LSD microdosing


Feb 26, 2017
I heard a very interesting podcast yesterday about a woman who had suicidal depression and was treatment resistant. She tried everything. Then she read about micro dosing LSD (doses so small you don't trip, but they alleviate depression symptoms). Obviously LSD has no "medicinal value" according to the FDA but she said it saved her life. Too bad others can't try it. My husband has treatment resistant depression. Shame people can't use this to help them.

There are similar successful studies going on with K3tamine at the minute also! I do hope one day, illicit/illegal drugs will actually play a huge part in the future treatment of mental illness! I have found both of the above to help greatly when micro dosing! The latter is just so hard to come by easily anymore : (.. 

However, I wouldn't hold my breath!!

Such a shame we currently live under the relentless, omnipotent, draconian control of our ever increasingly inept, respective governments : (


I think the LSD microdising is mainly a placebo effect. I did a lot of said substance when I was a teen & if you want to do it 2 days in a row you really need to double the dose to get the same effect. I think it's because it takes 24 hrs for your serotonin system to get back to normal. So dosing every day would give decreasing benefit.

There are a # of studies suggesting hallucinogens can benefit people w different mentak disorders & addictions. Xtc for ptsd. And the Native American Church has had good luck healing alcoholosm w peyote.

I have seen some research suggesting different (full dose) hallucinogens can help w depression. Search hallucinogens can help w depression search pubmed for hallucinogens and depression. Has he tried tiapentine (approved in Europe to tx depression & an RC here)? Or transcranial direct current stimulation--small amounts of electricity to the brain--you can buy a device since the FDA approved them.

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I have never microdosed as the tabs my pet panda had were 150ug & 200ug

every now and then, maybe twice a year i'll visit the pet panda and drop a tab just to lift up my spirits. used to do that with mushie cupcakes, too. the 'cid was more 'fun' whereas the mooshies really did more for my mental health and mood than the cid did

It can work well but you have to skip days. Some people do every third day. I def feel more energy/motivation when on but the cognitive benefits seem more pronounced on the days off.

It takes 4 Days for the physical tolerance to disappear. I am at  the end  of my rope here and wish I had access to a way to safely micro dose LSD or flippin shrooms even for heavens sake. It all feels hopeless like every choice I make does not matter... like my life has dictated/influenced by everyone else who made the choices for Me whether I realized it or not. 

It's hard to explain but I literally feel I got about as much free will as to decide "oh I can a bowl of cherries ore a bowl of feces". @Meowtown

Has the regimen down perfectly once maybe twice a year a nice good dose higher than Microdosing is what you need for I'm not in the right state of mind to give advice about this as I got A.D.D. and can't focus on  the subject. Basically listen what @Meowtown said essentially THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS GOOD MIND SET!! Never ever trip unless your MIND is right like 100% and more because Set and Setting nowhere near as important. 

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Perhaps I have unique brain chemistry, but I've at many times in my life treated my depression through researching microdoses (I use that term generously) of said substance as well as 1pl$d on a daily basis sometimes every day for a month or more. While certainly a tolerance does build, and days off once in a while makes a huge difference, I've experienced minimal side effects or rebound depression from a cycle that starts with about 12.5 mcg per day and ends 6 weeks later with the same dose but administered 2-4 times per day.  It's never had zero effect on my mood and outlook no matter how long I've researched consecutively.

During these periods I never research more than 25 mcg at a time and never more than 75 mcg in a day. I wonder if this has a  role in how well I'm able to tolerate it. Psychs are lovely and life changing in large doses but in low doses I've found they almost mimic the effect of pharma antidepressants in that the positive effects build over time. Were I to try and have a breakthrough experience during this time period, I believe my levels would be messed up and I'd be  depleted and depressed and probably unaffected by such small doses.

Going about things this way 10 tabs of 100 mcg 1p can provide me with weeks of uplifting positive energy. I don't try and make myself stop as long as it's still helping, there just comes a time when I feel I'd prefer to not continue my regimen (usually because I do end up experiencing a lack of mental clarity) and when I do stop there's an afterglow as well as the effect of returning to an un medicated state of mind,  which can feel almost equally psychedelic. 

