Klonopin And Detection


Aug 9, 2013
Personal experience from ua's clonazepam has not given a positive result on most screens. Now on others, very few others it has been detected as a benzo. Why is this?

Yeah I think the metabolites are hard to detect with a piss test(immunoassay) but a gcms should be able to detect. the answer is different bzo's have different metabolites also different piss tests have different cutoff levels. All brands of piss tests are not the same. for example there are different categories of piss tests.Ones that are used in the criminal justice system have really low cutoff points that make anykind of use difficult to beat. Then you have the Employment piss tests that have a higher cutoff of allowed metabolites.Doctors also have there version,but different companies use different means to detect,(reagents), so you need to know the exact company who makes the test and learn what the cutoff levels are for that brand. So you can see to answer your question one would have to know who is giving you the piss test.What brand of piss test it is and the cutoff levels. The only real way to know exactly what is in your piss is gcms where your piss is sent to a lab. Sorry this so long but its a bitch when you can't sleep. Good Luck!

Im very curious about this as well. My suboxone Dr. Scripts me Klonopen and piss test me regularly but is very ANTI-X@N@X and ive come up completely clean for klonopen even though I take it every day.

The really short answer is yes its the drugs metabolites are not the same as Xanax and valium thus most standard drug test and Immunoassay tests Don't detect kpins metabolites.

So yeah They need to be looking for specific metabolites , Saliva pre screening , Dip stick tests ect don't seem to pick up a few benzos...

Some commonly prescribed drugs have limited cross-reactivity. For example, lorazepam and 7-aminoclonazepam, the primary metabolite of clonazepam, have limited cross-reactivity with traditional IAs due to their molecular structures. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a laboratory to obtain a “negative†IA result for lorazepam and 7-aminoclonazepam that is indeed positive once confirmation testing with a mass spectrometer (MS) is performed "

Not sure i can link , But if you google,  You should be able to find the article i quoted along with a few nice pictures to help illustrate the point.

  Demystifying Benzodiazepine Urine Drug Screen Results

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I have actually came up positive for Clonazepam even after 9 days clean.  It was for my Sub doc was I had to go back to failing the previous one (been a few years back)

Didnt realize it stayed in my system that long

A lot of 5 panel drug tests don't test for benzos, (but test for ludes HAHA!), so I guess it depends on what panel test they give you, ie how cheap they are.  Get some Magnum Synthetic Urine.  Great to have on hand just in case.

google benzodiazepines and half life. I think valium ranks pretty high....

Any one got detection times for z@lps and morfine. Is 7 half lifes enough for elimination, not sure where to post this. Feel free to pm me or suggest an appropriate thread, thnks

Any one got detection times for z@lps and morfine. Is 7 half lifes enough for elimination, not sure where to post this. Feel free to pm me or suggest an appropriate thread, thnks
Half lifes and how long they can be detected in urine are two different things. Half life is only how long effects last and UA's test for the metabolites. The most extreme and best example would be maryJ. It's have life is hours and it can be detected in UA for up to 6 weeks if you are using extreme.

If your talking about zolps being the Z meds, then there isn't a UA test for them or at least they don't for standard US tests even for the best tests. They can probably find it in a special test done by a lab but unless they are specifically looking for it they aren't as I sure it is a lot more expensive.

Mo daddy feen and all other oppies take 2-4 days.

When I was prescribed sub ox one by a shrink he would make his patients come in once a month for the new script and he would make us roll dice.  If you got a 7 you had to take a drug test.  Well I rolled a 7 when I had taken a half of a 10mg. val ium the night before to go to sleep and my appointment was early the next day so I was very surprised on my next visit when he said it was all good.  But his was a saliva test not a pee test so I'm thinking that would make a big difference.

When I was prescribed sub ox one by a shrink he would make his patients come in once a month for the new script and he would make us roll dice.  If you got a 7 you had to take a drug test.  Well I rolled a 7 when I had taken a half of a 10mg. val ium the night before to go to sleep and my appointment was early the next day so I was very surprised on my next visit when he said it was all good.  But his was a saliva test not a pee test so I'm thinking that would make a big difference.
Bennies are similar to MJ detection as they are both lipid soluble meds. The length of time they can be detected is directly related to how often and the amount used. If you only used a little once as you did, you could be clean in only a couple days but if you are a two a day for many days type user, it can take weeks.

