I Beat severe Covid-19 AMA


Feb 26, 2015
Hey DBG,

just wanted to open up a forum for discussing Covid.  I just beat a severe form of the disease including double pneumonia, after a 4 week battle. Originally tested positive in March and after a monthlong arduous battle I beat it. Just received 2 subsequent negative tests a month later to confirm it’s gone. This is the worst I’ve been sick in my life and I’m lucky to be here. If you have any questions or want to know anything just ask! 

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Thats great you are OK in the end. I was very sick a month before this all started coming in place.IDK if it was Covid and my body beat it but I was sicker than I ever have been in my life.I am in one of the hot spots of the virus .Any info on if you can get covid more than once or when your body beats it your immune to the virus ...So glad you made it out OK there are many deaths.I am a conspiracy freak so I don't think we know the whole truth yet lol......Love going out to you and your family 


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Thank you @Biskobro ! for reference for everyone (only to inform not to alarm/fear monger): my initial symptoms were a scratchy/lightly sore throat, I wrote it off as nothing. Very important not everyone who gets this gets a fever— I did not. A week later started with dry cough but nothing major, then a week later it felt like I was breathing in fire and everyday when I woke up it felt like some dwarfs took turns kicking my upper back— chest was tight and it hurt a lot in middle front chest as well. Got tested and confirmed suspicions. A few days later it became a chore to breathe and I couldn’t speak in full sentences without taking a breath. Also lacked any appetite. Was examined and told I had pneumonia and clotting in Lungs. Strangely enough too my feet (foot sweat) and lower legs would get super cold. Lastly I’d wake up out of sleep due to heart beating rapid as hell — COVID-19 also affects heart. 

FWIW I‘m male in later 20s in good health who doesn’t smoke and drinks occasionally.

on the mental side of things this disease really fucks with you: somedays I would think I was better and feel happy then bam I’d get more symptoms and it would make me think I would die from it/cause profound depressive thoughts. 

anyways my advice to everyone is have an oximeter and thermometer on hand to measure oxygen level in blood— this will literally save your life make sure oxygen lev stays above ~90% if not seek medical attention. And load up on zinc, liposmomal vit c, elderberry and Vit E.  If you think you have the lung syptoms purchase an incentive spirometer— keeps lungs strong. 

stay safe and stay home!! 

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I read somewhere that it permanently damages the lungs, has this happened in your case? If not, have any long lasting health concerns developed due to the virus?

@iheartsleep really great set of questions. First off your lungs are deceptively resilient so they do repair but after a long time,. Different people’s lungs/bodies get it more or less severe. In writing this reply my lungs are suddenly 97% better but  When I take a more than a 2 minute walk I need to stop immediately due to lung wellness and heart pumping rapidly and had  pounding sensation.  (this will come to normalize with time and blood thinners to break up clots if applicable—rare).  Studies have not yet been conducted fully to definitively say that covid will  leave lasting prolonged/permanent effects on survivor‘a health 

The one thing after contracting it which is very, very slow to return is my sense of smell and taste.
As @ebladez15 states I was ill for approx 2 days with zero affect to my lungs. I had flu symptoms and cold sweats.
I do believe that this chimera is person specific in its severity.

I was fine on day 3.

As a side note we do have a 5 day Covid 19/SARS 2 treatment pack consisting of Hydroxyquinone, Azithromycin and Zinc Citrate. This combination is being used successfully off label worldwide by medical practioners and those related for those who have contracted the 'virus' or within vitro stage.

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I also beat a severe case of Covid-19. I was sick at home going to urgent care over a 9 day period with 102-103 degree fever. Finally I was hospitalized at 4 am on a Saturday and was in the hospital a week with multi focal pneumonia from this horrid virus. I have never been so sick. It was horrible. I was in complete quarantine. No visitors allowed. I’m lucky to have avoided the ventilator and so are you. We could possibly get it again. Antibodies may not be made effectively and/or the virus could mutate or the antibodies may only last a short time. Scary. I go to Pulmonology DR tomorrow and will update. 

