Kratom Dose Help


Jun 13, 2015
I am looking to start kratom today. Never had it. Looking for an opiate type feeling with no anxiety. Can anyone recommend a strain starting dose for me? Also, after how long do you do it again?

I am looking to start kratom today. Never had it. Looking for an opiate type feeling with no anxiety. Can anyone recommend a strain starting dose for me? Also, after how long do you do it again?
@Katiehlvr1 I have kicked opiates many times with Kratom - it is a great thing.   Red Vein Borneo (I buy from from Kraken Kratom) is my favorite and I have tried prob 25 strains (avoid "OG" and concentrated/hybrid strains - stick with the basic red strains).   Start with a full/heaping teaspoon of powder in a bottle of half water/ half tart juice (cherry, cranberry, etc) to cut the bitterness of the kratom.  Don't bother with capsules - get the powder and just shake it up in the bottle, let it sit a minute or two, shake it again and toss it back.  Have a chaser handy.  Always best on a mostly empty stomach but it doesnt matter that much.  The feeling is subtle, but you know you've taken something:  it is mood lifting, painkilling, anti-inflammatory, and eases opiate w/d like nothing else.    It does NOT feel like an opiate buzz, so don't expect that. Kratom is at its best at doses between 3-4 grams, 3x per day.   At high doses,  it becomes sedating and  almost dissociative and I don't like it.    So - one teaspoon morning, afternoon and evening unless you are in serious withdrawal and then you can dose a few more times but space it out at least 4 hours.  I have been on Kratom for the past few weeks after I stopped the hydro and I'm exercising again, sleeping 8 hrs, my digestive system is normalized and I'm losing weight.   Kratom has no serious side effects and it is not anxiety inducing regardless of the strain - so experiment away and enjoy all its benefits :)

Just like the above poster stated, get a "heaping" spoonful and try the toss and wash method.   Just dump the kratom in your mouth and take some juice, water, tea to swish and chase it down with.    Kratom is a wonderful plant.

Like @Roxyanne  said.....3-4 grams.  Do not go higher if you have never used it.   You will not enjoy it and it can be quite unpleasant if too much is taken.  You wont od or anything like that but you will probably throw up.  I usually would mix mine in a glass of warmish water and drink it down real fast first thing in the morning.  The worse the stuff tastes the better and you will notice a slight warming sensation and if its good product you will enjoy the feeling.   It wont eliminate all the feelings of wds but it will help.   I have noticed you are posting in a lot of place trying to find a way to beat wds.   To put it bluntly....there is no easy way.   You can get addicted to Kratom and have to kick that and its not a pleasant experience but it is no way as bad as pks.   You can try subs but you have to have a legit constant source otherwise you are going to end up right back where you started.   Simply put there is no quick easy way to beat wds....if there was the site would have a thread a mile long of success stories.  I managed almost a year of sobriety or whatever you want to call it by taking subs with naloxone.   I would steer clear of methadone because that is the hardest to kick.   If you can beat it with kratom, then you are way ahead of the game.    Good luck and make sure you keep us updated on your progress.  Theres a lot of people here that can offer advice.   You can google the thomas recipe and see what you think of that.  I never tried that but some people swear by it.    I took the easy way out and did a medical detox.   It was relatively pain free except I did not eat or sleep all that well for about 6-7 days but it worked and then I went on subs.   If you can do it that way, that would be my recommendation.    Good luck and I hope you are able to achieve your goal!!

Katiehlvr1, I've started with 2-3 grams, and it was ok for me. This website ( ) helped me with getting exactly what I needed - maeng da RED vein Kratom. It's has the highest level of relaxation it can give to a person. The main thing is to stop consuming it when you have resolved your mental (or pain) problems.

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I use kratom fairly often. It helps more with any wd symptoms and pain, I don't usually get the euphoric op feeling. For dosing I go They sell it too I think but have a great section about dosing it out and what kinds. Capsules too. I've filled my own, and bought from a couple reputable companies. I like green or red. Green is more mood elevating, and red is more for pain, relax and op wd symptoms etc. 

Was in the middle of a withdrawal from subutex on day 11 today. Still struggling, buprenorphine is a long, long withdrawal. If I would have listened earlier and belived it could help so much, I would have tried it and a avoided soo much suffering. I feel very good right now, 1 hour after dosing 7 to 8 grams of the Red Bali. Amazing  !!!! 

Was in the middle of a withdrawal from subutex on day 11 today. Still struggling, buprenorphine is a long, long withdrawal. If I would have listened earlier and belived it could help so much, I would have tried it and a avoided soo much suffering. I feel very good right now, 1 hour after dosing 7 to 8 grams of the Red Bali. Amazing  !!!! 
I was on suboxone for 9 years and I found that a mixture of two specific strains worked well for me.  Red Vietnam and Gold Borneo/Borneo Gold.  Went through a really, really, fast taper because my doc was just going to keep giving them to me and I'd keep taking them.  Should also add that amp based ADD medications, and especially the one rarely prescribed and only for severe obesity or narcolepsy, in tandem with kratom really, really help reduce the WDs.  That's looking at adding another potential habit but figured I'd mention in case you're prescribed ADD meds already.

Edit:  Just now I remembered the taste of kratom and how, despite being a true life save, it tastes like the distilled essence of tortured souls or something similar.  Used it off and on for nearly 12 years and it's the only thing thinking about will make me gag.