Does anyone have knowledge or a list of all the popular pre employment drug screening facilities such as Concentra, Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp etc. and what type of tests they are using? Could be useful if such a list could be obtained and maintained for reference.

most pre-employement use quest or lab, most of my jobs and random drug test are done by labcorp, 

Here is some additional, personal, information, which pretty much confirms what you all are saying, -anyway, if you are interested, FYI:  I am also a Suboxone patient. I have to go in to see the Sub. Doc. once a month. Every visit I must drop some urine -which really pisses me the mother F off. I take, well took, 2 mg Klonopin each day, religiously, for a decade and a half - Never did one of the Sub. Docs. urine tests result in a positive for benzos (in 6 years), only taking Klonopin, of course, and these urinalysis's go to the lab. (I also have taken the 12 panel tests you get at CVS or Walgreens and I have never had a Benzo positive on them either, strictly speaking Klonopin. OH, and all the pre-employment drug tests I had to take over 15 years I never heard anything back about popping for benzos.-if they even have benzos included in their panel.) Sub. Doc. really didn't like that he couldn't tell, or know, whether I was taking Klonopin or not, cause he's just like that, assuming you are possibly selling all of your Klonopin (whats that, like 30, 2 mg's/month - 30 (2's) x 5 (let's just say) = 150 -so that isn't much, and hello doc., do you not believe me when I say that I cannot leave my cubicle all day, even for the bathroom, because I am afraid of the people, etc.? You GD MF POS AH! My Klonopin prescription was like gold to me, more than gold, man it was priceless. *If anyone has read this far and knows of a REPUTABLE person/site W/REAL MEDS (CONTAINING ACTIVE INGREDIENT) that has Klons., please post FMI. Thanks, either way. I need a hookup -Mexicans seem too shady. I lived in Panama, Rep. de, and easily got prescribed all sorts of benzos -no problem! I really do prefer Klon. so during my stay in Panama I got the Clonazepam brand name "Rivitrol" -both the 2mg tablets, and the liquid Klon. (Rivitrol) in the dropper bottle. Man that liquid Rivitrol was AWESOME -only problem was I couldn't read Spanish, so I couldn't figure out how many drops equals how many mg's. So it was trial and error, and I uncontrollably passed out many times after putting some drops in my mouth. I guess what I am saying is that the Clonazepam branded "Rivitrol" (by Roche I think) is legitemate, and that is what you will get if you need Klonopin in Central/South America (&Mex). But I still don't trust these Mexican sellers. I know Rivitrol is all good but they must do something to it, like buy expired Rivitrol in bulk, because they never ship in the actual pill box/container, so you don't know the exp. date. Maybe there is a Roche/Rivitrol small factory in Baja California North (they all are from there) and these Mexicans know everyone and tell the foreman to make a big batch of Rivitrol 2 mg with no Clonazepam in it or a MAX. of 0.0001 mg per tab. Or maybe these Mexican pill sellers, all located in Baja CA N., or Juarez, or something are actually run/owned by a drug cartel/s (Sinaloa -Chapo, Gulf Cartel, Zetas, etc.). Then we better watch out if we complain. Anyway, done with my rant....  Anyway, back to the point... My Sub. Doc. took me off of my Klonopin about 4 months ago. (I moved to another state and had to settle with this Sub. Doc. - no other choice - he is a prick. In the state I previously was living in, my Sub. Doc. was understanding/caring/smart/took everyone on a case by case basis -no problems there)...Here in my new state, At the 4 month ago point this Sub. Doc. said that I had been on Klon. long enough in combo. with Subs. (Klonopin = 15 years & in combo. w/Subs. = 6 years) and he was afraid of the deadly interaction between the two meds. Deadly interaction?? WTF -little does his ho as* know: one night I took three 2mg Klonopins & eight 1mg Klonopins in combo. w/approx. eight 8mg Suboxone tablets under the tongue -took FOREVER to disolve and some didn't and I just swallowed. Anyways, I knew I wasn't going to die, just get BLASTED, and I did, and it was freakin awesome! Bull Sh*t!! He tells me that in his clinic, no one is on benzodiazepines, it's just his policy. This guy really fu*cked me cause now my anxiety, especially social, is off the chain. The withdrawal wasn't fun either. But I have my little stockpile of Clonazepam and I take it sparingly, when I really need it, knowing he can't detect it (knowing he has no control over my personal sh*t - however my personal supply is quickly dwindling - if I take Klon. from my personals, I now only take 0.5 mg - no choice -ain't got many left). I saw that someone before me on this thread explained why Klon is not detected, but I don't know -not saying he's wrong, but some things kind of fly over my head and I do not understand that. All I know is that in the 15 years that I took Klonopin daily, at one pioint 4 mg/day, and sometimes I just self prescribed however many millis I wanted to take, you know, take extra -...So in those 15 years, I absolutely posittively NEVER popped for benzos (taking Klonopin mind you). Now, I have popped for other things, but we'll get to that some other day. SosWhatever test/chemicals/methods/lab/etc. that has been used for my urinalysi, both present and past, does not detect Klonopin/Clonazepam -Klon stays under the radar. And Mother F them. I am glad that Suboxone Addiction Psychiatrists, and all else, cannot tell whether a patient is taking Klonopin or not, they need to learn to trust and not rely solely on factual data, and cease practicing the guilty before proven innocent  typpe thing. Fu*k his ass. Anyway, I have to stick to Clonazepam, no Xan/Ata/Val/Etc. - cause they (basically any Benzo besides Klon. -and keep in mind that Klon is actually the best benzo, for me, everyone says Xan, buy Xan hits too hard for me) definitely do pop positive on any test. I did take some Atavan very recently, like an idiot, near urinalysis time (like 2-3 days out), it was 3 mg, and Benzos showed positive, when taking Ativan -Needless to say, I am in for it, but that is another discussion, this is the same test I have taken for years showing negative for Klonopin, even though I was all Klonopined out!  ***I do wonder, however, if someone was to take a very large amount of Klon, if it would then show up on a test -I would keep that in mind if you're popping like 10mg - 15mg, or whatever. Man, I got to get the F outta here, i am late as a MF to work, peace.


