I wanted a happier introduction, now I just want to know I am not alone.

hello, your not alone in ur plight...

i will suggest reading forum rules and helpful hint for newbies then read read read and use search feature..

yes prices are hight but not muh can really be done , like said we are all in same boat......

you can get lots of emotional support here and its one of the more sympathetic of forums like this out there  x

Yes inricti, let it out when/if you feel you can, sadminion has said it all there, there is a lot of support here, and it's a pleasure to have you here slso. You're NOT alone.

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You are not alone, I am here with you...made me sing Michael Jackson, but you are absolutely in the right place.

Thank you for already becoming a sponsor. When you get 20 posts you can PM me if you need to chat with someone and if you need to ask about something after following Sad Minion ' advice, ask here.

I have no support system around me at all and no one in my fiance family understands chronic pain. My mother in law while I was lying in septic shock with an IV in my neck thought that was the best time to downgrade me to my stepdad(basically the only dad who has been a day since I was 13)  I was in 17 foster homes from 11-17 not by my choice so I never gained a network of friends really. So having a place like this to turn to really makes me feel a little better. I am going threw withdrawal right now and am.not handling well at all. My birth mom has medicine she said she doesn't use anymore because she has the NCS that I can have but I am in no position to drive and my fiance is not being understanding. I have never failed a drug test, I have never done any sort of street drugs, only smoked w €€d one time when drinking and for way to sick so didn't try it again. I just want to be able to get out of bed and feel semi normal again. I am sorry that was so long. I have read the rules and gone threw some of the newbie quotes not all. This is going to be such a stupid question but was does SY stand for. I am having a bit of difficulty understanding what are new threads or still current active as many have very old dates on them. I also was wondering how shipping works as far as I only have my home address is that OK to use? I have read stuff about confiscation does that happen often? I used to work in a sort facility and never had experience with anything like that. Again sorry for the rambling and thank you to those for your reply. 

Honestly I can't help to feel alone I known alot comes from my anxiety and PTSD but I have not had problems with then until a year ago after my back surgery failed and now with this recent septic shock. 

first you need to just take a breath, hey its non of my business but if you have a partner and he cannot be understanding of your pain, is he really worth it...love is both sides work together and love doesnt hurt,,..it took me yrs to learn this as i was beaten for 15 yrs in my marriage and belittled...so i totally understand you..

right now you need to think of you, and you alone, not how he or anyone else feels....

I dont know about using these other meds..

about donating, a tiny donation of ten dollars opens up the board to sy vendors, where you can order and get t your meds over night (sometimes) but usually in 2 days.....

if you ont use them use the iops in the international seccion...but you may have to wait a few days...can you possibly let your doc know what is going on....if you tell them the truth you maybe surprised.  Maybe she give you just enough till your next visit....(there really not allowed to leave you hurting) but when you call dont sound desperate....just breath and let them know what is going on..

when i been in your situation i also talked to my gp ho gave me perks till i go  to my pain doc....not exactly what i needed but it did help..

maybe this will help you...if not follow what i told you...and yes we are all here for you /default_smile.png

The most recent posts are the last page of the thread, start at the end and read backwards for the most recent info.

SY just stands for Mexican vendors and that's the section you have to donate a small amount to see.

Confiscations aren't usual although we have one vendor going through a rough patch in that regard.

No orders are without risk, but we try to minimize the risk by providing current information about vendors.

My fiance made some phone calls for Mr that I couldn't. He is really upset with the whole situation after I completely broke down and was not able to get out of bed. He is starting to be more understanding because it's not just one thing going on it's numerous things. He was able to get me an apt at my pain management center and I saw a completely different doctor. And she was absolutely wonderful. They prescribed me a break through medication I just have to make it last until my op@na is do for refill which is immensely hard. I didn't realize how strong that medicine was or how well it worked until I am out. It's been insanely rough although I did end up getting the medicine from my bio mother. My fiance drove me the two hours and it turned out to be a good day. My kiddos got to let out some steam playing outside which I haven't been able to take them to do. Anyhow I will stop rambling I am sorry. I don't know why I feel so comfortable talking thru here but I do. 

I have made my donation unfortunately I was only able to give $20 because money is never my best friend. I have skme items I need to get rid of and I will be able to donate more. Question- when you make multiple donations does that increase your sponsor tier?  Thank you 2earls for the information about the dates and what not. Sadminion thank you for so kindly being a friend to someone you have never met that means a great deal to me. I see another doctor tomorrow to work on this anxiety and stress so hopefully that will bring relief in those areas. Again thank you both. 

Im glad your getting it all sorted..

If you cannot afford to donate that amount, please dont...(im sure admin wouldnt want you putting your last few bucks you have to the board),,,you donated and im sure he very appciated to that fact...

If you do donate more your name and color changes but you dont gain more forum if that is what you mean...you just kind of get cool different names and colors..LOL

So please dont do more then you can...

plus remember your donation lasts the yr from the day you do it...:)

Im glad your finding your comfy spot on the couch here, I did  as well with the help of the mods...this places is quit awesome :)..

pm me anytime if you want to chit chat....Im glad your feeling somewhat better...


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Welcome from another newbie. I feel your pain - you have many friends here that can help and don't judge. Many great resources. 

Hey Inricti1128

checkin in and seeing how your feeling today :)..

I hope each day gets a bit better for you..


I wish I could say I was doing well but unfortunately I really do not feel like I am. My fiance understands the need to order something without Tylenol in it for me after vomiting a great deal of blood. We are so disappointed because we thought this doctor was working with me and it might be that she just made a mistake and ordered per€ instead of just plain o×y. I haven't been able to handle.tylenol now for years. To I want to order from one of the SY vendors but I still am so unsure of how to. I see many abbreviations of names for vendors (the first letter) but not a way of contact except for "A"  and the eif.

Maybe I am just that ditzy but I just can't seek to find contact information and which is most current usable vendors. I also don't know much about these medications so I am so worried I am going to get ripped off somewhere with them. I know I worry to much no risk no gain. I just hate this pain, I hate myself when I am.in this pain. My babies need their mommy to be %100 and it's not the case when I can barely move. 

2earls even when I go to the last page of the post all of the posts are random dates some from 2012 then the next from March 8th of this year and then just random like that. Is there a way I can fix that, or is it because I am mobile. This I think is causing me not to understand a bit more. 

Intrici, that will be the dates the member joined under their name, not the post time, the post time is exactly above the post.

I became a member on the 4th December 2014, see?

And I cam see you posted 26 minutes ago. It will of course be more by the time you check back in.

I really can't tell you how much I am laughing at myself right now. Oiy!!!  Thank you so much PTFC that makes so much more sense. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