Hi All - Its Been Approx. 10 Yrs.. Glad To Be Back!


Apr 12, 2015
Hey all DBG members, Admin, mods -

I'd like to start off with saying Thank You to the Admin/mods of DBG. Running a quality board for this scene is not easy - I know and can speak from experience.  

Quick 'tech' background, I ran a B.B.S. in the good ole days with a blazing fast 2400 baud modem and 4 phone lines, I was the man! No 'mouse', no Windows - awesome ANSI graphics and DOS though! Anyhow I began trolling the internet - specifically usenet newsgroups and I was and am an old school tech... hacking/phreaking and I grew up, became an Engineer/Technologist..

Quick 'medical' background without writing a dear john letter - I developed a severe anxiety disorder and also suffer from Ankylosis Spondylitis (chronic crippling disease like arthritis on steroids). So, medically I needed help and I leveraged the internet when Dr's began facing tougher regulations and IOPs/US OPs exploded.

I plunged into my first online source and got the meds I needed for a fraction of the price in 1997-2004. I then opened and ran a board for this scene at that time (2002-2005) and networked with some great people. I developed a website for a buddy of mine in the Phillipines. In fact, it is still open today as I just heard from him which prompted me to get back in the scene!

With that said, I have a wealth of knowledge on medications, IOPs, US OPs, as well as an entire laundry list of illicit substances. I am in chronic pain and have been on all meds under the sun for pain - I developed a dependency (politically correct for addiction...lol!) and am on methadone now. I am on benzos, and 6 other medications. 

Anyhow - I am glad to be back in the scene and I'm more than happy to help (following the rules)..

Good Job DBG!

PS: Times have certainly changed!



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Welcome back. I will look forward to reading your posts. Sorry about your medical conditions, that's what brings most of us here.


Welcome! I look forward to reading and learning from you. It is such a kick to see all this knowledge on this forum. I can relate to your health conditions I have some of my own. Looking

Up information is how I found this site.

Welcome Fred and sorry you have to deal with such pain issues.

We normally tell all newcomers to read read read but due to serious quality issues the last 6 months read extra carefully, pick your vendors based on what others have experienced and start out buying minimum ony until you find a reliable guy. The QA issues are mainly with the vikings so be careful. If you don't know what product I'm referring to think about it for a minute. We always try to use some form of slang. You'll get the hang of it.

Angler andrew said:
well seems a good opportunity to say hello myself since my story is very similar,ie using iops in around 2008 if I recall correctly,never had one bad order funny enough with Starlight being the first I ever ordered off and every 14 days like clockwork my meds would turn up,UK being a good place I reckon for mail.

On Methadone myself although it's the last thing on earth I'd ever advise anyone to take,though in some respects it's a life saver it's proved in my case to be crutch and hasn't helped my problems though I guess that's down to my own stupid head(though I do believe I'm now at rock bottom)also on fentanyl patches but they don't really work whilst on medicine IMO.

I'm way out of touch with any iops nowadays and am currently struggling to read between the lines on here with regards feedback ect as so many posts are pretty old.

Anyway that's me,despite my probs I do have some hobbies such as fishing and walking(when my leg allows)infact being outdoors is the only time I'm truly happy,any help form fellow forum guys n girls would be appreciated.

Welcome Angler Andrew,

The more you read, the better you'll get the hang of it. Also, I am always here to help and answer questions, as is my partner CatintheHat. I love the outdoors too, especially now with a few beautiful spring days popping up.


Hey there. You seem very educated on what ya need and where

you need to be. Saying hello &

hope you're day is going well for you :)

True we need to make yu our official greeter! Such a sweetie!

I digress.....

Welcome fredericks!

Thank you ALL for the warm welcome! Looks like a great group here!

2earls/headbanger =

I absolutely understand and I appreciate the advice as far as the scene - as I said times have changed.

I've been on a many forums back in the day from public, private, referred only/locked, you name in it.. and ran my own.

That said I give you guys props - the time it takes, the cost, the dedication and all - good job dbg! I'll help you all as best as I can. 

PS - Welcome Angler Andrew - hang in there man - mdone is only one tool as far as recovery goes.



Hey Angler --

I can relate and share some my experience and the hell I have been through... 

Kicking methadone is absolutely IMO one of the hardest longest physical addictions I have been through.  The only other addiction in my experience that is horrible is benzos... seizures brain shock syndrome. 

