Knowledge is power


Mar 9, 2016
Hello all,

So I've noticed of late this section has been very subdued. I understand that there are a lot of members who take care of themselves and should be proud of this. Let's talk!

I think especially with the sunshine rolling in we should get some good content rolling. I've already posted a fair bit in other sections about steroid cycles, first time users, stacks and had some great input from other members. I've also contributed my thoughts on supplements, weight lose and exercise plans. Before I start filling this feed what is the hot topic?  I don't see much in the way of workout advice I know us guys & gals who are knee deep in the game think this is a given but there's so much misinformation when it comes to the basics it's frightening. Like commercial gym certified pt frightening.

Lets bust the 'magic pill' myth and the more is better when it comes to ass approach. One is what it is the other is plain dangerous. Clear explanations about realistic expectations, dosages and what compounds are best suited to whom. Although that's a subjective matter. But those who are willing I'd love their input. 

I see a section on PCT, but no guidance on blasting and cruising and the subsequent sacrifices you have to be prepared for eg. You want to have kids when you are older? Then listen! Although if aas was contraception I'd be in a very different home environment! But it's a risk nonetheless.

Lets see what supplements you are currently using and what you think of them? Personally right now; Slingshot whey protein isolate expensive but 9.5/10 .5 docked for the price. I can give a full review for those what want to know more.

Protocol when it comes to injections. The importance of hygiene, syringes, needles... what gauge you use where and why? Site rotation and why it's necessary. What sites you can use and where. Ever heard the scream of someone pinning into the sciatic nerve?! Dear me. 

Obviously this primarily is a steroid section but those in the game know there's more to it than just pinning an ass and stepping on stage, beach or just getting the most out of them. So objective is to cover that. And let me know below what you think is the best topic to get this started. If you're after my credentials then cool, 17 years active. 11 in the gym. Competed since I was 21 and I'm still going. 3(ish) weeks out from my next show. 

Lets keep everything positive and all levels welcome. Remember we all started somewhere and if you're on this you share the same passion not hate. 


I need to stop using the wrong abbreviation! AAS not ASS! Crikey where is my mind at times ?

@Hammerblow Love the enthusiasm friend! I'm new to the gym world... when I was younger I'd hike and backpack (and sometimes mountain bike) all the time, and never felt the need to hit the gym or lift weights. I was active and stayed fit just being outside. But I got into grad school 2 years ago and started sitting at a computer 8 hours a day, so I started taking advantage of my campus gym. I did my own research on the basic compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, barbell row and bought Rippetoe's Starting Strength and watched a lot of YouTube videos to learn about proper form. I went with a basic 5x5 routine with two split workouts. I think I've built some decent strength over the last couple years, but honestly my body doesn't look a whole lot different yet. The problem is, I'll train consistently for a month or two, then something will happen (holiday trips, conferences, etc.) where I'll end up taking 2-3 weeks off. Then when I get back into the gym I feel like I've taken a few big steps backwards. I've also started having low back disk issues which I'm in physical therapy for, and that took me out of the gym for a couple months to let it rest and try to get it to heal. Now I'm just starting to get back into a routine, it's just frustrating because it seems like progress is so damn slow! I'm getting married later this summer and had hoped to build a better physique by then, but now because of the back injury I actually have a few lbs of extra fat I need to burn. Still trying to hone in my diet as well, which I feel guilty about... it's easy to let that slide when I'm in pain and can't hit the gym consistently. As for supplements, I really only use whey protein isolate and creatine monohydrate. The research I've done has led me to believe most supplements are a massive waste of money! Anyway, I'm curious to learn a bit about steroids, I don't know if I'm interested in using them, but I know next to nothing about them. What do you think I should focus on to regain an edge in training this summer? Thanks for your insights!!

I should also mention where I'm at strength-wise (all weights at 5 sets of 5 reps... I usually lift alone so I don't know my 1 rep max on most lifts): Squats I started as a beginner at 80 lbs, now I'm stalled at 135 due to my back issues; bench press went from 70 to 115; overhead press started at 45lbs (just the bar) now at 85; deadlift started at 115lbs, and also now stalled at 165lbs because of the back problems.

