I will never have 2016 instagram eyebrows :(


Jul 28, 2016
I'm so sad, my natural eyebrows have a decent shape, but they are so damn sparse. I've been learning a lot about makeup on YouTube and my only new years resolution was to learn how to apply false lashes, which, yay, I did. Not perfectly, it takes time to nail that shit like a pro, but I feel confident wearing them out. 

I've gone through so many damn brow tutorials so I can look like an instagram barbie, but it just ain't happening. I think the best way for me to go is to try to fill them naturally, maybe someday I can do it without looking like a hot mess. I literally have every single eyebrow product. My newest purchase today was two brow pencils in light and brunette with spoolies at the end since I saw a natural brow filling tut using this product this morning. 

Tell you what though, my shadow and lash game are fleeky! Woot! 

I'm such a damn girly-girl. Who's with me? 

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Everyone is false these days. Its a plague and sickness of the west.

Eyebrows are the hardest to get right, for me anyway. I've been spending a fortune trying to find the right color. Didn't have to deal with this when I was younger. I don't want the painted on/tattoo look, just natural brows that are intact.

@deadly everyone said try Anastasia brow products which I am sure are great, but I got too dark. Looks scary.


Everybody is entitled to their opinions, so  I'll try to be respectful with my reply.

Whatever people do to themselves to make themselves feel better more comfortable and nice, it's none of your business. Just look the other way if it bothers you so much. Or move to the more conservative part of the Middle East. Take your pick.


-JC  hungary

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Everybody is entitled to their opinions, so  I'll try to be respectful with my reply.

Whatever people do to themselves to make themselves feel better more comfortable and nice, it's none of your business. Just look the other way if it bothers you so much. Or move to the more conservative part of the Middle East. Take your pick.


-JC  hungary
What did you find disrespectful about my reply?

Yes everyone is entitled to make themselves feel better but when you see a fake, materialistic agenda being played out which is taking away the fundamental soul of the human spirit and you encounter this day to day with an alarming rise, it would be unjust to not say something.

You don't need to go to the middle east either, just hop over to certain European countries to see the difference when money is taken out of the equation.

OP: Eyebrows are a very important feature, I agree. Have you seen the trend where they are done where the expression is always surprise

What did you find disrespectful about my reply?

Yes everyone is entitled to make themselves feel better but when you see a fake, materialistic agenda being played out which is taking away the fundamental soul of the human spirit and you encounter this day to day with an alarming rise, it would be unjust to not say something.

You don't need to go to the middle east either, just hop over to certain European countries to see the difference when money is taken out of the equation.

OP: Eyebrows are a very important feature, I agree. Have you seen the trend where they are done where the expression is always surprise
I grew up behind the Iron Curtain...and Hungary wasn't (still isn't) exactly the place where people go out Gucci shopping and get their nails done every weekend.

Money is merely a helper to show some uniqueness of your personality. Tattoos, hair dye, nice clothes you can actually pick and "not picked for you", because that's all that fits in your budget. It's human nature, and human culture, nothing fake about it. Just because you don't see too many armpit hairs and unibrow everywhere in the Western culture in the recent decades, that doesn't scream fake and it doesn't mean that their "soul and spirit" are compromised, because of their looks. They are either nice or assholes, with or without wearing expensive shit and take care of their faces as the way they like it. 

To be back on the Middle Eastern part of the subject, I'm sure a lot of those women, who have hair all over, and they wear 2-3 layers of burka can be super cool, and also I'm sure a lot of them are annoying bitches. 

Never judge a book by the cover. You'd be surprised how many "fake-looking" women are actually really genuine and sweet and can be loving and caring with a beautiful spirit and.

You have taken it personally, it seems and misunderstood what I mean by fake (synthetic fillers and saline/PMMA etc)
Believe me, I do know just how shallow a lot of people can be and I never judge a book by its cover.

BTW I love Budapest and Hungarian women seem more down to earth.

