How Often Do Doctors Know About Another Doctor Prescribing?


Apr 1, 2013
I guess a better question is whether they are able to find out about another doctor who may be prescribing the same medication.  I have recently been prescribed vyvanse and have received a diagnosis and potential script from ADD clinic, but they needed to know the name of my doc to fax a request for a script.  If I go to another doctor and he/ she sees me, can I have the clinic fax the script to him or her without my primary doc knowing or vice versa? 

Please advise

If you try to use insurance you'll be busted almost immediately. If you pay cash, you may or may not get away with it. Really depends on whether your state has a PMP; most states do now I believe, whether they use it regularly or its just available for review I don't know.

If a PMP is in place, your chances of getting away with 2 scripts for the same medication are almost nil.

IME, and from most of the reading I've done, they find out eventually and cut you you have to decide what is most desirable for you: 1 script, play the game and no hassles, or 2 scripts for awhile then (BAM!) NO script...


Frankiegirl is right. If the state has a database and most do now the system will cross check your name with the prescribing doctors especially looking for narcs and you'll be flagged immediately.

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Once you are labeled as a drug abuser, good luck getting any medication even for a legitimate cause.

We are coming full circle to 25 yrs ago, when cancer patients used to die in pain because doctors wouldn't prescribe medication to keep them comfortable.

Now even patients with severe conditions, that a few years ago would have no problem getting meds, are being given more of the anti-narcotic meds like anti-epileptics, anti-depressants and other psychiatric meds for pain, or must go through a long painful process of trying new med after new med to 'prove' you need a certain med.  Anything to avoid even a bit of codeine.  They'd rather give you 5 different pills (that have serious short & long-term side effects or maybe unknown long-term effects, or don't work for your symptoms) than to prescribe one narcotic.  The docs keep count of how many of which meds they prescribe, too. ( That would mean total scripts, not patients, are the final outcome sometimes or make decision what to prescribe ????)

There is governmental pressure on US doctors not to prescribe certain medications and use other 'suggested' meds instead.  Insurance sometimes, too.

Not what's best for the patient, or sometimes what the doctor even feels is indicated, but what insurance wants to pay for or what draws less heat from the government.  Must not forget BigPharma, too, with 'incentives' it offers doctors to prescribe new expensive medications, not cheaper ones without a patent anymore.

About 3 yrs ago the government invaded a county mental health care center (long-standing) near where I was born.  They told all the psychiatrists there to discontinue Xanax on ALL patients and replace it with Klonopin for everyone.  The govt told these psychiatrists they would shut the clinic down if medications changes weren't prescribed as they dictated.  They expressed the opinion that too many patients at the clinic were receiving Xanax.  (This involved several different psychiatrists, not one.)


So, non-physicians in govt positions prescribing for patients they didn't even know or bother to investigate if this would have negative effects on anyone?

That was BEFORE the new healthcare bill set up non-medical boards to make decisions for other medical issues.

Look at the European countries and you'll know what to expect here.  I remember when people from Canada and other countries came here for healthcare because of their country's healthcare (long waits etc) Now where will people go, when no country has a decent healthcare system?

Frankiegirl is right. If the state has a database and most do now the system will cross check your name with the prescribing doctors especially looking for narcs and you'll be flagged immediately.
I know states have a database but has it gone national yet?  Does anyone know?

My state won't fill an out of state script. I used do drive to get GREAT medial care but now I'm in a city of medically inbred people thy pass off as doctors!!!

My doc can't prescribe Nymore because he didn't properly check his patients to make sure they weren't drug seeking. Now there are hundreds of patients without pain meds

they definatly find out in the UK as i was getting two benzo scripts a few years back and got found out after i picked up the 4th script.

I got two scripts for Trams filled from 2 different pharms in the US no problem. It was a one-time thing. Maybe I just got lucky.

Right now trams are a non-scheduled drug on the Fed level, but some states have started controlling them. The chances of getting in trouble is not worth it, especially for trams. 

In my state they just moved up a notch from where they were at last year. There controlled now on some level. That I found out when all my refills nullified. I think they're in the same category as Ambien now, maybe? Anyway, your right. Not worth the trouble.

You have to use different pharmacies that are not linked by a database. CVS and Walgreens are linked. Most grocery stores are linked. I cant find one dr to prescribe me pain meds so its not an issue anymore but in the past, my Every day DR was prescribing me and my pain management dr was prescribing me as well. I just used Walgreens with my insurance for one and Target claiming to have no insurance and paid cash. Their databases were not linked. Never use insurance if you are going to go to more than 1 place. A month of Hyd is like $22 at Target so its not like its expensive to not use insurance. 

It has gotten so bad in America, I have 2 severe conditions. That warrant because of pain, tolerance & length of use, a huge amount of a c2 med. I don't even go to M.D's any more, given the climate & way I'm treated. I have a Psych. I see every 3 months. Other then that I don't even try to get my meds through a PM M.D. I have to go to a Clinic 1x a week, outta pocket to get just what I need to be "normal" no break through meds etc. No violins, just the facts as @ Denise said Pm doc's try loading You up on trash that either are as addictive, Or as @Heisenberg said "discontinuation syndrome" & other meds that are no help & have loads of side-effects. Opiated-

There is also D.A.W.N. in AZ. Drug Abuse Warning Network. I'm not sure how far it extends, but I do know it lists every scheduled RX written in AZ for sure.

It varies from state to state.  

Let's take California for example.  They can run something called a CURES report.  This shows all schedule III, II, I meds that are prescribed.  Doctors and pharmacies can run this and get a patient activity report (PAR).  The doctors aren't supposed to provide you with a copy of this report or even knowledge that they know what you're prescribed.  Personally I think it's a shitty way to interact with patients. 

Colorado however, to my knowledge, has nothing.

There is no federal database.  Not yet, but soon enough.

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  1. K @ knofflebon: @DerailedFisherman She's probably dancing down at the pink pony club in west hollywood. God that song is contagious. Hope she's doing ok too.
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  10. G @ gigiwink143: Where do we leave reviews
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  14. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Shout out box isn't for making vendors reply.
  15. G @ gigiwink143: @Jacob price
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Costco of all places was selling 25 packs of 1 gram bars, so little less than an ounce, but still a good deal at the time
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