Im looking for old banned synth noids


Oct 14, 2021
After the ban on synthetic cannabinoids in China, the industry has been suffering for months.

None of the new noids can even be compared to the old ones, from which the conclusion is that those who have done research with the old noids do not want and cannot do new research with the new cannabinoids.

The only solution is to find a person / group of people who can synthesize the old noids, but illegally. The sale will certainly be even more hidden and is unlikely to take place on clearnet, but some of you may know such a manufacturer in real life.

I respect the security of each of you, especially when it comes to already banned substances. I will not ask many questions, I will just ask for your help!

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Thank you  DOOMkitty! . I'm really disappointed and I don't know what solution to find ...

@rcnishko  Solutions about finding old noids?  I can't help there.  Likely the onions are the only way.  After the ban everything went to :70_poop: in that genre.   I'm sure a lot of people are trying to pass the new ones off as old as they realize they are stuck with a huge stock of absolute crap that no one wants.  Same way various labs and/or vendors from China have been cutting their crap caths into almost everything lately.  So messed up. 


I understand you, I never expected something like this to happen. All the dark network markets I know also suffer from a lack of cannabinoids. I couldn't even find it there. Maybe only someone with the nickname "cindicator" sent old noids, but the latest information is that he is out of the game and does not respond to anyone.

We bought some adb butinaca in small quantities from several retailers and that was it, again sadness and penury ..

@rcnishko Cindicator, like a number of similar vendors, is a known scammer who has been scamming a long time.  Yes, some people got stuff, and sometimes those people even got what they ordered, but many many people didn't.  It's good he is MIA, good riddance. 

@rcnishko Cindicator, like a number of similar vendors, is a known scammer who has been scamming a long time.  Yes, some people got stuff, and sometimes those people even got what they ordered, but many many people didn't.  It's good he is MIA, good riddance. 
Hell ... That's why I don't trust anyone anymore, the times when we shopped from China will probably never go back, for $ 2,000 1 kg of noid, which was deadly strong ... Now for 1 kg of noid with similar strength are more than 10,000 euros are needed, and the stocks disappear at the speed of light ...

If you have specific ideas in DW, send me some of the LS please ..

Alongside TGC (who to this day I happily purchase from them), Cindicator was a big provider I worked with for over two years. He disappeared completely after he stole a lot from me. Probably more than any other customer. He is a lump of poop and nothing more. 💩 LOL 😂

In my opinion 5C-AKB-48 that TGC sell is the best cannabinoid in China after the ban. But please do not take this as a recommendation. I probably did not try them all either. But I tried a lot and most of them were junk.

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Заедно с TGC (които и до днес с удоволствие купувам от тях), Cindicator беше голям доставчик, с който работех повече от две години. Той изчезна напълно, след като открадна много от мен. Вероятно повече от всеки друг клиент. Той е буца кака и нищо повече. 💩  LOL  😂

Според мен 5C-AKB-48, който продава TGC, е най-добрият канабиноид в Китай след забраната. Но моля, не приемайте това като препоръка. Вероятно и аз не ги опитах всички. Но опитах много и повечето от тях бяха боклуци.
I listened to your advice ten days ago and wrote to tgc about this cannabinoid. I have been waiting for a week for a sample to be sent to me, saying that they have problems with availability.

About 6 months ago I ordered 1kg of 4f mdmb 2201 from them for $ 4500, without knowing that it is already illegal. They sent 7add or something (orange), of course completely inactive.

After contacting them 10 days ago, they explained to me that for fear of losing me as a customer, they took my money and sent what they had.

The strange thing is that for $ 4,500 all they had was INACTIVE.

So, if I get a tracking number and a sample from 5C-AKB-48, I will definitely share my opinion about the substance.

In the meantime, I found small stocks in another 4f-abinaca store that work great. A little adb butinaca too, 6cl adba too. Probably the latest stock, but the only active things for me in recent months.

I listened to your advice ten days ago and wrote to tgc about this cannabinoid. I have been waiting for a week for a sample to be sent to me, saying that they have problems with availability.

About 6 months ago I ordered 1kg of 4f mdmb 2201 from them for $ 4500, without knowing that it is already illegal. They sent 7add or something (orange), of course completely inactive.

After contacting them 10 days ago, they explained to me that for fear of losing me as a customer, they took my money and sent what they had.

The strange thing is that for $ 4,500 all they had was INACTIVE.

So, if I get a tracking number and a sample from 5C-AKB-48, I will definitely share my opinion about the substance.

In the meantime, I found small stocks in another 4f-abinaca store that work great. A little adb butinaca too, 6cl adba too. Probably the latest stock, but the only active things for me in recent months.
I am their customer for a long time and spend a lot of money. Maybe the service they bring me is better than others. This is why I always say not to take my words as a recommendation for anything. In my opinion, TGC, like most sellers in China, have no personal experience regarding the chemicals they sell. I believe it's best to listen to customers' opinions about their chemicals. And also, check with them regarding a specific product, check that it is indeed in stock. And if ordering through their website, then read the product description properly. For example, in the description of many cannabinoids they write "If not in stock, we will send you another cannabinoid". I think small customers, who probably get less good treatment, can thus reduce losses and be focused on chemicals that are really worth something. I find that the feedback on the product page on their site is usually accurate. Good luck!

I also ordered 1kg of 5C-AKB-48 from them about 10 days ago and still have not received a tracking number. They said a lot of orders because of CNY and that they needed to create more of the product. I believe we will see a tracking number soon. I will update when I receive my TN.

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Keep in mind that if it really turns out that at this price for 1 kg we will get an active cannabinoid, at least 80% of the old strength, you have a great treat from me and my colleagues. I very much hope that there will be a new production and we will get our sample.

Be healthy buddy !!

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  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
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  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
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  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
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  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
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