Mmj And How It Helps You

Sep 5, 2012
Curious for those of you who partake in this natural herb for medicinal purposes, in what ways does MMJ benefit or help you?

My main medicinal uses for the good herb:

1)  I have IBS as determined by a gastroenterologist, sometimes triggered by certain foods, sometimes triggered by certain beers, sometimes triggered by anxiety, sometimes triggered by nothing at all.  Just happens.  MMJ is one of the only things I've found effective to settle my stomach and keep things calm.

2)  Insomnia.  I've had insomnia for years, which has thankfully gotten better over the past couple years, since first being prescribed BZs for anxiety a little over two years ago (go figure right?).  But nothing helps get me get settled and wind down like a good Indica at night time.  

3)  Mood lift/stress reduction.. this one may seem pretty obvious.  HOWEVER, certain strains can cause the opposite effect, triggering anxiety or panic attacks.  Usually strong, pure Sativas can cause this negative reaction for me.  But it can be hit and miss, certain sativas can make me motivated as hell, I'll go wash the car, clean the house, and then cut the grass.  LOL.

Anyway, those are the main medical benefits I get from MMJ.  But as we know, everyone is different, so I'm interested to hear what ways MMJ helps you?


I've been planning to make a post on this same subject for awhile. Thank you for bringing this to the table.

I'm mostly crippled on my upper left side and the contorted shape of my upper left torso is in 24/7 blazing pain.

Rx meds, PT, uncountable injections, acupunctuure & a surgery have done nothing (Okay, maybe some of the meds help temp).


After about a 15+ year abstinence (for the wrong reasons), I got a recent chance again.

I've found around a 70/30 c.Indica blend will eliminate 80% or more of the pain.

Pure c.Indica is great for pain but it sends you off to sleep too., I can't afford l-o-n-g sleeps -- will wake up in agony!

I want to be awake when I get pain relief.


Of course my disabilities & limitations remain but to be able to forget the pain for awhile -- worth it!

My foray into MMJ is fairly recent.

My wife immediately noticed my change in temperment. Wasn't getting goofy or anything, just back to my near forgotten loquacious old self.

Though I strive never to say a cross word to my wife, I know before MMJ I was sometimes impatient & just wanted to brood in silence too often. That's how some of us (men) get when living with pain analagous to having a permanent toothache while being buggered by a railroad spike.


Forty plua years ago when I first crossed that line & began sampling what the '70s had to offer, I often felt "evil" or that I had begun a descent into hell.

Now, having resumed partaking, it just feels so right. I know it's the right thing to do faced with a likely progressive disorder.


I wish I could tell you, but theres no such thing as MMJ in this region. Get caught with even a seed and it's a hefty fine along with a bunch of classes on drug addiction at $20 each, and required to call daily to see if a UA is on your schedule. If you don't pay big money to get it reduced from possession to paraphernalia, and you're unfortunate enough to get caught again, the second charge is a felony. Doesn't matter how little, it's a felony if you're convicted twice.

Sorry to say that and bring anyone down, I promise it depresses me more than you. Just a PSA for those who may be traveling through the Heart of Dixie.

Just because you're in a "no-smoke" state doesn't mean you can't acquire and reap the benefits of MMJ. /default_wink.png

My state is not quite as strict as yours sounds, but its still likely to be one of the last to offer any formal regulation or medical programs/dispensaries. That's all I'll say about that.


I've been planning to make a post on this same subject for awhile. Thank you for bringing this to the table.

I'm mostly crippled on my upper left side and the contorted shape of my upper left torso is in 24/7 blazing pain.

Rx meds, PT, uncountable injections, acupunctuure & a surgery have done nothing (Okay, maybe some of the meds help temp).


After about a 15+ year abstinence (for the wrong reasons), I got a recent chance again.

I've found around a 70/30 c.Indica blend will eliminate 80% or more of the pain.

Pure c.Indica is great for pain but it sends you off to sleep too., I can't afford l-o-n-g sleeps -- will wake up in agony!

I want to be awake when I get pain relief.


Of course my disabilities & limitations remain but to be able to forget the pain for awhile -- worth it!

My foray into MMJ is fairly recent.

My wife immediately noticed my change in temperment. Wasn't getting goofy or anything, just back to my near forgotten loquacious old self.