I feel for you and I can tell you that I have been very succesful on mdone (career house chrysler 300 motorcycle - the world by the balls). That said I have struggled as well and I am right now.  I am doing the best I can but it is difficult and I feel so bad for people that are withdrawing ... I want to help them when I see it

I will certainly be sharing and helping anyone I can here as approved by the admin/mods.  I think this is a great forum so far... great job and great people!

HANG IN THERE AND KEEP YOUR HEAD UP... I will share as much as I can without flooding the board - lol!!



Hey All - 

I was going to start a new thread regarding my day today.... depressing news and in need of medical help. (Mods - I was going to share this in the 'all about pain and dealing with it")

I went to the Doctor today after not going for approx. 1 year.  I thought I had the best Dr in the world because I had him for 16 years and he accepted the fact I had an addiction problem and was on methadone.. where as prior docs would tear up scrips in my face and threat me like shit. I now am uncertain if my Doctor is 'great' - just because he rights scripts and friendly does not mean he is looking out for my best interest. Essentially I had an 'ah ha' moment today,'

I was rushed by him and as soon as he walked in and asked "Why are you hear" and I responded with "LOOK AT ME - WTF!!?".  Honestly people my Ankylosis Spondylitis is out of control - my posture and spine/neck is fused.  I can not lift my head and I am in a permenant 'stoop' position as if I'm looking at a cell phone all the time.  With that said - I asked "Hey - I am scared am I going to end up in a wheel chair??" I'm 37yrs old and he responded with "Yes that is likely"! WTF??  I frigan googled the disease and treatment for it and HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING except 'bandaids' over the past 5 years. My disease has progressed exponentially and I am freaking out....  As for treatment I need NSAIDS, BIOLOGIC meds, PAIN meds, and an actually 'addressing the issue' rather than bandaids.

Rather than a dear john letter - the end was ok to some extent but I had to really advocate for myself and STAND UP. The one who squeals the loudest gets the oil ya know? So I have a ultrasound setup for next week, a stent that needs to removed, and two referrals.  I have HEP C and they are looking into it now and sending me to a GI LIVER group. I also am addressing two other issues. 

The problem = Because I am on methadone NO one wants to touch me with a ten foot pole. BUT I am NOT looking for narcotics - I am looking for some relief as the pain is UNREAL!  Well it will be a tough road.  

My options - I am now 'back' in the scene for this reason - I am sure some people can relate... no?? 

People - stand up for yourselves and address your health issues - if I only knew what I know now years ago... I hope I can help just one person with this advice. Do not delay or avoid it... I did and I am in trouble.

THANK YOU for letting me rant..!

Lastly - I have a lot to offer... and there is not enough hours in the day honestly!!  With my 20+ year background with addiction, dr*g use, IOPs, US OPs, pharmacology education, experience, etc. I look forward to all of your help as I feel comfortable on this board and hope to help any of those.



Hey All - 

I was going to start a new thread regarding my day today.... depressing news and in need of medical help. (Mods - I was going to share this in the 'all about pain and dealing with it")

I went to the Doctor today after not going for approx. 1 year.  I thought I had the best Dr in the world because I had him for 16 years and he accepted the fact I had an addiction problem and was on methadone.. where as prior docs would tear up scrips in my face and threat me like shit. I now am uncertain if my Doctor is 'great' - just because he rights scripts and friendly does not mean he is looking out for my best interest. Essentially I had an 'ah ha' moment today,'

I was rushed by him and as soon as he walked in and asked "Why are you hear" and I responded with "LOOK AT ME - WTF!!?".  Honestly people my Ankylosis Spondylitis is out of control - my posture and spine/neck is fused.  I can not lift my head and I am in a permenant 'stoop' position as if I'm looking at a cell phone all the time.  With that said - I asked "Hey - I am scared am I going to end up in a wheel chair??" I'm 37yrs old and he responded with "Yes that is likely"! WTF??  I frigan googled the disease and treatment for it and HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING except 'bandaids' over the past 5 years. My disease has progressed exponentially and I am freaking out....  As for treatment I need NSAIDS, BIOLOGIC meds, PAIN meds, and an actually 'addressing the issue' rather than bandaids.

Rather than a dear john letter - the end was ok to some extent but I had to really advocate for myself and STAND UP. The one who squeals the loudest gets the oil ya know? So I have a ultrasound setup for next week, a stent that needs to removed, and two referrals.  I have HEP C and they are looking into it now and sending me to a GI LIVER group. I also am addressing two other issues. 

