Hey Y'all


Oct 26, 2020
Hey Guys, Psychoticka here, came across this place by accident and it looks like my kind of forum. We're all here for the same reasons.

I have anxiety attacks and sometimes depression rears its ugly head, so I'm on the lookout for benzos, among other things.

Looking forward to getting involved in conversation, and if you guys have any questions feel free to interrogate me!

Seriously though, thanks for having me. Speak to you soon.

 - Psychoticka

Welcome @Psychoticka . We are glad to have you. You can find benzos relatively easy, but it wouldn’t hurt to donate and become a sponsor and you will have access to everything. Regardless , feel free to ask any questions.

@jtab  Thanks for the welcome, much appreciated. I already have a couple of contacts for benzos, but I'm always on the lookout for something more. I'm the kind of guy that likes to have different choices of substances for different reasons. And for that reason, becoming a sponsor sounds like a good idea. I'll have a read into it, see how much it will cost and how often, etc.

Thanks for the idea. The fact that it opens up everything, all the members only areas, that in itself sounds like it could be worth the price of the sponsorship.

Nice to meet you, by the way.

- Psychoticka 

Glad to have you here @Psychoticka. I read forum rules all the time I had hypoxia and health issues. You don't have to though.

I really need to update my profile! I am going on 6 years I credit a lot to friends on the forum for supporting me. But honestly still on benzo's.

And I am clueless about  btc as well. @DoomKitty has a helpful btc advice. I had a member donate for me. Please let someone you know well before doing though. Glad to have you @Admintried to dm him no mailbox sorry. Please feel free to delete. Hev

Welcome @Psychoticka, glad to have you join us. There's a lot of "how to" info on bitcoins in the Welcome to DBG section. It's not that complex or difficult, otherwise I would never have been able to get the hang of it. Feel free to ask any questions you may have as there are a lot of bitcoin savvy members to help. 

@2earls  Greetings 2earls, nice to be accepted into this community. Thank you for the welcome.

I will do a bit more reading up on Bitcoin and get it figured out. It seems to be the future anyway, so may as well learn sooner rather than later. If I get stuck anywhere I'll ask other members to help out.

All the best,

- Psychoticka

can vouch for the fact that I'm very crypto-savvy as well. Easiest ways to get and trade it are Cash @pp (need ID verification done one time only, but often it won't read the back of your ID automatically, so you'd need to hit the help button and contact support, via email, and they'll have you manually upload photos of your ID in an email to manually approve you, which can take a few days but is worth it to have ease of access there on) and Coinm@ma.com (if you're in the USA, certain states aren't accepted due to those states not approving them yet, and they also have a verification process, but it is relatively easy and quick to get verified afterward). Avoid Coinb@se, as they take forever to process and release funds to users. P@xful and loc@lbitcoins also are options, but those are p2p platforms (peer-2-peer), so it's a bit more to learn, but simple once you go through it once or twice, and you can find various rates instead of just one, and also multiple payment methods to choose from. Those also require ID verification. The MOST ANONYMOUS method to get BTC (Bitcoin) is to use Bisq. It routes all trade traffic via TOR, and doesnt require verification when creating an account. It also is a p2p platform, and only runs on a computer, not mobile OSs.

Welcome to the Community, and I hope you find your home here! Also, I recommend to you and anyone else who uses benzos to look into microdosing psych3delic compounds instead for anxiety or depression and the like. It is far healthier and less risky by orders of magnitude. B3nzo withdrawal can easily kill you. Psych3delics have no withdrawal (except odd shit like MDM@), and they cure depression and anxiety in time for most people, rather than simply treat it. Not to mention they can commonly cure addicti0n as well. You also avoid the brain fog of b3nz0s as well, and instead have heightened mental clarity and they act like a n00tropic, being a general brain booster and mood elevator.
@Psychoticka welcome Psychoticka, also a  newbie here, such a lovely community you will like it here ☺️ sorry to hear you suffer from anxiety and depression that must be very tough. I have no doubt you will get all the help and support you need here. I know Bitcoin can be really daunting but once you get the hang of it you'll never look back 🙂

@vs322   Thank you my friend, it's always nice to be accepted into a new community and I thank you for your kindness. Hopefully we'll become better acquainted as my time here goes on.

It's nice to meet you man.

- Psychoticka 

@vs322   Thank you my friend, it's always nice to be accepted into a new community and I thank you for your kindness. Hopefully we'll become better acquainted as my time here goes on.

It's nice to meet you man.

- Psychoticka 
The only thing I saw was a short one saying thanks. I didn't see any long one. If you don't want to recap, it's groovy! Just know I'm here if you need me!

@LysergamideLandscapes1938   Hey dude, hope you are doing well.

Not only will I write a short recap, but I will do my best to write it all again as fully as possible. When I'm a new member at a forum, I appreciate being warmly accepted as a new member and because of that, I really prefer to introduce myself properly.

