Lol. I mean, omg. I thought he was just banging somebody else? Where did she posts that he kicked her ass? Forgive me if Im missing something but dont put a protective order on somebody just because they fuck someone else and wont like you back on Tinder. Being a asshole is not against the law.
Maybe you big city people are different, but I would never go into protective custody, call the police and or have a "investigation". If someone wants to kill you, a protective order or safe house cant prevent that. You have to be able to protect yourself. No man has has ever abused or tried to beat me up. Reason being, I've let it be crystal clear: If you lay your hands on me like that, I will fucking kill you or at the minimum, trust me, you will wish you were dead. Accidents happen. Sometimes people just disappear. Then again, Since Im a little runt who loves kittens, babies, conservation, recycling, volunteering, believe in unicorns and I cry nearly every day over news stories about the cruelty people in this world inflict on their fellow man, I am quite incapeable of something like revenge. They will say
Maybe Im just crazy but I just feel like if someone is harrasing you, to the extent of needing the cops...getting a lawyer, advocate or whatever; thatjust makes it go on longer. Best thing to do is turn the table and make their life so damn miserable they will be begging you to leave them alone. To just stop. You cant just be weak and go try to find some man or authority figure to protect you. Go all in. Fuck em. Show no mercy; not to their mother, their pets; property, coworkers, children, its all fair game. If you think thats too much,going to far? Well then guess what? You aint being harrased then. Someone calling you a cunt and taking your favorite cd's when they leave is not abuse or harrasement. Someone calling you a few times on your private number and hanging up does not necessitate police intervention. People need to toughen up and quit acting so victimized. And being so damn gullible. You never tell someone they are smarter then you...unless you're running game. It Shows weakness. Best way to be a friend in the situation you descibe is not to baby and coddle someone and give them domestic shelter phone numbers. You tell them to get their crippled crying ass out of the bed and learn how to cut brake lines, how to shoot a gun, how to prepare a hot shot.
Chances are, its just a vent and nobodies going anywhere anyway.
I love you bitches so much <3 you have no idea.