@porkandbeansboy i do believe a good mindset is key to having a successful full dose experience, but ime low doses do a lot to change my mindset from totally desperate and disassociated to at the very least neutral if not a place of gratitude for I don't know what, I guess just the chance to bounce around life and see such chaos around me which is often times beautiful or tragic but mostly just meaningless. 

Also, I think I might know that feeling of pre-decided hopelessness you're referring to. I'm gonna get a little far out here so I apologize but like, in many ways, society/government/money totally shapes and cages the human experience to the point that sometimes it feels like every billboard and tv show and inflections in the voices of politicians and radio personalities are all specifically designed to lead me to the same dead end routines of jobs or not jobs or whatever is the seemingly inescapable reality we come to inhabit.

I'm fairly sure the following theory is one popularized by old privileged irresponsible white males who receive way too much credit (i.e. timothy leary terrence mckenna, oliver sachs etc). but even still I believe taking doses of cid small enough to function on is a really effective way of protecting my mind from the mass societal brainwashing implemented by media and the government. I'm not a scientist or a doctor or especially intelligent but I can feel that psyches cause my synapses to fire and associate in ways that oppressors can't predict or control, and for me it's really freeing to wander through my garbagey life just totally misinterpreting news and ads and information that  was all fake misdirection anyway. The arbitrary life is so much more fulfilling than the one where I try to make sense of all the fucked up systems in place. 

Anyway, I'm sure i sound crazy enough at this point that no one would attempt to self-treat themselves as the way described above, but just in case, I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone, I realize there's probably negative long term effects coming my way down the road (at least I know that's what society wants me to believe), and everyone should do what works best for them. But all i can say is that when I rip a tab in eight pieces, eight days later I'm doing a lot better :)  

okie longest post ever my apologies love you guys plz dont ban me lol

Jeez, ban you for what?  That was thoughtful and insightful.  I also used to do acid when I was younger and just loved it.  Never had anything bad happen.  Now it’s been many years and I’m going to try it again.  My plan in life has taken on many tragedies in the last 3 years.  I’ve had times like this prior and I’ve always been able to climb out of the hole and change paths.  It’s been long enough now where I need something to kickstart the process and try to look inside myself and figure what the rest of my life might look like.  It used to help a lot when I was younger have insights into life that never went away and I’ve carried those insights with me.  Why the heck are we all so depressed?  Life’s too busy, too much expected.  I like learning things and the internet is miraculous but I think it makes my brain have to sort through so much information, I can’t focus. There is so many choices daily, too many people talking about the weather and not talking about the deeper things of life.  We are not learning from our elders.  They languish and are also depressed.  Plus the constant advice.  You need a thicker skin.  You need to ignore him, her it and not let it bother you.  I learned to ignore my husband in this way so I wouldn’t have to listen to his abuse.  I built a wall and I shouldn’t have and now he is dead.  He was abusive but I loved him anyway.  I’m 50 plus, baby, that thin skin ain’t changing.  I’ve been working in a large metro area for 33 years.  Every day I walk 2 miles.  There is a pandhandler,homeless person on every block and it’s never stopped giving me a twang of sadness.  I keep loose change in my pockets , I bring gift cards, I’ve made sandwiches.  I’ve never gotten a negative response.  They’ve always been grateful and thanked me, but it never helps the twang very long.  And now there’s more and more and they are children to me now with cardboard signs.  I used to be able to moderately care and not let myself slip into total coldness, but it makes me cry sometimes now.  That’s abnormal.

Lately an actual anger rebelliousness has been helping like how I felt at 15.  I was a tough girl.  I was a little punk.  I need her for a while , but it’s not like I can Give the jocks in high school the finger and tell them to fuck off anymore.  There are ways and it’s working.  Cowering is the worst thing for it.  Some people actually see my weakness and use as a scapegoat.  I have to then go get the 15 year old and say I don’t deserve to be treated this way anymore.  You must stop it because I am not a person who needs to be yelled at.  Please treat me like a human being and if you can’t do that verbally, an email would be better.  How endlessly cruel people are getting and some days I’m no better.  Singing helps with the endorphins.  The older I get, the more I care not about looking/acting crazy.  Walking down the sidewalk, I sing to whatever I’m listening in headphones out loud. Of course there ain’t nothing like a good, cuddly dog.  Part of my new path may involve working at home so I can be with the dog and older kid. 

