I purchased Adderall a few years ago from this thief. I received the pills in a waterproof sealed pack but something was off. I kept checking the back which has the Pharmacutical company the name of the tablets and dose. The lines were off then I took a magnifying glass and I got some water and put it on the label. I was shocked how bad of a job they did. Turns out they glued the Adderall on top of the real medication. I figured the package would be ok if I put it in water. The Adderall brand just came off to reveal Ultram. I was pissed off. I tried everything to get my money back. No deal. He said he would resend. The idiot did the same thing but this time he sent me Ambien. I took pictures and a video but they are gone. On one decent thing he did. He did send me 60 Xanax 2mg. A lot were broken but at least they were real. Don’t think they are in business anymore. He dude was a real creep