LL in Canada


Nov 6, 2012

I have a question concerning the infamous LL, but for those of us who live in Canada. 

I placed an order with TTM2U. About 15 days later, I get a notice in the mail to go pick up a registered letter at the post-office (under the pseudonym that I have been using). This notice says ONLY this person (who doesn't exist, lol) can pick up this registered letter.

Now, it's pretty obvious that this is a LL from the customs notifying me of a seizure. But what happens next? Is my address "flagged" for future shipments? I someone eventually gonna come knocking on the door and asking me questions?

And by the way, TTM2U's packaging is amazing. If that doesn't make it, I don't know what could.... ....... ....... Damn you Canadian Customs! 

Macbasics... I'm so sorry that this happened but remember that you know nothing about it.  I had a friend that this happened to (not in Canada) and she wrote on the notice "not at this address" since the name was different and put it back in the mail box.  It is not that uncommon for someone to use a neighbors address who they know will be at work when the mail arrives so tell yourself that must be what happened and that's all you know.  Again, so sorry this happened.

That is interesting that in Canada you have to go pick up an LL. at the post.  That would be really scary.  It could be an ambush. Don't go? 

Have you or any of you guys heard of having to PICK UP an LL?

I have only had 1 local story of a pick-up being sanctioned by LE, any other time anyone has had to go pick it up, as odd as it was, always went 100% . I know how CA is on customs though, and i don't know their polciies. Can you have it re-sent to your house 1 last time with a phone call? I would base my decision around reading if other's have had LL's and asked to go pick up...depending on the contents, i would be hard pressed that if it was an LL, which i dont believe it is, they have anything plannedv against you than to  give u ur pckg, esp from TTM as they don't offer much other than SCH 4 or below. Again, i don't know the ins and outs of CA customs. I wish you the best, and will spend a big researching if anyone i have known/read of having to be asked to pick up what is inevitably an LL or a trap, esp on a low cnt sch 4 or less letter. BOL brother

I most certainly would NOT go and pick up the parcel that's for SURE!!!!


Bliss. .....

Well, you can believe me or not... I've never heard of an LL being received by a Cdn by Cdn Cust'ms... ever.

My GF works for CDA Post, in the international mail sorting. They check no envelopes, unless they are visibly bulging at the seams & torn via shipping. Packages from known trafficking countries will be occasionally screened.

They work like "Lavern & Shirley", looking up at the sky while the beer bottles whisk by...

I've received packages for the last 16 years... other than 2 recent complete no-shows -_- , even the damaged ones were re-taped back together and sent to me on their merry way.

Thanks C.C.!

From my experience, Nothing will happen if you get a LL in Canada(except for loosing the contents to the Government ). Canada post will send you a registered letter in the name and to the address of the intercepted products destination. If you are not there to sign for it, they'll leave a notice card for pickup at your local post office outlet. Even if you go and sign for it at the post office, you'll just get a Canadian border service letter that states the Package/Letter was seized with a list its contents and importation code(s) you broke. Recently they have started sending the same type of letter without a signature required to Canadian addresses. I guess they realized it was a waste of money to send a registered letter. Also, sometimes a seizure letter may take up to 2 months after seizure. Nothing to worry about as of yet.... Hope this helps my fellow Canadians.

I actually just received another LL and was not home to sign for it. So i went to the post office and signed for it to see what was confiscated from the different orders i had recently made from various items that i had recently purchased. Also, it helps with some venders that want to see a copy of the seisure letter before they will reship. It was the same letter with the same article number quoted and the list of the items that were seized. As of the last 10 years i have yet to have any problem with a LL. I also have friends that import electric cigarettes and e-liquid from china in large amounts who get the same letter when customs stops the liquid because it has nicotine in it. They just send out the letters to let you know it is seized under the importation law(s) that prohibit certain products etc. Nothing happens to anyone that gets these letters as long as it isn't something extremely dangerous to the public or country etc. 

Are you guys being serious right now? Scared to go to the post office to pick up an LL? they already

Have you or any of you guys heard of having to PICK UP an LL?

