When I first started ordering vitamins, I kept it a secret. Then I decided that honesty was the best policy. BIG MISTAKE. Can't unring that bell. Now if we argue, he threatens to call the police to share my secret, my boss should know, he thinks. When he's angry, it seems like a good idea to him to teach me consequences. Am I his child to raise? I know the consequences already, which is why I am keeping things on the down low and in sceret. I thought I could trust my husband, but who knows. He did call the police once to tell he thought I was suicidal. So I had to call them and tell them that was not the case. If they had showed up here, no doubt my husband would have told them I get vitamins from other countries. And - this small town I live in, I have to work with some of these people from time to time. everybody knows everybody here, and I stand out because I'm the new girl.
Why oh why can't he just live me and my habit alone as long as it doesn't affect his life negatively? I don't like it when he drinks alcohol and gets drunk, but do I nag him about his habits? No. But of course, his habit is LEGAL. He didn't think to call the police when he and a friend smoked weed. That is soooo legal. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..... live and let live!!!!
I am taking my vitamins to sleep. Sometimes I don't go to bed right away, and if I don't do that, he raises hell. And what hell do I raise? I just sit silently in front of my laptop and watch the end of my tv show - and then I go to bed. Leave - me - alone - husband. How hard can it be????
Why oh why can't he just live me and my habit alone as long as it doesn't affect his life negatively? I don't like it when he drinks alcohol and gets drunk, but do I nag him about his habits? No. But of course, his habit is LEGAL. He didn't think to call the police when he and a friend smoked weed. That is soooo legal. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..... live and let live!!!!
I am taking my vitamins to sleep. Sometimes I don't go to bed right away, and if I don't do that, he raises hell. And what hell do I raise? I just sit silently in front of my laptop and watch the end of my tv show - and then I go to bed. Leave - me - alone - husband. How hard can it be????