How to tag/ping members with "@name"?


Apr 15, 2016
If I didn't haz the dumb questions, I'd haz no questions at all!

What's the correct way to ping/tag a fellow member in a post?  When others do it, I see the @ immediately followed by the member's username with no space in between (@name), and the @name is auto-highlighted in orange.  Am assuming this sends the user a notification that they've been mentioned in a post?

When I use the @name, there's no orange highlight or any highlight at all, and thus does not appear to work. 

Or maybe I don't have enough posts yet for this feature?

Thanks as always for the kind assist, y'all.

That's a good question. I've wondered that before, maybe its the recipient that gets to seee the orange highlight.  I've never seen it my end when sending. ONly when   I received it.  

I don't think post count has anything to do with it. Although my knowledge is limited. 

@DippityDoo When you type the @ symbol a menu box should appear below the cursor and you click on the username you want to highlight.  It works most of the time and it notifies the highlighted individual they have been mentioned in a post.  Whenever I see it I always think I am in trouble or I said something wrong!!! :)   

p.s. don't put a space between the @ symbol and the name you wish to mention and the menu box magically appears below!!!

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@DippityDoo When you type the @ symbol a menu box should appear below the cursor and you click on the username you want to highlight.  It works most of the time and it notifies the highlighted individual they have been mentioned in a post.  Whenever I see it I always think I am in trouble or I said something wrong!!! :)   
@aintnouse Ta-da!!

Type ampersand then DO press the spacebar; that seems to be the trigger to pop-up a username list.  After selecting a member's name, the space is automatically removed and entire thing is auto-highlighted in orange.

I wasn't pressing the spacebar after the ampersand, so it just sat there with no member names list, MOCKING ME!  With neener-neeners and raspberries and everything!! 

You rock, aintnouse!! 

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@DippityDoo I never type the space bar and it works for me!  I forgot that the @ thingy was called an ampersand......

Have a great morning!
I'm using Internet Explorer 11 on a Windows laptop.  Tried it again by pressing the ampersand and nothing else, but after waiting 30 seconds nothing happens and no member list pop-ups.  Soon as I press the spacebar, then the list pops up.

Tried it again on same Windows laptop but with Firefox this time and with same result; no member list with just pressing the ampersand and no space following.  Soon as I press spacebar, the list pops up.

Tried it again on an iPad 2.0 but with same result; no member list if I don't press the space key.

What device/browser might you be using, @aintnouse?  

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@DippityDoo I am using a dell crap top with the chrome browser in incognito mode...ssssssshhhh don't tell anyone I am here!  Actually the incognito mode does't provide any protection it just keeps things from my browser history so I don't have to manually clean my computer.   

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
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  4. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
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  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
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