So for that reason, when I have a little more time, I will re-write up as fully as possible the thread that was accidentally deleted.

Don't know if it was deleted by accident, or if it wasn't authorised by the moderators for whatever reason, but I promise I will introduce myself to you properly.

Speak to you soon,

_ Psychoticka 

@LysergamideLandscapes1938   Hey dude, hope you are doing well.

Not only will I write a short recap, but I will do my best to write it all again as fully as possible. When I'm a new member at a forum, I appreciate being warmly accepted as a new member and because of that, I really prefer to introduce myself properly.

So for that reason, when I have a little more time, I will re-write up as fully as possible the thread that was accidentally deleted.

Don't know if it was deleted by accident, or if it wasn't authorised by the moderators for whatever reason, but I promise I will introduce myself to you properly.

Speak to you soon,

_ Psychoticka 
I genuinely appreciate that. I'm sure it likely was accidentally deleted. I can't imagine what you could have said that would warrant legitimately being deleted by purpose. 

I can really respect the active stance of taking the time to treat someone or something with the attentiveness and value you feel is deserved, and I strive to do the same, in fact. It's a shame that most people don't care enough to do so these days, sadly.

I look forward to your re-cap, and will respond with the same investment of consideration in kind!

Love and Light,


@LysergamideLandscapes1938   Hey LysergamideLandscapes1938, allow me to reintroduce myself. Love the name by the way, is the year a reference to when this magical compound was first synthesized by Hoffman?

Funnily enough, I've been doing a bit of reading up on microdosing lately. Read quite a few people's experiences on microdosing L$D, MDM@, Psil0cybin and even Ib0g@ine. Not once have I ever come across a negative report on microdosing. That in itself tells you it's a safely, tried and tested method of improving brain functionality. Had powerful effects on the reversing of both depression and anxiety. Whereas like you said, b3nz0s don't really solve the issue, they just give temporarily relief. But when they've worn off, sometimes you have to take more just to function. Repeating this process can obviously lead to @ddicti0n. 

Right, on to the Bitcoin scenario. I'm glad we have crypto-savvy guys like you around as I haven't started getting into Bitcoin yet, but as crypto-currency is obviously the money of the future, it's something I simply need to get up to speed on. The quicker I learn and the more I learn, the better my understanding is going to be. And as I need Bitcoin to donate, it's not really something I can put off any longer. I've read bits up on it, and the more I read the more I understand a bit better.  And before you mentioned it, I had already learned to avoid Coinb@se due to it's ridiculous amount of time to deal with processing and releasing the funds. So I will not be dealing with them.

Before I sign off, I suppose I should put a little bit about me. I am, everand always have been, a massive boxing fan. It's the only sport I've ever been interested in since being a child. I have developed an interest in Chemistry and Pharmacology and in my spare time I plan on teaching myself the basics and gaining a better understanding, then I'll see where that takes me. But with having a full time job I can only focus after work or at weekends. But we'll see how it works out.

 Anyway, it's nice to meet you, and I guess I'll see you around!

- Psychoticka

@LysergamideLandscapes1938   Hey LysergamideLandscapes1938, allow me to reintroduce myself. Love the name by the way, is the year a reference to when this magical compound was first synthesized by Hoffman?

Funnily enough, I've been doing a bit of reading up on microdosing lately. Read quite a few people's experiences on microdosing L$D, MDM@, Psil0cybin and even Ib0g@ine. Not once have I ever come across a negative report on microdosing. That in itself tells you it's a safely, tried and tested method of improving brain functionality. Had powerful effects on the reversing of both depression and anxiety. Whereas like you said, b3nz0s don't really solve the issue, they just give temporarily relief. But when they've worn off, sometimes you have to take more just to function. Repeating this process can obviously lead to @ddicti0n. 

Right, on to the Bitcoin scenario. I'm glad we have crypto-savvy guys like you around as I haven't started getting into Bitcoin yet, but as crypto-currency is obviously the money of the future, it's something I simply need to get up to speed on. The quicker I learn and the more I learn, the better my understanding is going to be. And as I need Bitcoin to donate, it's not really something I can put off any longer. I've read bits up on it, and the more I read the more I understand a bit better.  And before you mentioned it, I had already learned to avoid Coinb@se due to it's ridiculous amount of time to deal with processing and releasing the funds. So I will not be dealing with them.

Before I sign off, I suppose I should put a little bit about me. I am, everand always have been, a massive boxing fan. It's the only sport I've ever been interested in since being a child. I have developed an interest in Chemistry and Pharmacology and in my spare time I plan on teaching myself the basics and gaining a better understanding, then I'll see where that takes me. But with having a full time job I can only focus after work or at weekends. But we'll see how it works out.

 Anyway, it's nice to meet you, and I guess I'll see you around!