I have only had 1 local story of a pick-up being sanctioned by LE, any other time anyone has had to go pick it up, as odd as it was, always went 100% . I know how CA is on customs though, and i don't know their polciies. Can you have it re-sent to your house 1 last time with a phone call? I would base my decision around reading if other's have had LL's and asked to go pick up...depending on the contents, i would be hard pressed that if it was an LL, which i dont believe it is, they have anything plannedv against you than to  give u ur pckg, esp from TTM as they don't offer much other than SCH 4 or below. Again, i don't know the ins and outs of CA customs. I wish you the best, and will spend a big researching if anyone i have known/read of having to be asked to pick up what is inevitably an LL or a trap, esp on a low cnt sch 4 or less letter. BOL brother
What are you even talking about man? If you find a slip in your mailbox saying you have a registered letter when you are expecting international mail like this, everyone knows what the letter is going to be, nothing from an IOP is ever registered therefore they couldn't be "setting up a sting" because all they would be giving you is a LL?

which already states that your package has been seized and destroyed and then a "don't do it again, or else!"

what would they do after you picked up the letter? aim their AR15's at you while the squad leader reads the letter sternly?

I have personally picked up 2 or 3 LLs in Canada. walk in, show ID, walk away...

I think that the idea being that a psyedonym was used is a concern @wmcwmc. And if they can deny that it was theirs why should they admit to importing something illegal at all?  I get that it's just a LL, but still it can be a little scary and depending on the quantity it could be a setup if they try to claim the package.  I doubt they'll care with 200 Ksas, but if they were importing... Say... 10,000. That's a bigger potential problem. You don't know the specifics of the situation.

Hey, it's been a while since I posted this. I never picked up the registered letter. I had even received a second notice to go pick it up, and I didn't do it. I was too scared to do so. I can only assume that it was, indeed, a LL. I ordered again after the incident, and the orders did arrive to my address, letting me believe that my address was not flagged.

From my experience, Nothing will happen if you get a LL in Canada(except for loosing the contents to the Government ). Canada post will send you a registered letter in the name and to the address of the intercepted products destination. If you are not there to sign for it, they'll leave a notice card for pickup at your local post office outlet. Even if you go and sign for it at the post office, you'll just get a Canadian border service letter that states the Package/Letter was seized with a list its contents and importation code(s) you broke. Recently they have started sending the same type of letter without a signature required to Canadian addresses. I guess they realized it was a waste of money to send a registered letter. Also, sometimes a seizure letter may take up to 2 months after seizure. Nothing to worry about as of yet.... Hope this helps my fellow Canadians.
Pretty much this, and the only times I've had LL's, it was with a RC benzodiazepine, not a very strong one too, Flubromazepam, but Health Canada put it in Schedule III (which is basically just benzos named individually, if not in the list, you're fine).

The only other time was ludicrous, from ppe2u, in regular mail (they're a lot more iffy about anything express, the many times I noticed they have definitely opened a package of CD's (without jewel cases to save on the shipping). But one time, they let a letter that had a perfect square of air sealed STOPAYNES, and I got an LL for this, saying they seized a letter sent to me containing Codeine and "suspected" meprobamate...the effin' Stillpayne/Stopayne insert they have over there where it can be bought OTC was in there...idiots. It contained the maximum of codeine a pill can contain in Canada (8mg) when sold without a prescription and was mixed with 2 products like the law says here, but I guess the tylenol and caffeine, they didn't feel like mentioning them. I'm lucky it was only 8mg codeine...I've ordered hydrocodone and 100mg codeine capsules in the past, where you can actually feel it you know (I don't believe a grown man will feel codeine under 90mg).

But yeah, once I used a fake name for the flubromazepam, the name I had registered with that vendor which was 100% cerrtain to be flagged by Canadian Customs, I mean, out of the 4 times I got an LL, they even caught one where a blank DVD case used as a decoy...which is kind of stupid, some vendors use actual cheap movies as decoys and that always worked, and they seized it, but since it's just benzos it's alright. Only worry if you IOP sends you powerful opiates and they get seized I say, but even then, do like the person who said "not at this address", although mailmen since they have their hybrid little trucks and we got those shitty community mailboxes have in their little PDA the names of anyone who receives mail at that one address...so those who were saved by Trudeau's stopping of installation of those communist mailboxes(which would benefit from having a kind of metal flag that goes up to tell us they have been to our box....the people who still get mail from a mailman/woman to your door...you're so lucky you got no idea, QC is entirely community mailboxes unless you live in apartment building or condo building where they already were doing the equivalent of what they do now for everybody, have a key that opens all the boxess of a certain row of similar apartment buildings like where I used to  live, the mail was in the lobby and we had a key for it, made sense since there's so many people possible that lives in just one door. My dad also had to do to this, but he's a trucker and lives in the middle of nowhere, community boxes were always in rural areas. But people who live at t the end of a long road attached to some country road with a mailbox at the beginning/entrance, still get delivery to their own mailbox.

