
Nov 19, 2019

God been wondering about this site for a long time. I want to do the minimum order and just get like 1 thing of 10 tab of fluclotiz. Justs to see. This list is so small and focused it seems like it could be real. 

obviously dont order off them unless you won't miss the money we'll probably lose. But I think once i get the extra funds Ill go for some benzos.. 

Any thoughts or experiences ?

Lookin up any feedback with this vendor... don’t see much. Anything anyone can say regarding them yet?


@SpunInTheSun Personally, allowing payment via Visa/MasterCard is a bit of a red flag imo
I am not vouching for this company, never heard of them much less bought. However One I get my herbs from regular has been taking CC and DC for months now. I hate bitcoin. Every step is another charge, I start with 30 dollars over and end up with 3 or 4 dollars due which requires me to buy another $50 worth as it is their lowesst minimun. So I finally get the 2 to 5 dollars paid an the rest disappears from my wallet. This cannot be correct but I need a youtube refresher course b/c it used to be that where I bought also had a wallet. I dunno what happened to BKC and the ability to get it straight from your bank account. We need more like these. If any.

I guess posts like this are allowed here but the whole way this vendor is presented by the OP just seems problematic on its face...or anytime this same template is repeated here, I scratch my head: 

OP. presents some unknown site /vendor

OP says "I don't know about this vendor but something about his prices blah blah blah".

Then somebody follows up.  "Yeah I don't know about this vendor but those products are cool blah blah blah" 

Then somebody chimes in "Well I don't know about this vendor but I will make a small order and see what happens "  

Facepalm Face on Desk.SMH.   I haven't been here very long but it seems like I've seen this routine  a dozen times.    Does this ever work out for anybody?  Aren't these places scam every single time?  

Just boggles my mind that this is even allowed here ... you guys have an approved list, why don't you use it,?What am I missing here??   Sorry for the rant. 


Yeah usually that's how it works out.

Sometimes a friend of a vendor will post about someone who is legit (at least for a time) and then everyone benefits.

Sometimes people claim to be posting a link for a friend when evidence would suggest that they are the vendor themselves (this is, I assume, partly to avoid the fees/obligations with becoming a verified vendor and partly to preserve their buyer account if they decide to exit scam). 

Either way, this part of the forum has provided myself and many others with positive results thanks to the loving community here as well as the hard work of mods like @Biskobroand @2earls, as well as senior members v connected in other rc channels such as @DoomKitty, all of whom we are very grateful for❤️

edit: one should of course tread carefully in this part of the forum, do all the reading they can before buying anything they are depending on receiving - honestly tho its pretty much just as important to stay up on the threads in the approved list if you want to make smart orders. by nature it's a market with a lot of variables.

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Yeah usually that's how it works out

Either way, this part of the forum has provided myself and many others with positive results thanks to the loving community here as well as the hard work of mods like @Biskobroand @2earls, as well as senior members v connected in other rc channels such as @DoomKitty, all of whom we are very grateful for❤️
Thanks.  But what are you saying exactly ,....that "Yes, people use this area to scam, but once in awhile a real vendor with actual stock and actual integrity shows up.   On top of that, this place is run by quality people and so you just  gotta take the good with the bad ??? "   Something along those lines ?

That still seems to be conceding way too much ground to the scammers and allowing them a foothold here.  Or maybe there is no other way around it?  

@Spinningplates That's essentially what I'm saying.

 as far as the moderately lazy consumer goes (people like me who chose a couple forums to cross reference and order from the places with the best reviews), we are at the mercy of the scammers when it comes to new vendors.

 If places seem legit or have a couple good reviews elsewhere often generous members take the plunge to confirm or deny scam, knowing in advance they may lose their money, and do it as a resource to the community. It's kind of like buying a 20$ lotto ticket but results can be more interesting than winning $50.  

If I had the time I'd try to tap into discord and dred a lot deeper - attempt to stay in the moment as far as vendor reliability goes -  but, as far as I can tell, that takes some savvy maneuvering beyond the constraints of my lifestyle and so sometimes, unfortunately, i  end up just having to not order. 

This is a sticky subject that we the staff have discussed. Should we continue to allow members to "suggest an RC vendor" at the risk of allowing scammers to post their info?

Before trying any suggestion here members should take all things into account. Is this a long time member posting with a good reputation level, or a new member with only a few posts? Can you find any information about the vendor elsewhere on the Internet? If you can pm you could even write to Biskobro or Doomkitty and get their impression.

I know Biskobro tries to keep an eye out for any obvious scams and is always removing suspicious posts, but be cautious of any vendor with a lack of feedback. Like @veggieragz says they might be a gift from a good member or something not so good. 

