ,"the powers that be", and cause me to get in trouble. 

I am so grateful to have found this forum and very much in need of obtaining the anxiety medicine that helps me, but is only prescribed to me on a limited basis. I just am looking for some reassurance. I would be very grateful to any feedback. Thank you.

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Moved to general talk section.

I wouldn't worry too much @jewels480, what you have is "first time order nerves". You can look through the tracking/customs section if you like for more info. But I can assure you that if your letter was seized and you received a letter telling you so (LL, Love Letter) I would file it in the refuse receptacle, you are a tiny, tiny fish in a massive ocean, and nothing is likely to come of it except you not receiving . For yours and others safety, you'll notice we prefer people to post a review of their order upon receipt of it. That means, no posting that "I've just ordered on 3rd of October and expect to receive it on the 12th to my home address in Hawaii". Just leave review for after receipt. Unless you were ordering vast amounts, I really would not worry too much at all. Vendors here have been doing this for a long time in most cases and it is in their best interests that your letter arrives. Looking forward to your review!!! ☺

Thank you so much for your reply. You hit the nail on the head about "first time order nerves". You have really put it all in perspective for me. I also have generalized anxiety disorder, so I tend to worry about things intensely that others may sweep under the rug. I do have a question, though. I may be a bit ignorant, but when you say, "file it in the refuse receptacle",  do you mean throw it away?  I just wanted to make sure I clearly understood. Thanks again for the feedback, and I will be sure to post my review upon receipt of my first order.  B)

@jewels480   Good Luck on your first order!!!  I have done this more than one time and it gets easier but, until the little birdie lands safely in my nest, I still get a  little anxious.  I have a very active imagination so I conjure up some spectacular scenarios in my lil brain. So if it makes you feel better just realize you are not alone!! I imagine most people get the jitters every time an order is placed.   I have read this forum over and over multiple times and I cant recall a post where something nefarious happened.  Letters occasionally get misplaced or an LL arrives in the mail but I dont recall reading anything more than that.  The only advice I can offer is read, read and read before you order.....It makes the process a little less nerve racking when you order from someone with good reviews.   I think you will be just fine!!!  

And you are correct....if you receive an LL just shred it an move on.....

Have a good day! Aint 

Yep @jewels480, just toss it straight into the bin. Though I don't  expect you to receive one. @aintnouse is spot on also, every order gives you a little bit of nerves, and when it arrives, you get that excitement! But honestly yeah, you sound how I felt with my first ever order! I know I am in the UK, but out of a good few dozen orders, I have never had a loss or seizure or anything unfortunate happen to my letters, and that's testament to the various vendors here. I'm glad you posted this topic, because it's fairly typical, and it will help others in the same situation.

Very on point for me as, for some reason and also going on others feedback on gift times to my area, I was half expecting a gift today. I was only saying that I actually feel that excitement that kids do on birthdays or Christmas. 

I am not good a patience in all honesty and I guess I like things done in a military fashion. It's nice to habe the reassurance that comes from the experienced member so thanks for that guys 

Over the years I've gotten both an LL and (most recently) had an order get 'lost' in transmission. 

While insanely nerve-wracking, neither have presented real problems, nor have I ever felt in any way compromised - and I've had deliveries to (1) the front desk of a hotel I'd never been to before, as well as (2) three different states of residence. 

I've had roommates, ex's, and a landlord pick up my packages (unbeknownst to them), and put them in the house for me. Have ordered from many, many vendors here.

Not saying I'm a pro or expert, but just a normal person who was also scared to death at first. And it's been totally fine. Good luck.

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I think that on certain threads all it needs is either an admin,or experienced member, to post as above and most will be ok with this. Thank you

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I used to have one of those core bulletin boards filled totally up with love letters, wish I would have taken a picture of it before I threw it away when I moved to Ohio but it was really quite funny to see!

My ex is on the other side of the table so to speak with the knowledge that comes these questions and the Big Cat is correct that their not interested in tiny minnows like us but the big fish that provide.

Throw it away and shake it off.  Tomorrow is another day and you'll be fine.

Just got some white ten mg kraken pharma Instructions in English any one give me a quick answer

My first LL scared the shit out of me. As long as you're not trying to get thousands at a time, you really have nothing to worry about. 

I sent one of the kraken Val's off for tested came back with0.1 of the research alpraz and 0.1 of est everything was red flagged blister packs taste got em local  ,advise no go there white by the way.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  2. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  6. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  7. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  9. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  10. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  11. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  12. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  13. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  14. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  16. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
  20. Terrylolol @ Terrylolol: Hope everyone has a fantastic week!