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@trinity (Sorry, out of likes, I'd give you one for that one, haha)

No, not at all, I guess we just weren't exactly on the same page. I just don't think that eyebrows and even synthetic fillers would necessary indicate, that the person is shallow. Times are changing. I'm not a big fan of anything but, maybe boob jobs.  Duck faces, 2 meter-long eyelashes, and shit like that freak me out too. Actually my ex-girlfriend is 43 (a good decade older than me), and she rocked insane make-ups, purple lipsticks, and so on (just for the record, I live in the USA now for 16 years).

As much as I would love to agree with your opinion about Hungarian women, I'd say about 70% of them are morons and rude, 30% are really cool, down-to-earth and sweet. That percentage might be higher with ladies over 28-30. But they do know how to look sexy and most of them are intelligent and fun to talk with.

As much as I love America, most ladies are shallow here, regardless of them being in Walmart cloths and pimples all over, or looking like a million bucks.

And vica-versa I'm just saying, as long as they don't overdo it, I'm happy to approach any of them for a good convo, and see if we can pick-up an interesting topic. 

Me and my ex met in a bar (I was just there to pick up some to-go food, I don't drink alcohol myself), and while  I as waiting, I couldn't help but to overlook her laptop screen, and watching as she's typing like a maniac, equations everywhere, and so on so forth. She was wearing an Amy Winehouse-kind of make-up, total black, nose ring, and dressed like a gypsy. But I had to talk to her, so I said hi, and instigated a small talk, and in 5 minutes we'd found ourselves discussing DeGrasse's "Die by Black Hole" book and it turned out to be that she is a quantum - and astro physicist and a published poet.

Oh wow, I derailed the thread like crazy, sorry :D  

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@trinity (Sorry, out of likes, I'd give you one for that one, haha)

No, not at all, I guess we just weren't exactly on the same page. I just don't think that eyebrows and even synthetic fillers would necessary indicate, that the person is shallow. Times are changing. I'm not a big fan of anything but, maybe boob jobs.  Duck faces, 2 meter-long eyelashes, and shit like that freak me out too. Actually my ex-girlfriend is 43 (a good decade older than me), and she rocked insane make-ups, purple lipsticks, and so on (just for the record, I live in the USA now for 16 years).

As much as I would love to agree with your opinion about Hungarian women, I'd say about 70% of them are morons and rude, 30% are really cool, down-to-earth and sweet. That percentage might be higher with ladies over 28-30. But they do know how to look sexy and most of them are intelligent and fun to talk with.

As much as I love America, most ladies are shallow here, regardless of them being in Walmart cloths and pimples all over, or looking like a million bucks.

And vica-versa I'm just saying, as long as they don't overdo it, I'm happy to approach any of them for a good convo, and see if we can pick-up an interesting topic. 

Me and my ex met in a bar (I was just there to pick up some to-go food, I don't drink alcohol myself), and while  I as waiting, I couldn't help but to overlook her laptop screen, and watching as she's typing like a maniac, equations everywhere, and so on so forth. She was wearing an Amy Winehouse-kind of make-up, total black, nose ring, and dressed like a gypsy. But I had to talk to her, so I said hi, and instigated a small talk, and in 5 minutes we'd found ourselves discussing DeGrasse's "Die by Black Hole" book and it turned out to be that she is a quantum - and astro physicist and a published poet.

Oh wow, I derailed the thread like crazy, sorry :D  
Cool mate. I think there is a slight mis-communication in what what I intended to mean ;)

Personally I like to know what I am waking upto instead of half of it being left in the bed or in the bathroom lol

I do like natural beauty.

I havent had the chance to speak to a lot of Hungarian women with the language barrier but yes they do look after themselves which was evident from a lot of the slobs in the UK.

@trinity (dammit, I still can't give likes, I think maybe an hour or so).

It's funny, when  I move to the US 16 years ago, my first girlfriend here was an English girl named Sarah, she taught me a lot of English, the rest I learned from X Files. 

So I got a lot of cool British slang up in my sleeve and also a lot of southern US. My accent of course Americanized throughout the 16 years, but I still have a hint of Hungarian in it. @Heavenleehas heard me talking on a video, plus I think I left a voicemail for her once. 