One tricky thing with regards to RC Vendors is that the vast majority don't want to personally be on this site (like as a member with vendor status) because of the HC talk and the legal risk that causes, so the only way for vendors to be on here really (or at least a diverse selection) is for people to suggest them.    I personally think we do a pretty good job at getting the actual scammers out of here as quick as possible.    There also needs to be basic common sense that members use like @2earls suggested.   If you click on a members name (or just hover the cursor over it on a laptop) you can find information like when they joined the forum and number of posts and community rep.  This info can go a long way.  Also ALWAYS be very very wary of anyone coming on here and trying to sell.  99% of them are scamscum.  The other 1% end up with a vendor badge.   And if zero information/reviews/etc exist on the internet about the suggested vendor, yes it might be because they are an amazing lowkey secret source, but it's PROBABLY a fucking scam.  Always ask questions and never jump on a new thing unless you have money to throw away. 

Also if anyone wants to ask any vendor related question they can PM me for sure.  Im not on as much as i used to be b/c of some super heavy life shit, but I'm trying to check in at least once daily now. 

Also the OP in this particular thread is looking for a very specific chem and is just googling that chem and then asking us if anyone they find with that chem is legit.  They aren't trying to scam (or if they are, they are working with a LOT of websites, since they've asked about numerous in their quest for fluc0t1z).

The fact that we can talk openly about these possible vendor/scams is one of the reasons this forum stands far above the others.  

The heavy censoring and bias on most forums makes it much harder to do the necessary 'homework' when checking vendor credentials.  

The format of the sub-forums and the stickies therein make things pretty clear as to how information in that section should be utilized. 

Add to that you have senior members/mods totally willing to help.  

I for one am very appreciative of the fact that we can have this discussion.

One tricky thing with regards to RC Vendors is that the vast majority don't want to personally be on this site (like as a member with vendor status) because of the HC talk and the legal risk that causes, so the only way for vendors to be on here really (or at least a diverse selection) is for people to suggest them.    I personally think we do a pretty good job at getting the actual scammers out of here as quick as possible.    There also needs to be basic common sense that members use like @2earls suggested.   If you click on a members name (or just hover the cursor over it on a laptop) you can find information like when they joined the forum and number of posts and community rep.  This info can go a long way.  Also ALWAYS be very very wary of anyone coming on here and trying to sell.  99% of them are scamscum.  The other 1% end up with a vendor badge.   And if zero information/reviews/etc exist on the internet about the suggested vendor, yes it might be because they are an amazing lowkey secret source, but it's PROBABLY a fucking scam.  Always ask questions and never jump on a new thing unless you have money to throw away. 

Also if anyone wants to ask any vendor related question they can PM me for sure.  Im not on as much as i used to be b/c of some super heavy life shit, but I'm trying to check in at least once daily now. 

Also the OP in this particular thread is looking for a very specific chem and is just googling that chem and then asking us if anyone they find with that chem is legit.  They aren't trying to scam (or if they are, they are working with a LOT of websites, since they've asked about numerous in their quest for fluc0t1z).
You can't save them all. I think the system here is pretty close to perfect. open discussion, and let people make up their own damn minds.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  2. P @ psychedpsych: @xenxra oh ya someone is targeting me and it’s caused hell between me, my mom, and family. I got the message universe I’m, in the safest and healthiest way, distancing myself from places that people like that are more prevalent. 🫣😥 Worst part is I have had some things in my logs and such that after awhile I have a damn good idea where it’s coming from. I just want it to stop, like mentally I’m stressed to a scary point(other life bs too).
  3. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  4. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  5. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: I got an email from <> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my account or I'll be kicked. Says it was from DBG security team. Anybody else? Does DBG have a security team sending these emails?
  6. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: got an email from <> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my email or I will be kicked? Says its from DBG security team.
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  8. J @ jsntwg:
  9. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  10. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  11. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so
  12. M @ Mammasboi123: Be careful out there fam! The idiots with the email address are sending out mass phishing emails again. If you get an email from them, just delete it and move along 🫡
  13. G @ GABAtastic: @knofflebon lmfao 🤣 @rockychoc good one lol
  14. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc I legit was thinking "Whoa, whatever it is I need to subscribe!" before I realized it was a freaking pun.
  15. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc 🤣
  16. Y @ Yaugae5121: lol seriously mammasboi! Ive been 5/5 finding vendors on here and have had nothing but positive experiences myself. Follow their advice nfrench!
  17. M @ Mammasboi123: @nfrenched92 you must be looking in the wrong places my friend. If I have any suggestion, it would be to ALWAYS check the first page of a vendor’s thread, and then check the last 5-6 most recent pages of their thread as well to get a sense of what’s been happening recently. If a vendor has multiple negative reviews that have not been addressed, I would probably look elsewhere unless it’s $$ I can afford to lose
  18. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It's impossible to put down!
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I’m currently reading a book about anti-gravity
  20. Gleezy @ Gleezy: Happy new years DBG fam! Finally the holidays are over phew! Time to get back to our regular scheduled program 🤣