Though I strive never to say a cross word to my wife, I know before MMJ I was sometimes impatient & just wanted to brood in silence too often. That's how some of us (men) get when living with pain analagous to having a permanent toothache while being buggered by a railroad spike.


Forty plua years ago when I first crossed that line & began sampling what the '70s had to offer, I often felt "evil" or that I had begun a descent into hell.

Now, having resumed partaking, it just feels so right. I know it's the right thing to do faced with a likely progressive disorder.

Half-life, thank you very much for sharing. I'm so glad to hear that you rediscovered this and that it helps greatly with your pain, sleep, and quality of life. And without the fear of addiction/withdrawals or putting any man-made chemicals into your body.
Your story is the type that legislators need to read about when re-considering the unjust federal laws and the unjust laws that most states still have here in the US regarding MMJ.

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Just because you're in a "no-smoke" state doesn't mean you can't acquire and reap the benefits of MMJ. /default_wink.png

My state is not quite as strict as yours sounds, but its still likely to be one of the last to offer any formal regulation or medical programs/dispensaries. That's all I'll say about that.
I do occasionally partake, don't let my post mislead you. They just don't consider it to be medical by any means. I wouldn't even know where to look for ladies as gorgeous as those you get. The best I can hope for is something squashed that doesn't have a name. My lack of ingestion helps make it really good when I do take some.  My ailments and relief is about the same as yours except for the IBS. I do sometimes have problems I thought was IBS, more like intense cramps myself, but thankfully only rarely. Of course theres the other digestion tract problems associated with PKs, but nothing else is irregular. I have the other two problems and get the same relief you mention. 

Hey, just wanted to throw it out there that MMJ has basically facilitated the process of healing for my PTSD.
I know that this comment was about a month ago, but that's great to hear. They have always been very helpful with migraines. I have taken every type of migraine med out there and none has helped as much as this.

I used to smoke all day everyday but know only a few times a week. I like to use it if I'm overly stressed, or if I have any kind of problem I can't figure out....light up a bowl and I start thinking outside the box and usually discover a solution to my problem pretty quickly.

I'll also use it if I want to cut back on PKs, MMJ is definitely the best potentiator nothing else comes close

It really helps with my sciatica and eliminated the need for muscle relaxers which tended to make me sick and drowsy and just off even when only taking them in the evening.

I know the mmj reduces my stress and I relax which seems to have a positive affect on the pain going from my lower back down my right leg. I had always used mj in the past but after my back issues stated I noticed the affect when I did use it and how nice I felt, I asked for a mmj card. I havent had to take any muscle relaxers for a couple years now.

The dr didn't like to prescribe pain killers and said muscle relaxers only. They were good and worked well on my back, but having to throw up overnight or in the morning from them was not much fun.

I have no side affects at all from mmj other then munchies or lazyness if i smoke a heavy indica, and I have to think a lot for my job and don't feel slowed by mmj at all unless I use and then try to work, not a good combo for getting things done correctly.

Getting to go in a store, or have a home deliver is nice and the two rather bushy plants I have in containers are 100pct legal. My own pharmacy at the end of summer.

The wealthy guy I mentioned yesterday who is on the patches for chronic back pain was made some edible cookies by his son and one he'd eaten one he said that his pain was all gone. His sone was trying to end his dependance on opiates but I guess it didn't last because he said it didn't sit well with his Dad because he is a very devout Christian and in this State it's illegal.

I really don't think that was the real reason though.

The wealthy guy I mentioned yesterday who is on the patches for chronic back pain was made some edible cookies by his son and one he'd eaten one he said that his pain was all gone. His sone was trying to end his dependance on opiates but I guess it didn't last because he said it didn't sit well with his Dad because he is a very devout Christian and in this State it's illegal.

I really don't think that was the real reason though.
That's great that the cookies helped, but in the end this man may be so addicted to the patches that he wouldn't be able to quit. So you're probably right that his comment about being a devout Christian and the legality of the cookies was just an excuse to continue with his own therapy that he has been using.

I hope it was just an excuse to not use the cookies to be able to stick with the better high of the beans when it was noticed that the mj worked for the pain

People who pull out that stupid simpleminded statement of "It's not legal so I can't do it" make me sick. Yea, fent patches and oxy are way better for you in the long run because it's legal and a dr prescribed it. How many times have we all heard that from someone munching down dr prescribed beans while being totally ignorant of that dependency level they are building up as they take a bit more each day.

