I find this theory so much better than the original big bang simply because I never bought into the whole" the universe evolved from an infinitesimally tiny ass bit of nothing". Never made sense and never computed even taking into account the strangeness of quantum mechanics. Is it me or what?
According to M theory although we all live in a 3-D universe(well 4, length, width, height and time, gotta but that time factor in there) or so we believe, there may be 11 other dimensions which we are not aware of. The basic premise is based on branes or Membranes that all Universes consist of, or are surrounded by (there may be an infinite number of universi, <is that a word'n shit?) who knows.
Anyhoo, the Membranes of opposing Universi collided producing what is commonly referred to as the "bing bang", I like this way betta, what about you guys out there in TV land?
According to M theory although we all live in a 3-D universe(well 4, length, width, height and time, gotta but that time factor in there) or so we believe, there may be 11 other dimensions which we are not aware of. The basic premise is based on branes or Membranes that all Universes consist of, or are surrounded by (there may be an infinite number of universi, <is that a word'n shit?) who knows.
Anyhoo, the Membranes of opposing Universi collided producing what is commonly referred to as the "bing bang", I like this way betta, what about you guys out there in TV land?