Sorry for the long post but I really detest CanadaPost, their "upgrade" process starting 2 ½ years ago was actually a reversal...like how one cannot track a package that needs to be signed for anymore, you can follow it on the other country's mail service but once it leaves that country, there's no way to know, I called their 1-800 number customer service, and they aren't polite like the office of the mailworkers in my town who are extremely helpful, the 1-800 people were like, it's the UPU that forced us to do this! And we were one of the last country to do it! UPU You ask? Yeah Universal Postal Union, they got a website, and when a cd I ordered was obviously opened at customs, really, I'm a music maniac, so I get a lot of mail, there's a site that's a lot like Ebay out there which is just about music and they have perfect discographies of all artists you can think of and lists of who sells what, discogs if you never heard of it, well they opened a package containing a CD without the jewel case, I get them like that because since the CAD went to crap..it's slowly crawling back up t hough, 0,77 today, wow, it was at 0,71 at its worst which lasted a long time.

The guy who sent me the CD didn't help his case though, he used his username over there and it's like "Senor *spanish name*" so it looked strange to somebody, that explains how damn long it took to arrive home, ordered in late march, arrived yesterday, so after the CSBA inspected it and I hope they felt like wasting my tax dollars after doing so, repackaged it, and somehow now it had another name and address from the Netherlands, same town though, and it was sent to me back by xpresspost, and under the code it said UPU code.

But I still don't buy it, NOBODY from anywhere in Europe or Australia  have this issue where they can't track a package they have to sign anymore since about 2 years, so vendors that do offer express mail that requires no signature are the best option easily, but that's a lot more rare these days, that AirSure option in some European countries does that, as well as  less expensive but better than lettermail packaging. They tell me over there a year ago how it's the "UPU" like any average citizen knows what it is and why mail workers apparently have a worldwide union that's so inclined on screwing Canada over (I'd include the US too....when shipping something to Canada became 14 USD for almost anything, I lost it (temporarily), that combined with the fact that the CAD was at 0,95 USD in January 2015 and in December 2015 it was at 0,78 and continued to drop and kind of stopped dropping at 0,71, it's still stupid. When it comes to buying music say  from an American, I can't buy vinyl records much anymore, unless they are EP's and 7"'s which are still shipped expensively compared to 2 years ago where the price hikes in USPS were installed but less so that an album sold for "8.00" USD and when a vendor has the process of shipping automatized,  and you see that means 27 dollars to order....I'm glad the government is telling the bank of canada to implement measures so the loooy isn't so...crappy. already shows a bit, went from 0,72 to 0,77 in a week like I said.

By the way the LL I received with the random name I had on that one seller's site, it wasn't a registered email, because they knew I didn't live there? It seems this community mailbox thing was a way with mail to be certain of where anyone lives for the federal government. That was the first time I got an LL though, practically 3 years ago now out of 5, 4 all from a store in the UK (I can mention this I'm sure, as the UK banned everything that is not cigarettes, alcohol and medicine that is approved drugs, UK is the most repressive country in the "Caucasian world" so it was strange how many vendors and IOP's they had at one point in the past, but that all ended last year because of that psychotic bitch Theresa May who has been the main politician behind that law over there.

The others, all but one my girlfriend answered the door and signed and the last time I saw the little white hybrid panel truck stop in front of the house, I went in a room where he couldn't see me and told my mom, answer it's the mailman, and thankfully it was for a package for me, they let her sign it on their impossible to sign correctly devices (you don't feel the pressure when you write), it was the CD I talked about that def spent 3 weeks in customs before being sent to me in next-day priority), when I heard package I calmed down, I had nothing I had the need to wait for that was medicine so I kinda knew, but I don't want the guy to  know how I look especially since that one time, my health card doesn't represent me much, I wear contact lens, I was out of juice for them and I'm the kinda guy that gets bearded like a bear after 3 days of no shaving, but that Canadian chemical reseller demanded a signature and when looking at canadapost's site for the progress of my item, the day I knew it was arriving (sent by expedited parcel), Ididn't see ID required (to verify I was over 19 which...for most of Canada is the real adulthood age, although they can vote at 18, (we should be able to vote at 16 when we're finishing high school, we learned everything we needed to know about the basic grand-arc issues of Canada so whatever..). Well showing the mailman, who was still delivering home then but their "modernization" had started, the first ID card they accept everywhere, in my wallet, I pulled out my provincial health card and when I gave it to him I said, does this have everything you need, looking for my driver's license (another control mechanism there, which they make money from, not CP but SAAQ in my case, gotta have a card that gives everything about you from your height weight and address, I,m surprised there's no phone number on it, before I leave this digression, that's why I do not pay for a phone that's more a tracking device, I'm sorry but I'll have to say, idiots pay for so when you enter a Home Hardware or whatever the wifi there sucks all your data and tries to find anything on your computer that might interest you in the store in relation to it all and flood you with sms or whatever about some discount products etc.