So I've made a little progress, but after more than a year of stop & go training I'm getting burned out on constantly working up to a pr, then having to take time off for whatever reason, and coming back in to the gym needing to deload and work back up!

Hey mate! Thank you.  It's all about enthusiasm if you don't have that you will 9/10 fail. I can almost guarantee it. Okay your situation isn't a simple one but it's very doable. I'm going to need a little more info before we jump straight into what I think is the best way forward. Age. (Roughly) height, weight. Do you want to build quality muscle or lose weight? Both?

It sounds like you started off with the right idea with a 5x5 but you've lost your way since and I'll always say this before we get into talking cycles.  It's your diet that's been the biggest inconsistency not your training! You can take 2-3 weeks off and not 'lose your gainz' And I promise promise I'm not laying into you but a lot of that read like excuses not reasons. Lower disc problems are best fixed through active recovery in the gym and by ultimately building more muscle around that area, not taking time off. I can help take you through this if you want. You definitely need to focus more on diet diet diet and  then a hypertrophy program which I can help set up as well, you sound like what we call a'haird gainer' based of the info you have given me. Then we'll talk about anabolic to aid this. Plan bro?

Also what does your diet typically look like? There's no flaming or shaming trust me. Do you know roughly your macros or if your not comfortable sharing your diet your average daily calorie intake? The training ee can fix easy. If you do decide you want to jump cycle again that's not that hard.

 Diet first, training and s simple cycle. 12-15 weeks of commitment and consistency and you'll grow like a weed. 

Hey, thanks for the help man! And I agree, sometimes excuses keep me out of the gym and from eating right. But I'm also very motivated to keep at it and improve. I'll try to fill you in with some more info... I'm early 30's, 6 foot 1 in, 185 lbs. Healthy BMI, but I don't know my bf%... I'm not overweight by any means, but I have some flab in the wrong places. I would like to burn some fat but mainly gain muscle, optimally get in the 200 lbs range. My diet is not TOO terrible... my fiance and I eat pretty well, we cook quality dinners with grains and vegetables like quinoa and kale, use coconut or olive oil for cooking, eat smoothies for breakfast... but on the other side of that I probably eat too many carbs. I snack on crackers and cheese, eat pasta and sandwiches, drink a couple beers at least once or twice a week, etc. I don't know the macro breakdown, but my best guess would be something like 45% carb, 35% protein, 20% fat, with a total of 3000 calories per day when I'm training consistently and paying attention. When I'm not in a good routine it's too easy to neglect the diet, so I need to get better about staying in a routine and not letting ANY excuse keep me at home.

Hey mate. 6,1 185lb there's definitely room for some muscle and the right amount of cardio will get rid of that stubborn fat. To get to 200lb in I'd imagine a relatively short space of time you are going to have to jump on cycle. At our age with experience, if you're nature you are lucky if you put on 1-2lb of muscle a year. I could get you to 200 natural but it would be a bulk (more fat less muscle) and then cut (6months min) to a lean 190. Your diet isn't terrible you are enjoying life there's nothing in there that would concern me too much. 

Your macros are for this.


You can see carbs are not the enemy and you need to make sure your calories are going from 3000 to about 3500-4000. From the above ratios. I won't patronise about the best source of food groups, you know already.

The training I think I have a section on it if not I'll send you one. Ditch the 5x5 for now but your program will still have the heavy compound lifts just in a hypertrophy range with a lot more accessory work. 

Remember this is just a take on it, if you think it's garbage then forget about it. You need jump on the juice if you want this all for your wedding at the end of the summer. Use the first example cycle I've put in this section. I don't like to talk to openly about the real specifics so if you really don't know where to begin pm me and I'll  talk you through the stages and give you the what/where and whys. There's a great steroid vendor trinity on here whos knowledge is out of this world, he'd be able to take care of the goods for you. 


@javaman I've posted a workout I think would be perfect for your goals. Give it a try if you can. Remember if you can't do a particular exercise due to an injury it can always be replaced. I'm going to post a second workout that shows this. If you've had a chance to look at the beginner cycle thread you should have a basic knowledge and I can fill in any questions. And point you in the direction of a very good vendor. He's in the vendor section already.

