Hello, My Name Is Sammi,


New member
Mar 2, 2015
I am new here and this is my first time posting, I suffer from Lateral Canal Stenosis, very painful and debilitating condition. The medication my GP, (doctor) gives me, do not help at all with the excruciating pain.  There is a medication that help me

which I used to receive from a friend in Taiwan, but they have left that country, so am left without my source.  I live in London, they use to prescribe this medication, but it is impossible to get a prescription from one's GP.  As I am new here, I do not know if I am allowed to mention the name of the medication, so I will be cautious and not do so,  What I would like to know from any of the kind members or moderators, am I allowed to mention the name of the medication and also a reliable online pharmacy i can order it from.

Thank you all very much,


Hey..Welcome to DBG!!

I know all to well about having pain and doctors not caring.

Yes. You are allowed to mention the name of the meds

they just ask of you to to not spell it the proper way.

Such as add spaces..stars..numbers etc.

(Hidro lort@b codi3ne ect)

Enjoy your stay!!

Thank you very much @True Love, for the warm welcome and advise.

I am kindly asking the members here if they know a legitimate online Pharmacy,  where I may purchase a pain medication by the name of Di....4fe..n&c,  as I am suffering with excruciating pain and am almost paralysed with the pain. I have a medical condition called Lateral Canal Stenosis, I live in London, and the medication my doctor prescribes are absolutely useless.  I use to get the medication I mentioned above, (I hope you all recognised what I wrote, and the advise I was given by @VIP True Love, I did it correctly.)  Yes, I use to receive this medication from a friend in Taiwan, they could purchase this over the counter. but my friend is not there anymore, so my life is just a misery. I do hope someone here can help me, thanking you all in advance.


hi sammi and welcome to the forum... I still cannot figure out what your medication is... just putting a space between letters is enough.  The reason we do that is so that the forum doesn't show when someone does a google search for a specific med.  It is pain medication I assume?

Hello @Suzie VIP Member,

Thank you so much for replying to me.  The medication I am requiring is D.i.c.l.o.f.e.n.a.c 100mg, this is a generic name for these tablets, I think in America, which I am presuming you are from Suzie, it is V.o.l.t.r.o.l or D.i.c.l.o.f.l.e.x. tablets (D.i.c.l.o.f.e.n.a.c S.o.d.i.u.m.

I look forward to hearing from you,  Thank You.


Sammi, I did a search and didn't come up with much, maybe you would have better luck.  To search the whole forum click on Forum at the top left of the page and then use the search box which is at the top right.  I came up with one thread:

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not a lot of info but enough to know that Nap roxen is a similar anti-inflammatory med.  I am so surprised that you can't get this from your doctor as I believe it is non narcotic.  There is another thread here for a British online pharm... I think it is called WhitePharmacy?  Ok, did a search and found it:


There are others here from the UK who might jump in here... one is a very nice bat called Phrenicz... good luck with your search and hope white pharmacy might have what you need.

Hello Sammi,

I looked around, and I found that the molecule you are talking about it the main "ingredient" of Volta-ren. In the Uk it's called Volta-rol or Penn-said.

Don't know about the USA, but where I live (any most countries) it is sold without prescription, so you wouldn't need to find an I OP.

I hope it was useful and that I didn't misunderstood you!


Hi Sammi. I found this link: http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-the-difference-between-diclofenac-and-naproxen.htm

Naproxen is easily purchased (in the US at any drug store), though maybe at higher doses (which you may need, I don't know) the medication you are looking for is more effective. Even though Naproxen is over the counter, if taken for a long period of time it can have some nasty side effects. I was taking it with other narcotic pain meds and after about 6 months started waking up in the middle of the night with my heart racing (my doc said it was probably the naproxen and took me off it - and sure enough it went away). Also my former boss who has numerous pain related health problems ended up in the hospital with internal bleeding from Naproxen. Not to freak you out, since people take it everyday without incident, but long term it can be more harmful then the "evil narcotics" that the LE are so keen on prohibiting/regulating (sorry for the mini-rant). I'm not advocating that you start taking a narcotic, since they have their own set of issues, obviously. Good luck.

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