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I was on suboxone for 9 years and I found that a mixture of two specific strains worked well for me.  Red Vietnam and Gold Borneo/Borneo Gold.  Went through a really, really, fast taper because my doc was just going to keep giving them to me and I'd keep taking them.  Should also add that amp based ADD medications, and especially the one rarely prescribed and only for severe obesity or narcolepsy, in tandem with kratom really, really help reduce the WDs.  That's looking at adding another potential habit but figured I'd mention in case you're prescribed ADD meds already.

Edit:  Just now I remembered the taste of kratom and how, despite being a true life save, it tastes like the distilled essence of tortured souls or something similar.  Used it off and on for nearly 12 years and it's the only thing thinking about will make me gag.
Thanks for the reply. I too was on subs when they were very first approved I believe 2003, i was on them for almost 10 years. Some docs just want to keep pushing it, great and easy $$$$ for them. Anyway i got a new Dr. and he tapered me off very slowly over a year to microgram dosages. I didn't have withdrawls, just a mild depression, lethargy and very bad insomnia and I got gabapentin and took a triple dose for a couple of weeks and was able to sleep fine.

So fast forward to 2017, I relapsed on oxcee, my d.o.c. and after a couple of years of struggle, i went back to the doc and got back on bup. for about 6 months and just did a fast taper to 2 mg. and jumped 12 days ago. The w.d.s were much worse, crazy insomnia and it seemed  never ending. So today my kratom lands here and I dosed it and I felt fine in one hour, went out to bank, store, cooked supper cause i could finally eat a full meal. Truly amazing stuff and no one uses it in "treatment" cause then they will lose the thousands you pay them yearly for visits and drugs. I mean im not trying to knock it, it def. saved me untill I got my life in order and it has its place and time.

I am allready a believer i. Kratom and will tell as many peeps about it as  I can who might have a need. I will have to try the strains you recommended and see how that works. I got red bali at a recommendation from a friend and doing reasearch online. I know its not the magic stuff that can save me, but help me to get where I need to be. No more bup. for me....

Ohh, and yes, i put it in warm water stired it, and gulped it all down, tasted like i made a glass of grass clippings and soil for tee a and chased it with water Lol... But I really didn't care atm... I am thinking of getting a french press to try to make a less disgusting drink...


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Thanks for the reply. I too was on subs when they were very first approved I believe 2003, i was on them for almost 10 years. Some docs just want to keep pushing it, great and easy $$$$ for them. Anyway i got a new Dr. and he tapered me off very slowly over a year to microgram dosages. I didn't have withdrawls, just a mild depression, lethargy and very bad insomnia and I got gabapentin and took a triple dose for a couple of weeks and was able to sleep fine.

So fast forward to 2017, I relapsed on oxcee, my d.o.c. and after a couple of years of struggle, i went back to the doc and got back on bup. for about 6 months and just did a fast taper to 2 mg. and jumped 12 days ago. The w.d.s were much worse, crazy insomnia and it seemed  never ending. So today my kratom lands here and I dosed it and I felt fine in one hour, went out to bank, store, cooked supper cause i could finally eat a full meal. Truly amazing stuff and no one uses it in "treatment" cause then they will lose the thousands you pay them yearly for visits and drugs. I mean im not trying to knock it, it def. saved me untill I got my life in order and it has its place and time.

I am allready a believer i. Kratom and will tell as many peeps about it as  I can who might have a need. I will have to try the strains you recommended and see how that works. I got red bali at a recommendation from a friend and doing reasearch online. I know its not the magic stuff that can save me, but help me to get where I need to be. No more bup. for me....

Ohh, and yes, i put it in warm water stired it, and gulped it all down, tasted like i made a glass of grass clippings and soil for tee a and chased it with water Lol... But I really didn't care atm... I am thinking of getting a french press to try to make a less disgusting drink...

Yeah, the last time I saw my doc she was waiting to give a deposition for a court case because she was quite unscrupulous, but around here her family runs majority of the the psych places that do suboxone therapy, to the point of buying out independent docs like my original one.  And I tell everyone I can about kratom too, i mean it has varying degrees of effectiveness for stimulants and GABA-ergic substances too, though it's not going to prevent bzo induced seizures it still helps with other symptoms.  It really is a miracle plant.

I started out doing the same thing with just warm water and chugging, but when i used to to finally quit for good, i was just parachuting it and that's a bad idea.  Can cause intestinal blockage because kratom is so hydrophobic.  A dude at a local, actually it's like a semi-national chain, said orange juice is the general consensus for his clients when it comes to drinking it, but I never tried that or confirmed whether or not the ascorbic acid/Vitamin C would potentiate or inhibit kratom.... so it was back to pond scum for me.  There are tinctures, but my only experience was a decade or so back and they seemed a bit of a crap shoot.

I have found that anything acidic, or with vitamin C...especially tomatoes or oranges..highly makes Kratom intolerably strong for me.  As well as any greasy fatty foods.

sometimes I take my Kratom, eat a meal 2 hours later and I am hit with the God awful overwhelming feeling of too much Kratom. If anyone has ever felt this, you’d understand and once you feel it, you never want to feel it AGAIN. It’s really less is more to me regarding Kratom.

I gather if you wanted to make it stronger on purpose, same difference but be careful, it’s down right nasty when it’s tooo strong.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!