Seriously, if you have insurance they all cover your Meds which is expensive since now the put everyone on the strips which has naltrexone in them. A few I saw used subutex which was like $200 or at SAMs club $165.00. But that is gone as of this month. New rules, you have to see an outside counselor or go to group meetings, my doctor charges me a fortune, but I get out of going to these courses my last doctor made me go to three nights a week for 6 months. I said f that and switched doctors. I've seen four since I came back to Ohio and I haven't been out that long, I kept going to one that I liked, but when they changed the rules about these groups I quit seeing my favorite doctor and saw three more before I found the right one. No insurance I know covers the doctors cost, but they do pay for my film strips which are over $500.00. Now I see a guy, who spends a half hour with me giving me advice, no groups, no coming back to count your film strips whenever the last doctor wanted to do to make sure you weren't selling them or taking them right, and gives me a months worth, except first visit was 2 weeks worth, but now I just get 60 a month. I'm down to a quarter, sometimes a half, but I don't tell him, I always get my 60, you never know when you might need them! So no, you do not have to go to one he referred you to, but I would check with you're insurance company just in case! Good luck to you, it's a bitch kicking, I kicked a 200 mg methadone and it was the longest two days of my life, I mean sick as hell. but if you can stay clean because you can't use for two days, or you will be really sick if you take with a habit, it changed my life for the better, now just a little more to go and I'm off! Whoop whoop! Good luck to you!