The problem = Because I am on methadone NO one wants to touch me with a ten foot pole. BUT I am NOT looking for narcotics - I am looking for some relief as the pain is UNREAL!  Well it will be a tough road.  

My options - I am now 'back' in the scene for this reason - I am sure some people can relate... no?? 

People - stand up for yourselves and address your health issues - if I only knew what I know now years ago... I hope I can help just one person with this advice. Do not delay or avoid it... I did and I am in trouble.

THANK YOU for letting me rant..!

Lastly - I have a lot to offer... and there is not enough hours in the day honestly!!  With my 20+ year background with addiction, dr*g use, IOPs, US OPs, pharmacology education, experience, etc. I look forward to all of your help as I feel comfortable on this board and hope to help any of those.


Welcome aboard Fredricks, and thanks for your input..


Welcome back guy. I haven't been here for a little while and I feel like I missed out on all the vendors that come and go. Hope you stick around this time for a while. I plan to do so as well. Have a great one!

hey, i've been on opioids for about 10 years.

started with codeine, went on to 3-MF (3-methylfentanyl), used to that for 3 years, and am now on methadone for more tha n 3 years and 2 months,.

As far as benzos go, been addicted to about as long, if not earier. I only use email vendors. I'm from Northern Europe (TALLINN).

Hey All - 

I was going to start a new thread regarding my day today.... depressing news and in need of medical help. (Mods - I was going to share this in the 'all about pain and dealing with it")

I went to the Doctor today after not going for approx. 1 year.  I thought I had the best Dr in the world because I had him for 16 years and he accepted the fact I had an addiction problem and was on methadone.. where as prior docs would tear up scrips in my face and threat me like shit. I now am uncertain if my Doctor is 'great' - just because he rights scripts and friendly does not mean he is looking out for my best interest. Essentially I had an 'ah ha' moment today,'

I was rushed by him and as soon as he walked in and asked "Why are you hear" and I responded with "LOOK AT ME - WTF!!?".  Honestly people my Ankylosis Spondylitis is out of control - my posture and spine/neck is fused.  I can not lift my head and I am in a permenant 'stoop' position as if I'm looking at a cell phone all the time.  With that said - I asked "Hey - I am scared am I going to end up in a wheel chair??" I'm 37yrs old and he responded with "Yes that is likely"! WTF??  I frigan googled the disease and treatment for it and HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING except 'bandaids' over the past 5 years. My disease has progressed exponentially and I am freaking out....  As for treatment I need NSAIDS, BIOLOGIC meds, PAIN meds, and an actually 'addressing the issue' rather than bandaids.

Rather than a dear john letter - the end was ok to some extent but I had to really advocate for myself and STAND UP. The one who squeals the loudest gets the oil ya know? So I have a ultrasound setup for next week, a stent that needs to removed, and two referrals.  I have HEP C and they are looking into it now and sending me to a GI LIVER group. I also am addressing two other issues. 

The problem = Because I am on methadone NO one wants to touch me with a ten foot pole. BUT I am NOT looking for narcotics - I am looking for some relief as the pain is UNREAL!  Well it will be a tough road.  

My options - I am now 'back' in the scene for this reason - I am sure some people can relate... no?? 

People - stand up for yourselves and address your health issues - if I only knew what I know now years ago... I hope I can help just one person with this advice. Do not delay or avoid it... I did and I am in trouble.

THANK YOU for letting me rant..!

Lastly - I have a lot to offer... and there is not enough hours in the day honestly!!  With my 20+ year background with addiction, dr*g use, IOPs, US OPs, pharmacology education, experience, etc. I look forward to all of your help as I feel comfortable on this board and hope to help any of those.


wanted to say hey..welcome to the best forum around.:)

im so sorry about your pain...im in a ind of similar situation and i agree its terrible..not fun at all!!

im getting treated like im drug seeking when this whole smack down on docs giving up what we really need... we are the ONLY country that is hurting its sick, its so crazy!!

you said you have Hep C, i dont have it but a really good friend of mine does...and they where going to do interferon  but they where so scared of that...

but there is something new out, its a pill you take it for 90 days and it has a 90 percent recovery rate..

anyway i hope you enjoy the forum and its staff and posters,, i maybe biased because i basically live here..lol

but i dont think i am /default_cool.png

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but there is something new out, its a pill you take it for 90 days and it has a 90 percent recovery rate..
I've seen that med shown on a TV commercial for about the last month or two, and I thought man that's a miracle med for people who have been suffering from Hep C. It's about time they put out a med that's helpful. They sure do advertise everything else for every ailment under the sun. Some of that stuff leaves you wondering why they're even advertising it. But not this one, it's wonderful, as long as it doesn't have any real bad side effects.