I have actually had people tell me how bad mj is for you and how awful and more sever the affects of mj are compared to other drugs. Once I stop laughing and ask them " have you ever tried mj ?", the most common answer is No.

Those are the ones who say alcohol is much less dangerous and has far fewer consequences them mj, and they usually seem to think that way because alcohol is legal and pot isn't. In mmj states or legal states now, these simple minded people must have awful headaches trying to resolve that something they once poo poo'd so much is now legal and declared safe simply by the govt just saying it is ok to use now.

Pathetic sheep with no capacity for critical thinking or ability to make their own decisions.

I would much rather throw up a few times a week rather then use something that not only greatly reduces my back pain but also my stress, all with no negative side affects. Yea right.

Had to vent, this has been a pet peeve of mine for years.

I hope it was just an excuse to not use the cookies to be able to stick with the better high of the beans when it was noticed that the mj worked for the pain

People who pull out that stupid simpleminded statement of "It's not legal so I can't do it" make me sick. Yea, fent patches and oxy are way better for you in the long run because it's legal and a dr prescribed it. How many times have we all heard that from someone munching down dr prescribed beans while being totally ignorant of that dependency level they are building up as they take a bit more each day.

I have actually had people tell me how bad mj is for you and how awful and more sever the affects of mj are compared to other drugs. Once I stop laughing and ask them " have you ever tried mj ?", the most common answer is No.

Those are the ones who say alcohol is much less dangerous and has far fewer consequences them mj, and they usually seem to think that way because alcohol is legal and pot isn't. In mmj states or legal states now, these simple minded people must have awful headaches trying to resolve that something they once poo poo'd so much is now legal and declared safe simply by the govt just saying it is ok to use now.

Pathetic sheep with no capacity for critical thinking or ability to make their own decisions.

I would much rather throw up a few times a week rather then use something that not only greatly reduces my back pain but also my stress, all with no negative side affects. Yea right.

Had to vent, this has been a pet peeve of mine for years.

That's right, how many people have you known who have snatched a purse to try and come up with the money for thier MJ money, or sat on the toilet praying something comes out (excuse me). It is such a safe substance when compared to all the other drug interactions and organ damage that can result from a pain therapy. I know not everyone has access to MJ but for pain certain strains are very very good and the price is so cheap.

That's right, how many people have you known who have snatched a purse to try and come up with the money for thier MJ money, or sat on the toilet praying something comes out (excuse me). It is such a safe substance when compared to all the other drug interactions and organ damage that can result from a pain therapy. I know not everyone has access to MJ but for pain certain strains are very very good and the price is so cheap.
Well Coach, you never know when a long established, private, first class medical MJ vendor might show up somewhere, like DBG for example. As a long time pain management patient that has spent more than a decade now tending to my own medical needs in the digital shadows of the internet, and one who has probably spent a grand total of at least a year of his life in "unproductive" bathroom activities, this is a subject that I've become quite passionate about, having discovered the incredible pain relieving powers of certain medicinal strains. I know that a great many, including some of our DBG brethren, remain skeptical of the notion of adequate herbal pain relief after years of opiate use, among other things, but I can't stress enough how effective various strains can be at calming the raging seas of orthopedic pain, and while premium MJ may seem expensive at first glance, the fact is that the monthly budget of the average SY vendor's customer could bring pain free days to at least a dozen fellow pain sufferers. And frankly, that's an extremely conservative estimate.

In all candor, I've started to believe over the past few months that medical MJ could, in time, replace pain medication entirely in my daily life. In fact, I'm confident that it could immediately, the need for proper tapering and a slow transition notwithstanding. While this is the first time I've actually articulated it, my goal is to make the transition from my current pain med to medical MJ in a slow, methodical fashion over the next 12 months, primarily to allow my brain and body time to adjust to its new routine. From a pain management perspective, my experimentation with many different strains over the past 6 months or so has yielded nothing short of miraculous results, hence my passion for this subject. I'd very much like to see this area of DBG grow in terms of active participation as well as vendor presence, and I will be working diligently towards that goal as we move forward.