I love computers, I'm a Linux user heh, but  yeah, that shows I'm not getting sucked in that trap. So the mailman's scanning device for the barcodes and info they got to upload by jacking themselves to the community boxes (that's how I receive an email in Thunderbird knowing I got a package in the mail). Alright, I'm done now, his device is also a camera and he just casually puts my provincial health card on the counter next to the door and takes a picture without asking me if I agree, I would have said no, it was a very small order and I didn't mind losing the money. So on that picture I look, well normal, but not 90's and on normal if you know what I mean, although a few days beard is in fashion, which is great, I hate shaving so much that I have a Phillips electric one with a base with cleaning liquid inside, when you got more beard in your neck that your face...wasn't able to have a goatee, not that i want to, but when shaving,until I was way past 25 let's say.

I could go on and on about CanadaPost, they're the most horrible "crown corporation" in the world, I'm sure Indian mail is more efficient and intrudes less into people's privacy and do not open a package randomly at selected intervals, which is how they do it now, for regular mail less so, but some people/IOP's/rc vendors will not use it. Screw CanadaPost, the not being able to follow "registered" (tracked & signed) packages anymore is so non-sensical because when I call my town's mailworker's office, they still got the old tracking system, the one that looked web 1.0 3 years ago but it was fine that way, it actually gave us more information, if something arrives in the Montreal airport say, and then moves on, they don't even bother to tell you that it's been through that other triage center closer to home and they don't have a truck that leaves  at 5 am on mondays to my town, so if something arrived late on Sunday, it will not be delivered, even if "express" in any way, say it arrived at 11:30 PM at the city in between Montreal and me where often it will go to triage there again, but not always, sometimes, I'll just get a short bar saying it was accepted in Montreal then until it gets here, no movement of the cursor, nothing, they don't even tell you when the n the package left Montreal most often if its an international package,  suddenly one morning it will say oh, it's in your town's triage center, which means it will be delivered that day. I was gonna say this morning but since those amazing community boxes, we don't get mail at max 11h30 am (I live at the end of a run too, I think there is only 2 other community boxes after mine), mot often the mail guy whom I knew from college who dropped out because he had been accepted to work at CP, which is  very difficult....for no reason at all too, well I guess the union is the reason. He'd arrive sometimes at 9h45, but with these trucks and community boxes, complete randomness and sometimes delivery at 3pm, once I saw 4pm and it wasn't the day where government pensions, unemployment  cheques, disability cheques and welfare cheques comes in, even if people have it automatically deposited in their bank account or almost everybody does, they still send useless letters to confirm it, for all these reasons at the end of a month.

I yakked more than enough, but CP continually fuels anger in me when I had zero problems before all these cuts, no more door-to-door delivery to regular houses in I guess 75% of the country. Thank you Stephen Harper, you and your Harperites managed to screw Canada so bad, that quote of yours when you got elected to the best you could do legally (2011 was a constitutional fraud, but I'll ask other canadians elsewhere another time if they know about this)., a minority government. CP's argument was that since 2006 (when the Tories got in by a thread and hung to that thread in 2008 again, and basically prevented the first coalition government to exist in Canada (it's possible like all Commonwealth countries I guess, but never happened), Liberals and NDP  (NDP wanted to scrap the whole community box stuff and one of their argument was, you're using trucks, even if hybrid, you manage to add traffic to the road system and waste gas.) They should have mentioned more, NDP should still be the  opposition at least, Trudeau crowbared his way in places by stealing NDP and BQ seats). I kept my NDP MP and she's written back to me on everything I contacted her about, not something I can say about provincial level MLA's)...in theory, since Canada is a Confederation, where each provinces hold more weight except for the money that disappears in a blackhole in Ottawa, who's only responsibility they are visibly taking care of is constructing a  new Champlain bridge...the old one is holding by the tons of stuff they added to it to make it hold while the 10-12 years that thing will take to be built. If this was Europe, the bridge would be made in 3 years maybe 5 max. Ugh..

I have had two LL over the last five years-I dont think they flag your address=although i have changed my PO box a few times. 

I recently got 2 Free R3s3@rch Ch3m1c@l S@mpl3s c0nfisc@ted. I got Sent a Letter now like more than a Month later saying essentially just that it's been c0nfisc@ted and to talk to the Distributor of the P@ck@g3 that's 100% l3g@l.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon:
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  6. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  10. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  11. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  13. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  14. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  15. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  16. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  19. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  20. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there