I just calculated this recently.  How many hours do you actually work?  Mine was avg. 13-14 per day with avg of one day per weekend whole year till September.  I have to complete tasks on a deadline so if I don’t get them done, more or less, I get terminated.  Other people need them for their deadlines.  With depression and nasty people, not eating, not sleeping at times makes it so much worse.  Oh, you have to find balance, that’s your problem.  Show me how you’re doing it alone and then work 13 a day and see how you do.  But hey, I always take any advice  I can get.  I have a question for everyone.  Have you always been on the low side?  I think I am more on the lower depressed side and really happy times have been rare but I have had years of them.

@Handsley I think @veggieragz was concerned about his post as talking about in vivo use of RCs with doses and frequency is against the rc section rules. Hopefully that doesn't apply here.

I always recommend the third wave as a resource for microdosing research. They have a comprehensive and easy to follow guide pulled from multiple sources that would take weeks to wade through  

@Handsley to your personal story, thanks for sharing, you've a lot to say and obviously loved and lived through a lot. Sorry for the loss of your husband. I agree that people don't talk deeply enough. My best friend and I make a point to get together every 2 months and talk about what is going on, once a year it includes substances and the self exploration is deeper. Microdosing can be a way to return the sparkle and see something from a different light. 

I don't know much about Micro-Dosing as I only just started learning about it. The higher the Dose the more things like mindset would effect  it. At Micro-Dosing the whole entire point is to only have it barely effect you enough for things like. Seeing colours more bright and vibrant and same with music sounding better.  Plus increasing creativity and at those Doses it's totally different compared to higher doses which are a totally beast altogether.

That being said the healing effects that they provide are basically going to back-fire if you use them in a bad mindset, potentially at least. With Micro-Dosing I don't think that would be a problem even if you had any type of negative reaction to it or lack of a positive one.

There is actually a Study if you consume  C@nn@bis before 24 to 48 Hours after a extremely traumatic event it can reduce or potentially prevent  any P.T.S.D. Symptoms. Since it is technically a Sedative/Pysc3d3llic (hence mindset/environment can cause anxiety etc.) it can also back fire and possibly make things worse. Hopefully with W33d being L3g@l and in C@n@d@ it's l3g@l on a f3d3r@l level compared to the individual St@tes having for example C@nn@bis Edibles are actually not l3G@l in certain St@tes. 

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Perhaps I have unique brain chemistry, but I've at many times in my life treated my depression through researching microdoses (I use that term generously) of said substance as well as 1pl$d on a daily basis sometimes every day for a month or more. While certainly a tolerance does build, and days off once in a while makes a huge difference, I've experienced minimal side effects or rebound depression from a cycle that starts with about 12.5 mcg per day and ends 6 weeks later with the same dose but administered 2-4 times per day.  It's never had zero effect on my mood and outlook no matter how long I've researched consecutively.

During these periods I never research more than 25 mcg at a time and never more than 75 mcg in a day. I wonder if this has a  role in how well I'm able to tolerate it. Psychs are lovely and life changing in large doses but in low doses I've found they almost mimic the effect of pharma antidepressants in that the positive effects build over time. Were I to try and have a breakthrough experience during this time period, I believe my levels would be messed up and I'd be  depleted and depressed and probably unaffected by such small doses.

Going about things this way 10 tabs of 100 mcg 1p can provide me with weeks of uplifting positive energy. I don't try and make myself stop as long as it's still helping, there just comes a time when I feel I'd prefer to not continue my regimen (usually because I do end up experiencing a lack of mental clarity) and when I do stop there's an afterglow as well as the effect of returning to an un medicated state of mind,  which can feel almost equally psychedelic. 

@porkandbeansboy i do believe a good mindset is key to having a successful full dose experience, but ime low doses do a lot to change my mindset from totally desperate and disassociated to at the very least neutral if not a place of gratitude for I don't know what, I guess just the chance to bounce around life and see such chaos around me which is often times beautiful or tragic but mostly just meaningless. 

