I came to this site years ago because since not having insurance I buy all my prescriptions for depression on the internet. I have probably saved many thousands of dollars thru the years. Then I discovered Modafinil. It works really well with the other meds to get me going. The worst part about depression is the feeling of wanting to sleep. I was full time Grandma to three very active boys at the time. I stay away from anything too much of an upper because I had an addiction to Dexedrine in the 60's. That's when I literally went to a Doc told him I weighed 110 lbs and wanted to be 100. He wrote me a script. Ahh the good old days. Anyway I ended up at 2am trying to lift the shag on my carpeting with a fork. Anyone remember shag carpeting. That was about a year later. I had the cleanest house on the block and I had reached 88 lbs. So I am carefull about what I take. Anyway. Thanks guys for being here.