PS: Apologies for any misspelled words or improper grammar, I am on a tight schefule.

There's a Roche factory right outta Houston... I imagine that's where the Mexican cats get their meds.. I had a buddy when I lived down there come back after working in it, w/ a bottle of Riv's and Roch V's.. ALL you could get in H-Town were those(unless from a pharmacy) I do know that much..
HAHA! I had a shrink that KEPT writing me 2mg barz, BUT would tell me every visit "You gonna die soon" Like WTF! I've been diagnosed w/ 4types of anxiety/panic disorders.. and am on 1/4th the amount of pain meds I WAS.. yet "Yer gonna die" everytime.. I said F him found this site and now.. if the Apocalypse happened I'd be f'd w/ my pain meds but I'd be fine w/ beans.. BTW I was on subs before any dr's believed me.. and she'd run u/a's like 1/3mo's.. and once it came up(Kpin) as Vals, but.. I hadn't taken V's just the Alps she wrote and the Kpins my PCP did.. It's been almost 19 here.. I'm NEVER letting my meds fall into Dr's and dr's ONLY's hands again.. I tried so hard, was over honest.. and got terminated cuz ALL THE SUDDEN.. THEY DID THE RIGHT TESTS!! And every cotdamn thing I told them was all the sudden true.. their response.. "You're too much for me to handle so I must terminate you" I can't tell you where to look JB you've been here long enough(yes AC remembers the guitar avatar) but... you gotta take the risk.. All I can say is there's one place that has THE BEST beans in the world.. "So follow me.. it's good for you.. my home grown recipe gonna see us through, ohh ohh ain't it good for you.. My old fashion medicated goo"
Edit: I have contacted a lawyer and now have my files and his letter... He's not gonna be happy to get a notice, and certified mail.. but that was HIS choice.. dumb ass thot I didn't know jack and I got him on tape breaking Dr pt confidentiality as well as stating "it LOOKS like you lie to me when you come up + for thc, but I won't ever cut you off cuz I told you it was ok"... He cut me off HARD. F- this whole country

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I have actually came up positive for Clonazepam even after 9 days clean.  It was for my Sub doc was I had to go back to failing the previous one (been a few years back)

Didnt realize it stayed in my system that long
Just happend to me 8 days later after a day or 2 of klonopin dirty for benzos at the methadone clinic 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!