MDPV, MXE, a-PVP, Methylone, 4-MMC

Oct 3, 2019
Like with many fellow RC enthusiasts,  I started on the scene when these superb chemicals were abundant, legal, and cheap.  Then sometime in 2013 I believe, these exquisite powder sensations  were banned outright and subsequently posted as Schedule 1 controlled substances, the party being effectively over.    Yeah, one or two of them could still be acquired fairly easily thru dark market channels, but by 2014 even these sources were spent.    

And pretty much since then, nothing much has changed.   Now my question is, for anyone who might know how these decisions are made, why the hell are these chemicals not made available by somebody, somewhere for black market purposes???  Obviously the chemical knowledge to make these chems has not disappeared from the planet.  The technical know-how and the recipes have to be floating out there somewhere.  They are not lost to history. 

Furthermore the demand would be robust for these chems, regardless of their scheduled status.  Just look at MDMA.  Still going strong.   So why isnt anybody producing these chems???...whether it be India, or Ukraine,  or Russia, or Kazakhstan, or Bob the backyard chemist?   As far as I know,  with the exception of 4-MMC & methylone....these most excellent materials are extinct from planet Earth.  And I dont buy the argument that's it's because of their Scheduled status.    Any ideas or insight into why this seems to be the case??   Any hope for the future that we may see them again?  Thanks for your thoughts..  

Well first off, pretty sure MXE is not scheduled. Secondly, the status of the rest is a bit grey as they were TEMPORARILY scheduled several years ago. Pretty sure at least some of them had the temporary status extended. Not sure for how long or if its still in effect. Thirdly, it doesn't matter if they were scheduled in the US, they weren't being manufactured in the US. Alot of those substances were being manufactured in China, where they were banned several years ago. Lastly, why, if they were banned, were they not illegally manufactured? Well, they are still manufactured. Your question is really why they are not plentiful as your comparisons that you say are still going strong is spite of also being illegal. The answer is that they were largely lesser comparisons of those chemicals with the benefit of being cheap and legal. People will prefer MDMA to M1, Ketamine to MXE, and Cocaine to the rest.

Simple as that.

The answer is that they were largely lesser comparisons of those chemicals with the benefit of being cheap and legal.
Key point.  Thank you for clearing that up for me.  From a demand perspective I can see why these chems died out once they were banned everywhere.

 My personal preference would still be MDPV or a-PVP over cocaine/meth...but I understand that places me in a minority position.  4-MMC seems to fill a niche as a hybrid stimulant/entactogen that doesn't have a more popular alternative.  And MDPV should be a marvel all unto itself but I suppose to unknown to bring back from the dead. 

Thanks @gardien great analysis  

Well despite the power of Meth and Cocaine they do have entactogen properties. Many people snort MDMA, and enjoy it for its stimulant properties just as much as its entactogen properties, like 4-MMC. I would identify Cocaine as the key counterpart to 4-MMC.

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MXE was an amazing drug. Not only for the substance but the reason why it's been created, read the interview with the chemist who created it.

There are/were Dissos comparable to MXE and especially great to use as opiates potentiator at the same time: 2-oxo-pce, 3-meo-pcp, 3-ho-pcp.
Now with the German and NL ban, the RC scene will take a severe hit. But the biggest EU manufacturer is already on some interesting alternatives for good products that won't be included in this ban. I'm not following dissos much, but anyway I'm pretty sure good products can be easily find.

Regarding A-PVP, this compound is very researched - lot of ppl keep seeking it. Since it's illegal since long, it's not so simple to find. but it's still around. The last analogue of a-pvp is pretty decent tough.

Cathiones: they can try whatever they want. NOTHING, NOTHING will be comparable to amazing effects of 4-mmc. IMO it's a total waste of time trying to find cathiones similar to 4-mmc. Just get 4-mmc. It's around and with 95%+ purity batches. Stick with UK sellers, other countries - except maybe Poland, are selling for sure analogues.

A chemist is on interesting cocaine analogues and other interesting pro-drugs, but cannot disclose further info at this stage.

MXE is scheduled in certain US states as well as China, Japan and certain European countries.

This is the reason I used "was", and listen other analogues as good as mxe.

The last legal alternative is nothing mind-blowing.

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  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
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  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
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  17. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: The roland 808. Or the hamond b-3 organ
  18. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: What’s the most important drum machine/kit to have changed music and why? I think maybe SP-12 or the 1200, but kinda want to say drumulator or Rhythm Maker King 2 gave us some classic shit.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @DocPep yes. just use or snote
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