Also, I think I might know that feeling of pre-decided hopelessness you're referring to. I'm gonna get a little far out here so I apologize but like, in many ways, society/government/money totally shapes and cages the human experience to the point that sometimes it feels like every billboard and tv show and inflections in the voices of politicians and radio personalities are all specifically designed to lead me to the same dead end routines of jobs or not jobs or whatever is the seemingly inescapable reality we come to inhabit.

I'm fairly sure the following theory is one popularized by old privileged irresponsible white males who receive way too much credit (i.e. timothy leary terrence mckenna, oliver sachs etc). but even still I believe taking doses of cid small enough to function on is a really effective way of protecting my mind from the mass societal brainwashing implemented by media and the government. I'm not a scientist or a doctor or especially intelligent but I can feel that psyches cause my synapses to fire and associate in ways that oppressors can't predict or control, and for me it's really freeing to wander through my garbagey life just totally misinterpreting news and ads and information that  was all fake misdirection anyway. The arbitrary life is so much more fulfilling than the one where I try to make sense of all the fucked up systems in place. 

Anyway, I'm sure i sound crazy enough at this point that no one would attempt to self-treat themselves as the way described above, but just in case, I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone, I realize there's probably negative long term effects coming my way down the road (at least I know that's what society wants me to believe), and everyone should do what works best for them. But all i can say is that when I rip a tab in eight pieces, eight days later I'm doing a lot better :)  

okie longest post ever my apologies love you guys plz dont ban me lol
I know it’s an old post, but I totally relate to this! I feel like we are socialized to be passive, unthinking consumers. Our society values material goods more than human life(otherwise why would we buy goods made in sweatshops?). I truly believe that a better social order is possible. We are just so conditioned to never question the status quo, so it doesn’t occur to people that things could be different than they are. We just accept it. Psychedelic drugs made me realize how corrupt and damaging our society is. And it opened my mind to all the possibilities. I think we all(as individuals, and as a society) are limited by our own lack of imagination. Psychedelics are a great remedy for this. 

I can’t deny there are long term side effects though. Or at least there have been for me. Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. But then I was doing a lot more than microdosing, haha. If anyone tells you LSD can’t harm your brain, don't believe them. Still, psychedelics have given me so much joy, wonder, and insight, that I still love them in spite of the price I’ve paid. I just have to love them from afar nowadays. 

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I am a strong believer in both Lsd microdosing for depression and know people currently doing it with good results and mushroom microdosing that I believe is better overall than Lsd microdose. Ketamine in specific the S isomer of ketamine Aka Esketamine is an instant cure for depression literally and has a strong afterglow effect lasting 1-2 weeks from a proper dosing session. Lots of ketamine clinics popping up. Depending on your connections it can be cheaper to do on your own only if you know a lot about what your doing and have experience with Keta. 

@wolverine I agree since Shrooms are more mental for lack of a better way to explain it without experiencing both for yourself. LSD is more visual inducing and for trips it's less likely to cause a bad one... that's like main subtle difference between the two.

Speaking of microdosing with Shrooms I came across a reliable Cannabis selling website. They have microdosing capsules but it's super expensive at 9$ CDN for 300MG microdosing Capsule.

Keep in mind it's not legal at all but it's only microdosing and plus mixed in with niacin I think to prevent people from trying to take huge doses of it.


A convient way to micro dose.

Made with Cambodian cubensis

Lab tested. Made in Canada.


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@porkandbeansboy and @wolverine I ttotally agree with both of you. It does work but limit dosing because of tolerance. Besides I don't take pain meds just benzos and the others. It must work because there are a ton of psychiatrists that use it in Denver and in Florida as well. I would get a shot once a week in Florida and it definitely worked!  

@porkandbeansboy hi how are you doing good to see you. I totally agree with you that it is more psychological. When ttm4u was doing well I would be at the mailbox everyday and if my letter didn't arrive it would ruin my day and would be in such a depressed state I wouldn't do anything and just wanted to cry.  The psychological is worse than the tolerance! Thank you for that very true comment! 

Love ya Heavenlee

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!