- Psychoticka
So, first off, I want to thank you for expounding upon such lengthy verbiage again after losing the first one. I'm glad you did, as it bears some significance! I also wish to say that I will be replying systematically and going from top to bottom on your conversation points above to make life simple. :)

Yes, the year is the year £§Đ was first created. Most people think it was 1943, but that was rather the year of B¡cycl3 D@y (April 19, 1943), the day Dr. Hofmann (you spelt it "Hoffman", which to educate you is a common misspelling even I was guilty of for a long time) first do§3d on £§Đ by purpose and then had to ride his bicycle home from the lab (as it was a common mode of transportation in Switzerland at the time), as well as the year he first accidentally d0§3d on it just 3 days prior on April 16th, 1943. 

Yes, m¡cr0d0$¡ňg is amazing and very safe as well as highly efficacious. I'm about to start back up on a regimen myself again soon, hopefully. P§¥€#3Đ3£¡€§ have changed my life in the most profound manner. They have provided the single greatest source of personal growth, enlightenment, and healing in my life (the next biggest source of growth came from becoming a daddy). That is not an exaggeration in the slightest. I strongly recommend m¡cr0d0§ing to anyone, and especially people suffering from @dd!ct!0n and emotional/mood disorders in particular. I can not hope to express with words and manage to do justice what they've gifted my broken self. The work done by M@P$ and others is groundbreaking and poised to turn the realm of psych0l0gic@l m3dicin3 on its head.

Yes, ß3nz0§ are insidious and destructive overall, and really have far less efficacy than p§ych§.

As far as crypt0 goes, when I get my laptop back from where it currently is, which idk when it will be exactly, I have some tutorials on the anonymous use of 5 different types of c0ins, including BŢ€, and will be copying them over to here in the crypt0 section as new threads for everyone to peruse. I highly recommend you taking advantage of the tutorials when they come out here. They are heavily researched and provide the best methods of using them there currently are. I was paid by someone to create them, and that someone is very high up in both the realms of p§ych§ and the ĐŇ (Đ@ŘĶŇ3Ţ), if that means anything to you as far as their purported reliability. If you need to use ßŢČ or other crypt0 before they are available here, feel free to DM me or reach out to me here on your thread and I'll gladly break down safe use for you to secure yourself. :)

Boxing, huh? Oscar De La Hoya was a favorite of mine back in the day, and I had family ties to Macho Camacho and his family years ago (his family was running the c0k3 game in Florida back in the day and my father was closely tied in with them until they got run out of it by LE around 2007-2009). Also, not directly a boxing thing, but peripheral to it however, I'm a fan of "Mike Tyson Mysteries"! Lol.

I, too, have interests in both 0rg@nic Ch3mi§try and ph@rm@c0l0gy, and have been studying them in one degree or another for a decade now. I have a pretty good grasp of both for a layman with no formal education in the subjects. I consider myself a P§ych0n@ut in the truest and highest sense of the term, and that is what it was borne of.

Nice to meet you, too! I look forward to getting to know one another better as we interact here on the forum!

Love and Light,


@LysergamideLandscapes1938  Hey man, yeah I've actually had this argument with someone at work, I was saying it was first synthesized in 1938 and they were swearing it was 1943. I said "Aah, you're getting that date mixed up with the first date it was accidentally ingested and found to have psychedelic properties". I then went on to describe how this happened and explained the events of the legendary "Bicycle Day", as I love to talk about psychedelics any chance I get. Can you imagine being Hofman riding home from the lab and having the world's first @cid trip? That must have been amazing! 

I'm really interested in giving microdosing a try, but there aren't any sources here in the UK that support such a programme (as far as I know), so if I were to give it a try I'd need to obtain the drugs illegally anyway to give it a go, it's ridiculous. But I'll read up on how to prepare it myself.

Your self-written tutorials on the anonymity of crypto currencies sound amazing and I look forward to giving them a read when they become available. As a psychonaut myself I'm well aware of what the D@rk W3b is and that concept in itself is fascinating. If I got to the bottom of how Bitc0in worked fully, I'd be set up for everything I could ever need! Psych3del1cs, Trypt@mines and Diss0ci@tives are a never ending source of pleasure and wonder, and every trip is a different experience in time and space. What a great time to be alive.

You may be surprised to hear this, but De La Hoya is in talks about coming back for another fight at the age of 47. But then again, when you've got Mike Tyson at 54 fighting Roy Jones Jr at 51 in an exhibition match on 28th November I guess anything can happen.

And before I sign off, I'd just like to say my interest in Ch3mistry and Ph@rmac0logy was borne out of Psych0n@utic adventures too. Have c00k3d Dimitri a couple of times previously and there's no better excitement than when you blast off into hyperspace and think to yourself "I did this myself!" What a feeling.

 I too look forward to getting to know you better as time goes on.

Have a pleasant evening,

- Psychoticka

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  5. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  9. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  10. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  12. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  13. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  14. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  15. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  16. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  19. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there
  20. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