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Well Coach, you never know when a long established, private, first class medical MJ vendor might show up somewhere, like DBG for example. As a long time pain management patient that has spent more than a decade now tending to my own medical needs in the digital shadows of the internet, and one who has probably spent a grand total of at least a year of his life in "unproductive" bathroom activities, this is a subject that I've become quite passionate about, having discovered the incredible pain relieving powers of certain medicinal strains. I know that a great many, including some of our DBG brethren, remain skeptical of the notion of adequate herbal pain relief after years of opiate use, among other things, but I can't stress enough how effective various strains can be at calming the raging seas of orthopedic pain, and while premium MJ may seem expensive at first glance, the fact is that the monthly budget of the average SY vendor's customer could bring pain free days to at least a dozen fellow pain sufferers. And frankly, that's an extremely conservative estimate.

In all candor, I've started to believe over the past few months that medical MJ could, in time, replace pain medication entirely in my daily life. In fact, I'm confident that it could immediately, the need for proper tapering and a slow transition notwithstanding. While this is the first time I've actually articulated it, my goal is to make the transition from my current pain med to medical MJ in a slow, methodical fashion over the next 12 months, primarily to allow my brain and body time to adjust to its new routine. From a pain management perspective, my experimentation with many different strains over the past 6 months or so has yielded nothing short of miraculous results, hence my passion for this subject. I'd very much like to see this area of DBG grow in terms of active participation as well as vendor presence, and I will be working diligently towards that goal as we move forward.
Great post Jewy! Very informative and well written.

I have started researching this topic in depth recently, and am very interested in the positive benefits of utilizing medical MJ for pain management. The back pain, now more widespread, as well as ongoing muscle pain, tension and migraine headaches have become my daily routine since my auto accident. After a while, it affects quality of sleep, which affects your ability to function on any given day. Also, for the past month, I have had more days of significant pain than usual, and when I am able to sleep, I wake up clenching my jaw/grinding my teeth every time. I am trying to do as much research as I can on different pain management therapies- something that can relieve pain, tension as well has the general fatigue and anxiety that it causes. I AM TIRED OF PAIN!!

Right on Jewy, with the total variety these days there are strains that help a lot for certain specific conditions more then other strains. Until you get exposed its difficult to understand how much things have changed with mmj, and that just like mydol works for specific types of pain and not so well for other types, so does the green and any specific strain.

I by no means am doubled over in pain from my back, but having almost total relief from persistent 5 to 7 level back pain within minutes when needed is vey nice. And minor WD's when you don't have it is much easier to deal with.

Longwaydown, get a handle on your sleep if you can and that will help, even if you need to take something to reset yourself and sleep patterns. Not getting good sleep over years can really mess you up. The jaw clinching is awful and lowering your stress or muscle relaxers will help but usually no ammoint of green, smoked or eaten, will really help. Get a night guard for your teeth/jaw at a pharmacy so you won't end up with nasty head aches/throbs that run from your jaw up to above your ear from all the gritting, Ouch.

Looking forward to the new additions here, variety is always nice.

In all candor, I've started to believe over the past few months that medical MJ could, in time, replace pain medication entirely in my daily life. In fact, I'm confident that it could immediately, the need for proper tapering and a slow transition notwithstanding. While this is the first time I've actually articulated it, my goal is to make the transition from my current pain med to medical MJ in a slow, methodical fashion over the next 12 months, primarily to allow my brain and body time to adjust to its new routine. From a pain management perspective, my experimentation with many different strains over the past 6 months or so has yielded nothing short of miraculous results, hence my passion for this subject. I'd very much like to see this area of DBG grow in terms of active participation as well as vendor presence, and I will be working diligently towards that goal as we move forward.
Awesome plan J!  I wish you the best in this crossover, LMK if you need any help along the way.  The natural way is the best way!  

Great post Jewy! Very informative and well written.

I have started researching this topic in depth recently, and am very interested in the positive benefits of utilizing medical MJ for pain management. The back pain, now more widespread, as well as ongoing muscle pain, tension and migraine headaches have become my daily routine since my auto accident. After a while, it affects quality of sleep, which affects your ability to function on any given day. Also, for the past month, I have had more days of significant pain than usual, and when I am able to sleep, I wake up clenching my jaw/grinding my teeth every time. I am trying to do as much research as I can on different pain management therapies- something that can relieve pain, tension as well has the general fatigue and anxiety that it causes. I AM TIRED OF PAIN!!
Sorry to hear, LWD, hope you can find something soon to take care of these issues that are affecting you.  Lack of sleep/insomnia is something that I can say I hate more than most anything, really affects my mood, motivation, outlook, you name it.  Adding pain to that equation complicates things even more.  

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!