Is there a best RC just for sleep?


Jun 4, 2020
i recently did my first batch of N-Desalkylflurazepam and honestly i'm not liking it.

it was my first batch and i think i cooked it up right. Last night at around 3 i took .5mg ( i  hadn't taken any before that)

and this morning i feel like shit. like i didn't even sleep.

is there a better RC just for sleep? back in the day i was prescribed Flurazepam and it worked beautifully. I would  have quality dream sleep

or another question, what is the most Xanax like RC. I always slept good if i took a Xanax

@toptomato As far as whats most similar to xanax idk Ill let someone else answer that one. Flualprozolam (Im sure Im spelling it wrong) always knocks me out and Ive found is good for sleep but its strong so like always just be careful!

Yes i think the RC you are talking about has like 104 hour half life so you would have to take a few days so it builds up. Dont take my word on it i just remember reading it somewhere. 

I like a quasi heavy dose of etizolam because its readily available. 

There used to be a vendor who is no longer around that sold cinazepam tablets. You want to talk about a good night sleep with minimal hangover that is gone with your first cup of coffee...cinazepam!!! Start small dose if you can find it because the whole tablet was too much, at least for me.

Norflurazepam if the benzo route is warranted.  Any z drugs or derivatives would be slightly less problematic (addiction/hangover) in theory at least.  Phenibut can help in lower doses from my experience. 

Pyraz seems to be halfway decent for sleep, and isn't super-microdosey so if you get a bit too much you won't be screwed totally the next day. 

However, if you really need the 'brick to the head', flubromazolam will do the trick... but keep the dose really really low.  too much and you'll feel like massive ass for a while afterwards. 

The upside to Pyraz & FluBro is that neither should really mess you up much or cause other problems like blackouts.   But flubro really is a microdose thing or you'll be out way longer then you want and then the half life will mess up your  next day.

I really liked midazolam,I haven't had it in a couple years.I had a guy from H@waii that had it for awhile and it was considered domestic so never any issues.My man disappeard when the Red it stopped all sourcing subs. Midz was a really relaxing sedation for me , I loved it. 

First of all I should mention how all Benzodiazepines with the exception of Temazepam completely stop all R.E.M. sleep (dreaming) or at best drastically reduce the amount u get hence anyone on Benzos will end up with low quality sleep. Remember that N-Desalkylflurazepam (A.K.A. Norflurazepam) lasts for 8-24 hours with average being 8-12 hours. Flurazepam is not prescribed for sleep as often these days due to the sleepy effect people feel the morning afterwards. Hence Benzos like Temazepam and Nitrazepam with a more predictable half-life are being used instead now. Elimination half-life doesn't necessarily mean the drug will build up in your system unlike something like Clonazepam which can double up with daily dosing unlike Diazepam despite the old data and uninformed factors make it seem like it would build up in effects but it doesn't and it's actually very short acting which is to complicated to discuss without making it off-topic. When it comes to elimination half-life and whether it will cause a drug to build up in effects gets complicated.

Flurazepam is a prodrug meaning your liver turns it into Norlfurazepam it's usually above 5MG that the hypnotic effect starts to begin and makes u sleepy 5MG and below has great muscle relaxant effects and good anti-anxiety too.

Other alternatives I recommend Nitrazolam or Etizolam and Bromazolam these are all appropriately potent. I strongly discourage anyone from using any of overly potent Benzos like Clonazolam and Flualprazolam or Flunitrazolam. People have researched with Clonazolam and have had seizures the next day and other horrible things.

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First of all I should mention how all Benzodiazepines with the exception of Temazepam completely stop all R.E.M. sleep (dreaming) or at best drastically reduce the amount u get hence anyone on Benzos will end up with low quality sleep. Remember that N-Desalkylflurazepam (A.K.A. Norflurazepam) lasts for 8-24 hours with average being 8-12 hours. Flurazepam is not prescribed for sleep as often these days due to the sleepy effect people feel the morning afterwards. Hence Benzos like Temazepam and Nitrazepam with a more predictable half-life are being used instead now. Elimination half-life doesn't necessarily mean the drug will build up in your system unlike something like Clonazepam which can double up with daily dosing unlike Diazepam despite the old data and uninformed factors make it seem like it would build up in effects but it doesn't and it's actually very short acting which is to complicated to discuss without making it off-topic. When it comes to elimination half-life and whether it will cause a drug to build up in effects gets complicated.

Flurazepam is a prodrug meaning your liver turns it into Norlfurazepam it's usually above 5MG that the hypnotic effect starts to begin and makes u sleepy 5MG and below has great muscle relaxant effects and good anti-anxiety too.

Other alternatives I recommend Nitrazolam or Etizolam and Bromazolam these are all appropriately potent. I strongly discourage anyone from using any of overly potent Benzos like Clonazolam and Flualprazolam or Flunitrazolam. People have researched with Clonazolam and have had seizures the next day and other horrible things.
Cinazepam does not interfere with REM at all.

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