It's all about honesty and being forthcoming. Docs/pharmacies these days can look up past controlled substance refills at pharmacies (in the US) but if you explain to you doc you've had problems with a specific substance they will sometimes understand you may need other controlled meds since they are the only ones that seem to work. I can speak from personal experience. Years ago I broke my wrist in several places and was on hard core narcotics for years. Eventually they wouldn't prescribe any more which led to massive doctor shopping. Some years have passed and I still suffer from ADD and severe anxiety/panic attacks. I've successfully obtained scripts for both Adderall and Klonopin. I only see two docs (who know about each other) and no longer doctor shop like I used to. This way, if they do check the Prescription Monitoring Database they can see I am telling the truth. To this day I stay away from any opioid medication. If I don't, I'll likely lose my other scripts.