@iheartsleep really great set of questions. First off your lungs are deceptively resilient so they do repair but after a long time,. Different people’s lungs/bodies get it more or less severe. In writing this reply my lungs are suddenly 97% better but  When I take a more than a 2 minute walk I need to stop immediately due to lung wellness and heart pumping rapidly and had  pounding sensation.  (this will come to normalize with time and blood thinners to break up clots if applicable—rare).  Studies have not yet been conducted fully to definitively say that covid will  leave lasting prolonged/permanent effects on survivor‘a health 
I am also on blood thinners and have the same heart racing with activity or stairs or long walks. I also am supposed to get pulmonary function testing to see extent of damage to my lungs. 

I am early 30s
Update:  I went Monday to a Pulmonologist and critical care dr and he did the Covid-19 antibody test on me. The IgG and the IgA antibodies were both positive but the dr says they are low so i could catch it again likely. I’m not contagious anymore. The antibodies just show if you are protected. I was extremely sick from March 12-March 30th. So the antibodies may only last a short period of time like 3 weeks. 
My ct scan of my lungs shows extreme improvement from when i had it. They think I won’t have lasting damage. 

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The Pulmonology specialist did tell me it takes a while for lungs to repair completely and getting winded with activity will be normal for awhile 

ebladez15, if I may ask, what did you use to treat the virus? Can I ask you what treatment the doctors prescribed? Also, were you taking vitamin D or zinc before you became ill? I have been seeing much data regarding vitamin D levels being low amongst the severely ill Covid-19 patients. Also, were you taking any NSAIDs, like Ibuprofen? Or any hypertension meds? I ask because there have been studies showing that these medications can increase (or upregulate) the ACE2 Receptor mRNA cellular expression by five-fold. The ACE2 receptor facilitates the virus' entry into cells, and it's theorized that these meds can cause a much higher initial viral load. 
Finally, do you have an idea where you contracted the virus? Where you taking precautions, like wearing a mask in public and frequently sanitizing your hands?

Sorry to ask personal questions, but I'm interested in first-hand anecdotal information regarding this virus. My intuition tells me that I can't trust the CDC or the WHO to publish timely information.

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I am in early 30’s. I can not take ibuprofen or any nsaids because I am on blood thinners because I have may thurners and had a massive clot in my left leg in 2017. But fully recovered from that. I know that it took 3-4 months for me to physically heal. The mental is the worst now. You can catch it again. I just had the antibody test done again and they are so low my pulmonologist doesn’t think they are high enough to prevent a reinfection. Though he did say it likely would not be as severe. It’s still scary 

F mid 20s dont smoke. I developed shortnesa of breath and rib pain about 2 weeks ago. I could barley go for a walk with my dog for 5 mins, she was very understanding. The (costochindritis was so bad i was bed bound fir 3 _4 days. Then i contacted mt private GP who told me my bloods are all over the place, v. Low iron and really high cholesterol 

I have no appetite and am constantly fatigued, i just wasn to be in bed all the time.

I went to my normal GP this under the illusion they would take more bloods and he referred me to a covid test!! I dont think i have it but it would sure explain alot. Now have to self isolate in my room, can im claustrophobic!!

Well at least i have my cats, dont transmit covid do they 🐱

Ill keep you updated on my test results x

I am 71,And my neighbor that I play poker with almost every day tells me her husband tested positive for covid 19.

I show no signs,in fact I feel better than in A very long time                                                                 

he is back and forth from MEXICO all the time. he told here on 11/19/20

Should I worry?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  2. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  3. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  5. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  7. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  8. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  9. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  10. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  11. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  15. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now
  16. M @ Moonkey: Oh jeez @xenra I apologize for asking advice after your post about the loss! I didn't look down far enough, just saw the comment about the dip. That's messed up that happened to you man, my heart goes out to you! Didn't mean to sound like a selfish arse asking for advice after you just shared that
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Huge hello to all here!!! Cant say how much i love this place,Its the best.thank you for everyone whos making this work.its screamin kick ass and my long hairs straight up while I scream happy!!!kk,just sayin.
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Bout your stolen coins xenxra..sry to hear that.not a surprise,but shitty nonetheless.
  19. M @ Moonkey: @xenra: so would this be the time to get more BTC, if one could? I hope it's okay to ask, & ofc I will take responsibility for my own choices whatever happens.
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: just a minor detour