- Hi, so feel free to ask any questions. First off for an email service i suggest tuta.io. I also recommend TAILS OS on a bootable thumb drive. CCNP-S is cisco certified network professional specializing in security,
Things you need to install for firefox/chrome
- Ublock Addon
- Signup for Tutanota Mail
- Ghostery Addon
- BLUR addon
- Disable all flash for when browsing sites that sell "candy"
- If you do not know how to create a bootable thumb drive I will assist you.
- Use TAILS ALWAYS (Tails or The Amnesic Incognito Live System is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at preserving privacy and anonymity. All its outgoing connections are forced to go through Tor, and direct connections are blocked.)
- Install GPG for windows.
- TailsOS thumbdrives are between 20-50 bucks on ebay.
- I have roughly 100 thumb drives and will be more will than to send you a copy for 5 dollars, even free if you can't afford it. just pay shipping.