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but there is something new out, its a pill you take it for 90 days and it has a 90 percent recovery rate..
I've seen that med shown on a TV commercial for about the last month or two, and I thought man that's a miracle med for people who have been suffering from Hep C. It's about time they put out a med that's helpful. They sure do advertise everything else for every ailment under the sun. Some of that stuff leaves you wondering why they're even advertising it. But not this one, it's wonderful, as long as it doesn't have any real bad side effects.
Hey All - 

I was going to start a new thread regarding my day today.... depressing news and in need of medical help. (Mods - I was going to share this in the 'all about pain and dealing with it")

I went to the Doctor today after not going for approx. 1 year.  I thought I had the best Dr in the world because I had him for 16 years and he accepted the fact I had an addiction problem and was on methadone.. where as prior docs would tear up scrips in my face and threat me like shit. I now am uncertain if my Doctor is 'great' - just because he rights scripts and friendly does not mean he is looking out for my best interest. Essentially I had an 'ah ha' moment today,'

I was rushed by him and as soon as he walked in and asked "Why are you hear" and I responded with "LOOK AT ME - WTF!!?".  Honestly people my Ankylosis Spondylitis is out of control - my posture and spine/neck is fused.  I can not lift my head and I am in a permenant 'stoop' position as if I'm looking at a cell phone all the time.  With that said - I asked "Hey - I am scared am I going to end up in a wheel chair??" I'm 37yrs old and he responded with "Yes that is likely"! WTF??  I frigan googled the disease and treatment for it and HE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING except 'bandaids' over the past 5 years. My disease has progressed exponentially and I am freaking out....  As for treatment I need NSAIDS, BIOLOGIC meds, PAIN meds, and an actually 'addressing the issue' rather than bandaids.

Rather than a dear john letter - the end was ok to some extent but I had to really advocate for myself and STAND UP. The one who squeals the loudest gets the oil ya know? So I have a ultrasound setup for next week, a stent that needs to removed, and two referrals.  I have HEP C and they are looking into it now and sending me to a GI LIVER group. I also am addressing two other issues. 

The problem = Because I am on methadone NO one wants to touch me with a ten foot pole. BUT I am NOT looking for narcotics - I am looking for some relief as the pain is UNREAL!  Well it will be a tough road.  

My options - I am now 'back' in the scene for this reason - I am sure some people can relate... no?? 

People - stand up for yourselves and address your health issues - if I only knew what I know now years ago... I hope I can help just one person with this advice. Do not delay or avoid it... I did and I am in trouble.

THANK YOU for letting me rant..!

Lastly - I have a lot to offer... and there is not enough hours in the day honestly!!  With my 20+ year background with addiction, dr*g use, IOPs, US OPs, pharmacology education, experience, etc. I look forward to all of your help as I feel comfortable on this board and hope to help any of those.


wanted to say hey..welcome to the best forum around.:)

im so sorry about your pain...im in a ind of similar situation and i agree its terrible..not fun at all!!

im getting treated like im drug seeking when this whole smack down on docs gving up what we really need... we are the ONLY country that is hurting its sick, itscrazy!!

you said you have Hep C, i dont have it but a really good friend of mine does...and they where going to do interfiron but they where so scared of that...

but there is something new out, its a pill you take it for 90 days and it has a 90 percent recovery rate..

anyway i hope you enjoy the forum and its staff and posters,, i maybe biased because i basically live here..lol

but i dont think i am /default_cool.png


sorry for what ever reason the quote function put this other paragraph in with my old post so ill use dots to separate the two,,,sotrry for confusion. ..........................................................................................................................................

Well she has some side effects from it and, what she said to me about it was..She doesnt mind the side effects.  Its only three months out of her life, which she can now live and not worry so much about liver cancer or dying from Hep C, so she said for that reason alone it was worth it, she is also working with  nutritionist to help her stay at her best and feel her best while on this med....maybe that has helped too...

she has good days and bad days, but she is ok with it because she knows its only three months and has a 90 percent success rate...

she is actually done taking the meds...and is now waiting...she is still working with nutritionist though to help her be as healthy as she can to help the meds out...

gl hun...i wish all the best for you :).

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