Decided awhile back to add a sample pack to my next TTM order. However they once were in the anxiety section and now can be found under insomnia; so I thought they were OOS for good. My interest is still there and I was curious if anyone here could give feedback on it. TTM has the Roche brand so I know I'm good on that end. Just want to be responsible and also have something on hand for these sleepless nights I've been struggling with.
Thanks for the feedback
Hey, Kreayshawn, /default_smile.png
I assume that since you posted the Wikipedia link on this med, you are pretty well informed on its properties. Still here are some details.
Dosage can vary tremendously, depending on the patient and the purpose :
0.05 to 0.5 mg/kg.
TTM's Dormicum come in 15mg tablets.
If one weighs 100 kg, for example :
0.05 mg/kg X 100 kg = 5 mg = 1/3 tablet
0.5 mg/ kg / 100 kg = 50 mg = 3.333 tablets
If one is a petite 50 kg :
0.05 mg/kg X 50 kg = 2.5 mg = 1/6 tablet
0.5 mg/ kg / 50 kg = 25 mg = 1.6666 tablets
Md@zlm's half life is so short (1.5 - 2.5 hours) that I would not advise taking it to treat "
difficulty in falling asleep" insomnia as chances that you will wake up at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning are pretty high. You do not want to take a second dose in the middle of the night; that would put you on the dangerous path to dependency.
It's used mainly as a preoperative sedative and an anaesthetic induction agent, precisely because the effect is so short lasting. But make no mistake, it is also very strong.
When I first tried it, I went for one pill. Obviously not enough; I took a second one 20 minutes later.
The next time, I took two and needed to add a third one to finally fall asleep. Now, I take the 45 mg all at once, as it is far more effective to take the efficient dose all at once than spreading the intake over half an hour.
I have to add that even as a teenager, I was pretty resistant to pre-op sedatives and/or anxiolytics. And no, I did not induce that resistance by the recreational use of drugs, legal or not /default_wink.png . As a matter of fact, I was - and still am - pretty damn straight /default_tongue.png .
I think that I will cut a few pills in two in advance and keep them in my vial. The next time I need to take some md@zlm because I really need to get back to sleep without feeling drowsy in the morning, I'll of for 2½ ablets (37.5 mg).
My advice to you would be to start with ONE 15 mg tablet and see how it goes.
I hope it was helpful.
Take care,