Okay, so I take 50mg of melatonin a night (I started out with 1mg and slowly worked up to this over a year). Well, for the past month, the 50 mg hasn’t done jack shit. It used to work great. Now I’m back to dozing off & on and getting MAYBE, a combined, 2-3 hrs of sleep per night. I tried taking 60mg’s but it didn’t do shit. What other all-natural (that can be found in either like Walmart or a health food store) meds can I use? Is there anything else I can try, like a certain meditation or whatever? I’m so exhausted all the time. I can’t do this much longer. Please help!!!
Thanks y’all!!
@Sunrise81 Over the counter, there is Doxylamine Succinate (antihistamine), which is most commonly used nowadays in night time stuff for sleep and with things like Nyquil. Some bad stuff came out about diphenhydramine (Benadryl-antihistamine), so not good for long term use, but that used to be king. Melatonin never even registered with me. Useless, however I do know of many that are helped by taking it. That chemical that's in Turkey is sold as a supplement (L-tryptophan), but I have no experience with it. Others are Valerian Root, Passion Flower, and Magnesium.
I've been through traditional prescription sleep aids, benzos, the works. They work on getting sleep, but none of them seem like long term solutions and many of them don't necessarily feel like refreshing sleep, or I get addicted and/or tolerance goes through the roof. I currently take Trazodone for sleep, which is a SARI (antidepressant, but I don't use at antidepressant dosages). I've used it for years now. It's the only thing that makes me tired and able go to sleep and wake up feeling like I got good, natural feeling sleep. There are no tolerance/dependency issues like with benzos and others and it is not a controlled substance. It is something you have to take every night though. If you want to quit, you do have to taper off (like SSRI's). The medicine is only prescsribed to me for sleep, so I get to take a low dosage (easier to taper off). When I am sleeping really well, I'll start lowering the dosage, so I always stay as close to 0 as possible. It takes a couple of weeks to get used to, but at first it will just make you feel a little weird. It's a well known medicine (it was in the top 25 most prescribed medications a few years ago). As you can see, I highly recommend it.
Other than that, keeping a similar schedule daily helps. Create a little ritual before you get in bed (like put a ring up in the bathroom or jewelry box, brush your teeth, take your glasses off) that you do every night. Then there is the most important one . . . Exercise!
I've gone through all of these stages to arrive where I am now. Always searching, medicating, trying different things for at least 20 years. Melatonin, Benadryl (10 yrs), doxylamine, Ambien, benzos, benzos, benzos, trazodone. I hope you are succesful in your journey and if I can do anything additionally, just pm me. I know how you start to feel. It can get really bad.
Best regards,