Lyme Disease In Canines.


V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Apr 5, 2015
while working at a primary care physicians office, we would often have patients come in with tick bites. More often than not, I was able to identify just from experience whether or not the tick was a deer tick, the type that carries Lyme disease, or a dog tick. I worked with a PA Who owned 2 bassett hounds and was frequently having me call in or writing me prescriptions for antibiotic eye drops and otic drops that were anti fungal, anti inflammatory as well as antibiotic for their susceptible ears.. They are both interchangeable between human pathophysiology as well as canine. My dog received a tick bite 2 summers ago, actually closer to the fall, and since the tick was not engorged, I waited to see if he began to become symptomatic. one morning I awoke to find him standing perfectly fine but his two back legs were wavering back and forth and his feet, instead of being spread normally in a normal stance, were placed together and his entire back end was swaying back and forth. I became so very concerned and by the very next day it had affected him neurologically to the degree that he could no longer lap up water, having no control over His tongue or his ability to swallow. I immediately called the PA who had a medication book which indicated which medications such as Valium... As we all know... Worked on both canines as well as humans. At this point she had already been prescribing me prednisone for my back.. ;-) which I was actually giving to my cat for hot spots. I told the doctor on call that I myself had received the tick bite and had developed the bullseye rash which is the precursor to Lyme disease. By the time I had it filled at the pharmacy, my dog could no longer stand up and the poor boy was so ashamed at having accidents within the house because he was unable to walk up and down the stairs or stand up whatsoever. We were keeping him hydrated using a regular 20 ml syringe which I was able to get at work. its a one time prophylactic dose antibiotic doxicycline 1000 milligrams. I crushed it up with the mortar and pestle and placed it in the syringe with a small amount of warm milk. Once he had ingested the antibiotic, within one day and a half he was up and running like a puppy again. If anyone has any questions regarding compatibility of human medications vs Canine or even feline medical issues, feel free to ask me. There is a book available. I feel as though it is McGriffins or Griffin something. even the thyroid medication synthroid or the generic, levothyroxine, is the exact same that someone with a thyroid disorder would receive at their pharmacy. I just am so very thankful that I had the sense to lie through my teeth to my primary care physician in order to save the time and money running serology at the vet's office, when I already knew exactly what his condition was based on his symptoms. I've had too much experience in the medical field to feed them my hard earned cash unless of course the dog had received some sort of trauma related to a motor vehicle accident or otherwise. I would have absolutely no problem suturing my dog. I just thank God that he is still with me. When I am in a sad mood, he is the first one to put his entire weight up against me, despite my objections. he taught my female to stay within the perimeter of the yard, without me ever having to teach her not to leave the area. and when my daughter was a toddler, if they felt she was running too fast or getting too close to the end of the driveway, they would trip her or Corral her like sheep. There is a problem here with hunters using private land to hunt deer and moose, and my female is white, which some unexperienced hunter might mistake for the white flash of a deer tail and just fire off rounds upon. I'm going to try to find the name of that book on Google. the female I received from a woman who spotted my male during a yard sale. She asked if I would be interested in her and said that the dog was spayed. When she brought her to me for me to C her, the female was basically low crawling, rather than walking. the very last thing I had time on my plate for was rehabilitating another dog, but I couldn't send her home with that woman and her to abusive teenage sons. So, I gladly took her on. She was terrified And would not walk past a man's feet for nearly a year after owning her. I had to feed her underneath my kitchen table for 3 months before she became acclimated and felt comfortable around our family. I love my dogs and trust their instincts with regards to anyone who comes to my house. If they don't like someone, I become very hesitant around that person myself. I hope this has been helpful. If lyme disease is able to ProGrEss..most average Joes cannot afford the medication, or it has progressed beyond the point of no return and often results in euthanasia. I was very lucky.

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How common is it for a dog to contract Lyme disease? I'm not sure if we have this particular type of tick where I live. Off to research! Thanks for the info, very good to know!

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It is ALWAYS a good idea to get your dog vaccinated for Lyme. One shot.....then a booster. Once a year. lyme can cause SO many different reactions, just like in people. As far as people go, my hat is off to the Bombshell for a thorough explanation. I rescued one of my pits and about a week and a half later, she had all of the red patches all over her tummy, which thank God, was hairless from malnutrition at the time. She is black...otherwise I would not have seen it. So I took her to my vet,,,,,,,turns out her blood was not clotting and she had to be medicated and kept REALLY still for many weeks until her blood started to clot properly again. Trying keeping a one year old pit still. You know how hard that is Teal. She could have bled to death internally just from playing with her sister. After an EXPENSIVE and EXTENSIVE process of elimination, the vet found it was a result of Lyme disease. She was rescued from downtown Chicago where allegedly there are no ticks. When I used to live in more rural areas, I always vaccinated my dogs for Lyme....SO worth the extra cost. My personal recommendation is ALWAYS vaccinate for Lyme. It is like forty bucks. My pup that went through this is the one in my profile pic. She is happy and healthy now.

Thanks for the input cat. In all my years of rescue, we were always told not to bother with that vaccination. But for my own personal dogs, I shall always get this vaccination in the future. Better safe than sorry.

And yes, I definitely know how hard it is to keep a pit still! They are total wiggle butts! My dog busted her tail open on the wall from wagging it so hard, so many times! That was theeee biggest pain ever to get it to heal. Just when it would start healing, she'd bust it open again. I was terrified the vet was going to recommend cutting her tail off!