Anyway, UK girls are not the prettiest, I'm sorry "mate", I lived in London (in Leyton) for 4-5 months about 10 years ago, and I barely saw some beauty. Most of the girls don't have hips, or just dress a bit too casual to me all the time. But my all time favorite bands are still the Prodigy (I'm a 90s kid...) and Oasis. British music is the shit.

Well, my eyebrows are cool, never been touched, how 'bout yours?

LOL @ x-files

My eyebrows are 'groomed'.

I love the US. I plan on moving there in a couple years.

A 90's person myself , I too like Oasis. Check out a band called 'My Vitriol'

An undiscovered gem of an indie band.

@deadly Be happy with your sparse brows!!!  I am a boy and I just turned 45 and I had to pluck my eyebrows for the second time over the weekend.  I have reached that age where If I don't maintain the brows, I end up with the old man brows....Random long brow hairs in every direction.   Grrrrr......  Not fun!!  I actually had one that was growing straight down and I could see it my periphery......I guess what drives me nuts is that I am not a particularly hair person.....Getting old is a drag. 

Either way do what makes you happy!!! :)  

@aintnouseI agree, what a drag it is getting old. Guess that's why I need mothers little helper! But outside the door I take 10 more instead of 4 more! I'm seriously looking into getting a facelift and I'm your age! I know this has nothing to do with eyebrows, I just get mine threaded and that's it. Luke threading a lot more than waxing. After spending $4,000 every 4 months for Botox and restalayne injectections it seems cheaper to go with the facelift. I hate my worry lines that I attribute to my husband. I spend an hour a day at RealSelf looking at doctors in different areas. Thankfully being left a great inheritance I can afford to do it now. But it looks painful! Oh, by the way I just had my belly button fixed after getting a herniated umbilicum! And no I'm not fat my belly was swollen after the surgery. The surgeon gave me 60 oxys which I definately did not need, but certainly enjoyed'

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I use something called Wonderbrow. I was very skeptical, especially since I'm blond and didn't want big, dark, fake looking brows but they look natural and really great. I've seen some pretty good microblading work too...but then again, I've seen some bad work too.

I know several women who were teens in the 90's where the ideal was the plucked arched eyebrows of Kate Moss (which gives you that constantly surprised look) . They really regret plucking their eyebrows now that the fashion is Cara Delevingne and her superthick eyebrows. Fashion changes tho and all i can say from my particular male perspective is that go with what's natural for you. Natural is beautiful imo. Too many people are surprised men often prefer a natural look. There was a study that showed men preferred less makeup on women, 40% less on average. It often feels like the harshest critics of women's beauty aren't men, but other women.

Yes! I am the victim of my own over plucking @Jellopanda exactly as you say. Now I wish there was more to with.

I don't want a big, obviously drawn on line. I don't want to get them tattooed. I just want to look like I have eyebrows.

I feel foolish for copying the trend, but we do silly things in our youth. I suppose that I just need to watch some YouTube videos.  You can learn how to fix anything there.

Well I am not in my youth and did a really silly thing!  About a year ago I decided to wax my own eyebrows (just the parts that needed plucking) and put too much wax on and ended up with half a brow!???

That's too funny, I did almost the same thing when I was in jail everyone gets resourceful and this one girl was good at threading eyebrows, she seemed to do a good job so I traded her like two honey buns, which are hot commodities in jail to do mine. I don't know if she just didn't like me or on too many psych Meds but I ended up with half an eyebrow too! 

It feels a little bit strange to be posting several times in this thread on eyebrows as i'm male and macho-culture tells us not to seem interested in these kinds of things (imo machismo is the opposite of intelligence. Masculine is fine. There's a distinction). Maybe i have a fetish for eyebrows or something. As i've said i like a natural look and prefer minimal makeup and in norway, girls usually don't use much. I found this thing about how eyebrow ideals have changed over the decades interesting however.


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!