@Hammerblow Hey buddy, haven't checked in for a while. I just joined a new gym and set up a consultation with a personal trainer. Where is the workout you posted, I don't see it. I still need to do some research on the cycles but I'll get back at you with some questions. I seriously know next to nothing. Thanks!!! :)

If someone bmi was under weight. Would it be a good idea to get straight on the juice and start training. Or would it be better to get your bmi to where it should be for you height ,weight and age, and then use some juice to get bigger.  

Sorry dudes I've been on holiday for a week delayed flights (the Greeks love a chaotic airport) and 24 hrs but I'm home! Slightly burnt very rested and ready to take care of any questions you have in a few hours. I'll keep this section as active as possible. Any workout plans bmi (which can be super misleading in my opinion) questions, literally anything other than acquiring peds (if that's what you want to do) speak to @trinity he's a very knowledge vendor on here who calls a spade a spade. No bullshit and that's the type you need I'm your life. I can help to an extent but it would have to be at the permission of the mods. Speak soon I gotta zzzzzzz's.

@javaman the workout I posted is in this section. It's called embrace the pain (workout1) now I'm back and more focused I'll post more workouts. Remember each day exercise isn't set in stone you just tailor it to fit your needs as long as you are getting the big compound lifts in eg. If flies are putting too much tension on your shoulders you either drop the weight or replace them with the pec deck or decline push ups. But multi joint compound movements are key, really focus on hitting reps and maintaining good form. But again if deadlifts or RDL's are too advanced, burning out your back t-bar rows, again with good form and tempo will give you a nice thick back and work several muscle groups. Take what a PT tells you with a pinch of salt his interests aren't necessarily the best for you, allot just work off the same one size fits all excel spread sheet but they should be able to teach form/tempo/progressive overload. But follow the workout I posted if you can and you will grow like a weed. I'll be using a slightly modified version for my next show prep. Once you are ready for the cycle advice just ask away, we are here to help. And it's a big decision.

@Conceited that's a catch 22 question as once you are on your BMI basically means shit. If you are looking to use juice to get to your recommended weight then no don't, just eat. I always always say diet is key so it doesn't matter what weight you necessarily are its your goals and other factors like age, understanding the risk factors and knowledge of the drugs you are putting into your body. Top level triathletes take PEDS, Cyclists take PEDS, woman gymnasts take PEDS. What you need to understand is yes the steroids will help you put muscle on faster and recover quicker from workout but you need to feed the body and take care of it by getting adequate sleep etc. You have to eat in a surplus in order to grow if you don't you could cycle grams and make very little gains. And I mean very little. Priority number one - diet (I call it lifestyle) eat to grow so you are feeding the muscles, pay very little attention to supplements try and get real foods if you can and if you struggle hitting your protein/carbs/fats then supplement with a decent whey isolate. Workout 3-4 times a week with a  programme that incorporates the main lifts (deadlifts, bench, squat) or variations of them with intensity. Sleep 6-8 hours a night. Your starting weight shouldn't matter unless you are dangerously under weight, like 6,5 8 stone. Use a beginners cycle I've posted eating 500-1000 cals above maintenance and a good work out  plan (I'll post more over the weekend) and by the end of the cycle you could have 10-20 pounds of quality mass. Then wait the appropriate time, ptc and you gain another 10 pounds. But remember you have to eat, stay hydrated and sleep for optimal results. Training comes second. Juice third. So I'd advice now.

Hope that helps guys anything you need clarified just give me a shout.


Sorry dudes I've been on holiday for a week delayed flights (the Greeks love a chaotic airport) and 24 hrs but I'm home! Slightly burnt very rested and ready to take care of any questions you have in a few hours. I'll keep this section as active as possible. Any workout plans bmi (which can be super misleading in my opinion) questions, literally anything other than acquiring peds (if that's what you want to do) speak to @trinity he's a very knowledge vendor on here who calls a spade a spade. No bullshit and that's the type you need I'm your life. I can help to an extent but it would have to be at the permission of the mods. Speak soon I gotta zzzzzzz's.
Please do help @Hammerblow, the floor is yours! Thanks for shaking up this section along with @trinity!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!