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OMG! Lol! But not really that funny! Your poor baby!

Their tails are SO strong....i have been whipped in the face a few times. I LOVE when you take a pic of your dog and all you see is a blur where the tail should be! My FAV thing!

Yeah, I used to only vaccinate when I was not in the city, or close to it. Boy did I learn my lesson! Thank God it turned out okay. There are DOZENS of things that can happen from contracting Lyme. And like Bombshell said,once they are symptomatic, it can be too late.

OMG! Lol! But not really that funny! Your poor baby!

Their tails are SO strong....i have been whipped in the face a few times. I LOVE when you take a pic of your dog and all you see is a blur where the tail should be! My FAV thing!

Yeah, I used to only vaccinate when I was not in the city, or close to it. Boy did I learn my lesson! Thank God it turned out okay. There are DOZENS of things that can happen from contracting Lyme. And like Bombshell said,once they are symptomatic, it can be too late.
Haha it's funny in retrospect but at the time it was maddening! Also, my dog went everywhere with me in the car and one time I slammed her tail in the car door and cut

off the very tip of her tail. 😱 OMG talk about totally freaking out! That was a total nightmare to heal! Ah the adventures of having doggies. Oh I miss it so much.

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How common is it for a dog to contract Lyme disease? I'm not sure if we have this particular type of tick where I live. Off to research! Thanks for the info, very good to know!

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Not sure. Where there are large game..deer...moose..they are super prevalent. I would fo sho check it out. It took the neurological symptoms of him not being able to properly lap up water before I put two and two together. After that it was compulsive liar time to the old primary care physician just to get things done. These days I have the money to take him to the vet. But, if it's something that I can diagnose without blood work, I will take care of it. However, my two dogs had pups and before a little one was able to nurse long enough to receive her mommy's antibodies, she received a scratch from a litter mate.It was what seemed to resemble via google a plastic dish allergy but after no improvement, we took her to the vet and she had what was known as puppy strangles, an autoimmune disorder what results from the dog not having any of her own immunities. Her entire muzzle was nothing but 1 big scab and her eyelids and mucus membranes were all swollen, including her guMs. I didn't mess around with anything like that. Wasn't going to try to diagnose it at home because she was so very fragile. Once treated with an antibiotic and prednisone, there is a less than one percent chance of reoccurrence as she is immediately able to nurse again once returning home. I was like the SS when I was placing them in homes. my boyfriend and I would have secret signals if we did not like potential buyers. Lucky for us, as a standard poodle pup she was placed in a home where the husband wanted a big dog, and they had recently purchased a miniature poodle. here is a picture of sophie and her new little dwarf a friend, caesar. She is the 1 reclining like a queen and her new owners bed.O!!! I meant to mention, the entire reason that I told the story to begin with s is that pUppy strangles is most prevalent boxers and won't let me send that picture. I will try one of just her..oh nm

Hey girl,

You can only post so many pictures before your allowed space runs out. What you have to do is remove the pics that you already have posted prior to posting more. I will walk you through it.

Click on your profile (name) at the top of the page. Go to "manage/ignore prefs". On the left hand side of the screen you will see a menu. Go to "manage attachments". You can remove your previous pics so you can post new ones.

The "puppy stangles" is an awful thing to see. I had only one patient with that when I did my six month stint as a vet tech. Poor babies.

You are a good doggie mom Bombshell! I love it!

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I Did it.!! never clipped my pups tails. Who doesnt love a waggy tail?? After being sick she deserves to be the big dog..white queen of sheba reclining on the pillow. we kept her in the bedroom just so the other puppies would not bump her swollen Lips. I still get all kinds of wonderful holiday mail from their new mommies and daddies. It's awesome.

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OH MY GOD! They are just precious! I am saving this pic to my photo album! Look at those precious ears!

I already had her mommy and daddy. But I was so very very very relieved at the couple who showed up to look at her. I already check off on their AKC papers that they are not allowed to breed. Meaning, were they to send in the dogs AKC papers in order to register the litter, the American Kennel Club would deny them the right. This kind of prohibits or at least decreases people breathing as most people buying a dog such as this are going to want certification and pedigree. I was secretly holding a candle that because she had puppy strangles, it would frightened most people away and that perhaps my old man would reliant and allow me to keep her. As it was, I was already sticking her in a giant winter hat and taking her around the stores with me when I had to run errands. As a result, although all of the dogs were insanely good tempered and intelligent... Going as far as to unscrew a screw from the bottom of the toilet before their eyes were open in order to get a drink of water while we were out one day and their mother had jumped out of the whelping box... She was just so very special to me. Her new parents were absolutely stellar though. They still keep in touch with me. The little man in the front will never get any bigger, while she is likely to get up to 80 pounds because her parents are considered giant poodles or excessively large for standard poodles. I once had a pit bull attack my male, not because the pitbull was a bad dog, but because his owner had trained him to be volatile. And that breaks my heart. Fortunately, it occurred at my own residence and the pitbull was unable to get through the layers and layers of Bob Marley hair that surrounds his throat. Hahaha. My boy had never been in any type of fight before. In fact, he tries to make friends with nearly any dog that crosses his path. But, because my daughter was home, he did end up leaving a few good gashes across the muzzle of the pit bull. I was able to submit the pit bull by pulling his collar upwards and using my knees to press inward on his haunches. every morning if the dogs are itchy, especially during the spring when the fleas first start to come about, it looks as though a Rastafarian has robbed my house. There's a little dreadlock here, & a little dreadlock there.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!