Intro, and 1 question. Hello all!


Sep 10, 2016
Hello everyone, I'm a quiet "reader" and mostly read and learn without posting but I want to start participating better. I have only been a member for a number of weeks, but I have read and read and read some more, I've never seen or read anything that appears to be legitimate like this before. I suffer from an unexplainable case of lumbago, my extensive amount of medical records regarding my back pain start at 7 years old and continue to the current time, I have done everything from 3yrs (done over the course of 7 years) of physical therapy, pointless injections, and countless doctors visits, I do have a deteriation of bone on my lowest vertebrae that has also never been explained. I also have a painful and never ending sciatica issue, I'm well aware many people have awful back problems that can be explained much better than mine and I feel for anyone who has it worse than me, that being said I made a crucial mistake last year. My dr I had switched to in a new town cut me off of my pks and gave me a referral to a spine, bone and joint neurosurgeon, but my insurance had run out and i was not able to afford to go, being in such terrible withdrawals I got on subutex to curb my opiate withdrawal. Since that day I have been unable and unsuccessful to get a doctor to put me back on pks because they can see I was being prescribed subs. I just placed my first order from the info I got off of this sight and finding the person I was looking for, I had a roommate who used to order from G regularly and would order for me too, but he got married and left that behind him. He told me where to go to find it all for myself, so here I am reading, learning and eagerly awaiting my first order placed this am. I don't know if this is allowed in an introduction area of the forum but a response would be much appreciated, since doctors in my state use the program that shows them I was prescribed suboxone by a sub Doctor, if I go to a neighboring state, will that information show up in that state too? Thanks for taking the time to read my long introduction and background, if anyone has an answer for me regarding my question on here I'd greatly appreciate that, you guys have an awesome community here and I look forward to being a part of it.

since doctors in my state use the program that shows them I was prescribed suboxone by a sub Doctor, if I go to a neighboring state, will that information show up in that state too?
Welcome, @Wildbill!  My understanding is limited, but I am not aware of a statewide electronic database specifically and only for monitoring Suboxone prescriptions.  A cursory Google for a Suboxone-specific database does not immediately show evidence of such a thing.

However, most states do have a patient-tracking database where data input comes from pharmacies every time a prescription is filled for an FDA-scheduled drug which includes Suboxone.  These statewide patient-monitoring databases are not yet connected to other states.  Further Googling says physicians do have access to their state's database but it doesn't say how or where physicians get the info.  Clicking around various regulatory sites involved with these databases is a confusing journey through exquisitely vague and profoundly unhelpful blatherings.

One guaranteed way a physician can learn if a new patient was previously prescribed Subs is by reading that patient's medical records from a physician who prescribed it.  If you're a new patient with an extensive medical history for a chronic illness, the new doc is probably going to ask you to either bring your prior medical records or give permission for them call your prior physician for those records.

Several years ago, not long after Suboxone was FDA-approved for opiate withdrawal, I tried to find a physician for Subs.  I was told that doctors had to be specifically "authorized" to prescribe it and were limited by law in the number of Sub patients they could serve.  Due to this super-genius regulation in the War on Drugs, it was easier to score opiates illegally than it was to legally buy the pill that could stop physical dependence on opiates.  In the metro I lived in at the time, there were maybe three physicians on the list of authorized Sub-prescribing doctors in an area population of six million residents. 

Googling today shows not much has changed in the past decade regarding who can prescribe Subs

"Doctors must take an 8-hour class on addiction treatment, or already possess such credentials, and then apply for a special DEA#. Once they obtain their # they are limited to treating only 30 patients at a time."
Anyhoo, even if you're now in a different state and you don't appear in the script-monitoring database because you haven't yet been prescribed any FDA-scheduled drug in that state, your new doctor could learn of the prior Subs script if he/she happens to request and actually read the specific part of your prior medical records that mention it.

yeh like @DippityDoo says, only certain docs can prescbribe it. in my surgery none can nor methadone, they have to get a locum in or a clinic wil set it up an ur gp will take over. but thats in the uk.

I've never seen or read anything that appears to be legitimate like this before. I suffer from an unexplainable case of lumbago,
Welcome Wildbill! (Hickok, i presume? If you ever pick up two black aces and two black 8's in a game of poker then watch your back!). I'm new too and already 100% sure this site doesn't only appear legitimate, but is very much so. 

Other than wanting to welcome you i don't have a lot to say about your particular problems, but i could mention that a couple of friends of mine who suffer from lumbago tells me that that is what doctors call back-problems when they don't really know what else to call it.

It is very true, my "lumbago" is exactly that, pain that can not really be pin pointed, other than my sciatica, but I started going to the doctor for lower back pain at age 7 and have the medical records and extensive amounts Of X-rays, mri's physical therapy sessions, countless amounts of pointless steroid injections and so forth. I'm now 27, and it has gotten worse the longer I've been alive, it is excruciating sometimes. Just the other day I had to pull over and stretch and walk around 4 times in a 90 mile drive, it's miserable and I hate it with a passion, my meds don't even help the pain that much anymore, and yes this sight is legit, my man Glen came through like a boss for me very recently, so have no fear if you take the correct steps and follow instructions, you'll be a happy camper, good luck 

yeh like @DippityDoo says, only certain docs can prescbribe it. in my surgery none can nor methadone, they have to get a locum in or a clinic wil set it up an ur gp will take over. but thats in the uk.
Same where I am, only 2 docs In a town of 90,000 can prescribe it, basically what I'm asking is this though, I know there's a statewide database where I live that shows what prescription you take or have taken, if I'm getting pain meds in my state, can I go out of state to get suboxone prescribed to me for emergencys or times when I'm out or can't afford my pain meds? More specifically can a doctor from out of state see my prescriptions in the state I'm in. 

im in the uk its maybe different but here u can do that you just get ur doc or clinic to phone a pharmacy where u are going and see if u can have a script sent through to that chemist, if so they will do it. u will need i.d then its simple as that but as i said thats in the uk. id like to think it was the same where u are but maybe  @2earls or @Heavenlee maybe are stateside maybe they can help u. hope u get it sorted mate

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  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
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  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
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  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
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