just wondering if these guys are legit or not. Any feedback is appreciated
just wondering if these guys are legit or not. Any feedback is appreciated
Just noticed their page is identical to Vyren’s format wise. Could they just be a copycat?
Yep I agree completely. Someone else was asking me about them, I wasn’t planning on using them. I will inform them of this tho thanks@BurntNachos Would definitely agree that is waaaaaaaaaaaay too similar to be random. @Kooter I would avoid this. Like @BurntNachos said, this looks to be a copyclone of some sort.
THANK YOU, fooled me on reddit, the bastard. It always comes full circle, though, friends. At least we bit the bullet and saved some people's hard earned cash before more wallets were emptied. Scumbags, man. Smh.Gonna go ahead and move this to blacklist.